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The way you drop is like a stone.. (LOW)

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Didn't go to work...

can't get out of bed...

Feel like the world is coming to an end...

no friends....

Just another day that dosen't matter...

music is getting pale.....

There is no love left......

everyone lies......

everyone that you ever

cared about , any friends you loved,

any one that ever mattered, anyone that ever

gave you inspiration, anyone that ever gave

you advise...


what's the point?

Why do I bother...?

Perhaps it's better to just

simply fade...

no one would blink if

I did....

I know nothing.....

There is a giant hole in the universe

that is gonna suck us all in in the end...

I miss my dog....

my only friend....

I miss my youth...

I miss not giving a damn...

I wish I was a machine........

I wish I was too happy to give a fuck.....

I wish I wasn't at all.....

I wish.....

I wish.....

I wish this bottle would last forever.

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Crazy I'm halfway to crazy

Suicide could save me

Oh is that much too extreme

It's such a sad and sorry scene

Lovers tongue tied

And tied to the tongue

Making deals going bad by the dawn

Every dog must have it's day

And then it's got to pay and pay

That's me being torn at the seams

Going mad in the middle of a dream

Catch me getting it wrong from the start

Catch me 'cause I'm falling apart

Crazy I'm halfway to crazy

Suicide would waste me

Homicide would break me

Tongue tied and tied to the tongue

Oh is life as bad as dreams

I guess that's just the way it seems


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wow, you're making me look like someone who actually enjoys their life... thats a feet...

come out tonight... try not to drown yourself too much... enjoy some music... atleast you'll hear some new flavor at homegrown...

and hybrid hardly ever comes around...

wish I had something inspirational like "people aren't inherently, lying sacks of crap...." but I don't...

if the bottle works... stick with it... only you really know if it fixes anything... from my experience, its only a fix for a few hours... then its a harder low than before... but my experience isn't very vast...

and how about getting another dog? it won't be jenny... but hell... maybe it'll be a friend who won't stab you in the back... and be there for you when you get home from work...

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Originally posted by joeg

and how about getting another dog? it won't be jenny... but hell... maybe it'll be a friend who won't stab you in the back... and be there for you when you get home from work...

That's probably the best advice I've heard from anybody, regarding anything, ever.

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To waste and choose or raise the dead

With pain behind go straight ahead

Room full of people grouping

as one

I can't break out now

the time just won't come

To waste and choose which way to go

Decide for me please let me know

Looked in the mirror

saw I was wrong

If I could get back to - where I belong

To waste and choose which way to go

I paused for one

whom signs forbode

If we were immortal we would not bear

Washed up on the beat here

Struggle for air

I see you face still in my window

Tormented clouds won't set me free

Something must break now -

this life isn't mine

Something must break now -

wait for my time


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When routine bites hard, and ambitions are low

And resentment rides high, but emotions won't grow

And we're changing our ways, taking different roads

Then love, love will tear us apart again

Why is the bedroom so cold? You've turned away on your side

Is my timing that flawed - our respect run so dry?

Yet there's still this appeal that we've kept through our lives

Love, love will tear us apart again

You cry out in your sleep - all my failings expose

There's a taste in my mouth, as desperation takes hold

Just that something so good just can't function no more

When love, love will tear us apart again


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Read my quote sig, Muggz.

No matter how low you might fall, things will rise again. When you least expect it.

I also suggest to go for a walk in the park. Or anywhere for that matter. Don't get hung up on dark, gloomy thoughts. They have a hidden evil that will suck you in, tempting you with naughty thoughts.

But those thoughts will drain you of your energy. Get out! Feel the air, feel life, feel the sun. It's ripe for the picking :)

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The way you drop is like a stone

Making out you're flying

But you've just been thrown

Till kingdom comes

And through bitten tongues

These eyes get stung

With every curse that's sung

These twisted times

Can't compare to mine

And heaven knows where loving goes

I should have guessed

When I took that pill

Do I love her still

Well did Jesus kill

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