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Pledge of Allegiance found unconstitutional

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Originally posted by nabuc1

A Federal court in San fransisco has ruled that the Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional because it states "one nation under God". How exteremly stupid is this. What the hell is happening to our country?

Yeah I got that newflash isnt that insane.

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I would like to say thank you to god for all the wonderful things he has given me and for putting up with my retardness.

Help me to learn to forgive, love more and accept other point of views .AMEN

I hope the dont change the constitution.:mad:

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I feel like getting a bull horn and stand in front of the Federal Court house downtown and repeat the pledge over and over again until my damn voice gives out. I would like to meet the individual(s) who brought this to the courts so I can spit in their damn faces.

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It was 1 man, who started it back in 98....

I just dont get it, I understand that they dont believe in GOD, but is that one phrase so appaulling that they need to take it to court to abolish it from all schools.......I know nothing about law, but I thought this was a democracy so if the majority are for the pledge of allegiance then whats the problem....Lets put it to a vote.

All religions, have their beliefs, but really who follows every belief within their religion....

I'm catholic but god knows I break the rules.

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So far it's only being enforced in 9 states out west, but I sure you will get copycat idiots protesting about the pledge in just about every state. The pledge has no mention of religion, it does not enforce you allegience to any religious order. In my opinion if you have a problem with the pledge then get the hell out of the country.

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yeah - i bet this same fucking jack ass guy who brought this topic to the judicial system was the same guy who was down on his knees PRAYING to GOD for himself and his family on 9/11 !!!

probably the same guy who thanked both GOD and the strength of this country afterwards too.

i'd like to give that court system and that guy my f'ing opinion


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Originally posted by jp18


I must be blind I just realized that was He-Man.

Whatever happend to cool cartoons? Now the kids watch POkeMon.....Sorry :otopic:

There are a few good cartoons left, not many. I used to watch He-man, GI Joe, and the Transformers religiously when I was a kid. GI Joe now that's a cartoon they should bring. Instead of Cobra they could battle al Quada. Bin Laden running with Duke and Snake Eyes in hot pursuit atop an M1 Abrahms.

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are you fucking kidding me..............

We pledge our allegience to the flag of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA...............if you don't like it, get the fuck out. And who was the judge that let this happen...........what ever happened to treason or accusing someone of being a communists, because thats what this guy is.

When I was young, it gave me a feeling of pride to stand up, put my hand over my heart and pledge.............to me it was a good feeling. The best was MY COUNTRY TIS of THEE, Sweet land of Liberty..........is that gone too. So basically we are now a country without a home to be proud of....................it gets worse and worse each day...

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Originally posted by stardo

I would like to say thank you to god for all the wonderful things he has given me and for putting up with my retardness.

Help me to learn to forgive, love more and accept other point of views .AMEN

I hope the dont change the constitution.:mad:


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They should take the f'n guy that sued the gov, take him out back and shoot him in the face! Next someone is going to complain about the American flag itself. If an American went to another country and started complaining about their pledge or anthem, they'd be arrested or killed by the government itself. This country needs to stop making special arrangements to make everyone happy. If you dont like it, there's the f'n ocean, go for a swim!

I've had enough of this shit! They change the Pledge of Allegiance, next its the National Anthem. If you dont like the Pledge of Allegiance the way it is, get the fuck out of the country!

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . Did any of you ever stop and think about why so many Americans are being un-patriotic? . . . Look at the truth that is American society . . . and see how far from a dream of a free land we've fallen . . .

phuturephonk no government/country is perfect. Countries are run by people and we are all imperfect. The one truth that this country has is freedom. how many other country would you be allowed to freely oppose the government or actually sue the government to have the pledge of it's fag banned from public schools. that I no of NON. So though this country and the people who run it are flawed it still is the best damn place to be. I have and still do not agree with many things this country does, but it sure as hell beats living in 95% of the other countries in this world. In my opinion if you do not like the way it's run no one is stopping you from leaving it. The guy who brought on the law suit first tried in in Florida and it was denied. His whole arguement was that he is athiest and his daughter is being raised athiest and he did not want his daughter going to school and be forced to say the pledge because it promotes religion. i was always under the impression, correct me if I am wrong, that the Pledge was an symbolic oath pledging your support to your country. No wher in it does it state I pledge my allagiance to God, jesus, allah, vishnu, and/or Buddha, etc... He stated that he is an American and does not appreciate having his country tell him or his daughter who or what to worship. Maybe he would be happerier in a country where you are forced to worship a certain diety and if you don't you are killed or where his daughter does not even have the right to an education. He is a fucking hypocrit in my mind. He stand there claiming the rights this country affords him, but in the same breath spits on that same country. He is an idealistic moron who is trying to make a name for himself by starting a hopeless and completely fucking idiotic cause. So no matter how far we have fallen from the dream of freedom that you claim we have it is still 110% better than any of the alternatives.

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Originally posted by jp18

Well Put!!! Sounds Like you Have been WAITING to Unleash That Post.:D

it just urks me when people sit there are start up with this tireless arquement that this country is fucked up and it oppresses it people and infringes on there god given rights. They have absolutely no damn clue what they are talking about. i used to think the same way when I was in college. All full of new idealistic views ready to start up a social revolution. Then i graduated and finally got my head out of my ass and the pot induced fog my brain was swimming in and realized and the rest of the world is no better than here. My parent immegrated from Cuba where my father was forced to join the military and fight/protect a government he did not support. My grandmother and mother where sent off to work camps to harvest sugar cane in support of their government (my mother was 16 yrs old) so i know from the horror stories that my family have told me how lucky , no let me refrase that privelaged I am to have been born and still living in the country where you have choices. So face reality there is no such thing as a perfect government of this Marxist dream of Utopia. The closest thing to it is right under your feet.

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I couldnt agree more...I have been to other countries and see how they live and couldnt wait to get back home to the US....

It is bullshit that people sit hear and look for whats wrong with the country instead on focusing on all that the country has to offer...There is NO PLACE LIKE HOME!! Even if it is Dirty Jerzey.

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You have the right to your opinion - that is part of the beauty of the country you are talking about. Why, though, do some of you feel the need to talk about his man out of such hatred? Some lawsuits may be stupid, but if everyone didn't have the right to have their voice heard in court, than this wouldn't really be a democracy. You just can't have it both ways.

On that note, I don't know if this man has a personal agenda or not. However, shouldn't his child have the right to not recite a pledge that speaks of a god that she doesn't believe in. I don't think he is asking to change the pledge (it's part of our countries history). It sounds like he is looking for his and his daughters right to their own beliefs. They could recite the pledge leaving out the god part if they want.

If you agree that the beauty of this country is the freedoms afforded to you, how can you say that only certain people should be given those freedoms? Even if the majority agrees against it, part of our government was set up so that a judge who has spent years studying the consitution, has the right to determine the constitutionality of this man's peers' decision.

I understand your sentiment of "if you don't like it, leave" but isn't what most of youlove about it is the democracy? I respect your opinion, but I don't understand your contridictions.

I also wanted to say to the person who made a statement about his lawsuit seeiming communist, it was actually democratic. And the theology you are speaking from is actually somewhat facist, which is the exact opposite of communism.

I apologize in advance if I have offended you, but this is how I feel. It's okay to disagree.

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Originally posted by duper14

You have the right to your opinion - that is part of the beauty of the country you are talking about. Why, though, do some of you feel the need to talk about his man out of such hatred? Some lawsuits may be stupid, but if everyone didn't have the right to have their voice heard in court, than this wouldn't really be a democracy. You just can't have it both ways.

On that note, I don't know if this man has a personal agenda or not. However, shouldn't his child have the right to not recite a pledge that speaks of a god that she doesn't believe in. I don't think he is asking to change the pledge (it's part of our countries history). It sounds like he is looking for his and his daughters right to their own beliefs. They could recite the pledge leaving out the god part if they want.

If you agree that the beauty of this country is the freedoms afforded to you, how can you say that only certain people should be given those freedoms? Even if the majority agrees against it, part of our government was set up so that a judge who has spent years studying the consitution, has the right to determine the constitutionality of this man's peers' decision.

I understand your sentiment of "if you don't like it, leave" but isn't what most of youlove about it is the democracy? I respect your opinion, but I don't understand your contridictions.

I also wanted to say to the person who made a statement about his lawsuit seeiming communist, it was actually democratic. And the theology you are speaking from is actually somewhat facist, which is the exact opposite of communism.

I apologize in advance if I have offended you, but this is how I feel. It's okay to disagree.

You make a great point, but my whole problem with this is if he doesn't want his daughter to say the pledge because of the reference to god fine that is his choice. By taking this to the courts he has now imposed his opinion on school children in 9 states who otherwise might not have a problem with the pledge. Where are their constitutional rights to free speech. So to meet the need of one they have denied the rights of thousands. In my opinion that is simply idiotic. Now if this where to go further and be instituted across the country. I could easily go to court and say that my son's right to free speech is being infringed upon because he is not allowed to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. I call this man an idiot because he, and this is my belief, is not doing this because his daughter rights are being violated. By reciting the Pledge, and I welcome anyone to argue this point, you are not being forced to believe in any religious diety. As I stated early now where in the pledge does it say I pledge my allegiance to God the almighty savior. He is a moron because he took his idea and fought it to the unreasonable point that it is now imposed an people who didn't ask for it. So yes he does have a right to his ideas and beliefs, he is doing exactly what he stated the government was doing to his child, to countless other children. In my book that is a HYPOCRIT!!!

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I see what you're saying, but in this case his daughter is being forced to say "under god." In many public schools you have to recite the pledge of allegiance, and in first grade you actually get graded on it (I said some schools do this). No one is arguing in court that you shouldn't have the right to say the pledge, all words included. What is being said in the courts is that you should also have the right not to say it.

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Originally posted by duper14

I see what you're saying, but in this case his daughter is being forced to say "under god." In many public schools you have to recite the pledge of allegiance, and in first grade you actually get graded on it (I said some schools do this). No one is arguing in court that you shouldn't have the right to say the pledge, all words included. What is being said in the courts is that you should also have the right not to say it.

Then the court should have passed that ruling. That no school should force a child to say the pledge. But they deemed it uncostitutional and now it is not even allowed to be recited in school. That is just plain fucked up. This guy opened up Pandora's Box.

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Originally posted by duper14

I see what you're saying, but in this case his daughter is being forced to say "under god." In many public schools you have to recite the pledge of allegiance, and in first grade you actually get graded on it (I said some schools do this). No one is arguing in court that you shouldn't have the right to say the pledge, all words included. What is being said in the courts is that you should also have the right not to say it.


I just skimmed over it, but what this guy is asking is for the courts to order the president ot modify, repeal or alter the pledge because it not fair his to his daughter to have to hear other people saying it.

The right of not having to say the pledge isnt underfire, this guy doesnt think his daughter should have to hear other people saying Under GOD.

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