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weyes' wisdom of the day - 6/26


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I love to change my appearance.........I'll often just up and buzz cut my hair for no reason, or dye it blonde (that really freaked some people out), sometimes I wear my glasses sometimes I don't; or just showing up somewhere all dressed up when everyone else is casual. I like to keep it 'incognito.'

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I love to change up my appearance, not so much physically as with clothes and appearance.

I love surprising people when im decked out in a suit or dress-up. I don't really fit the mold of "professional dresser", so it's a breath of fresh air for all wanna-be business types who grew up as weirdo-strange kids to see me get styled up.

But Pacific Sunwear has the best clothes in my opinion. There must be some out in LA, right :confused:

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to mee its all about comfort, and of course that it looks good. usually come into work in sandals if the weather permits it and we dont have to see clients or stuff like that, and i certainly dont mind dressing up from time to time, but i do like to mix patterns in dress shirts with ties, cuff links etc. but most f the time i'm in jeans

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i've been so lazy recently (as in, the past few months :hey: ) that i haven't done anything with my hair - just worn it down most of the time. i was watching a saturday night live rerun the other night (i missed it the first time), and kylie minogue had a cute braid thing goin' on i'd never done, so i braided my hair while watching tv. i've always been good at braiding, i'm just kind of obsessive about how even, symmetrical, etc. the braids are. but, hey, if i just do one little french braid, like she had, it's pretty much foolproof. sorry, if i'm losing you guys :D ... anycrap, now i just do it on my way from the parking lot to my work :) .

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Originally posted by vicman

i dunno if tatoos count in this thread, but i love tatoos and how a person just looks different when they have a nice one.

gotta wholeheartedly disagree with you on this one. tattoos always fade and spread out after a few years, black turns green, and people all have the same images. butterflies, fairies, people's names who they don't even talk to anymore, roses, stars, and i know too many people with asian writing on them that don't even know what it means :eek: . one girl i know had "stephanie" "translated" into chinese (impossible), then tattooed on her. and everyone thinks his or her tattoo is original and sets him or her apart from the rest. i've seen it all before, unless the person who's telling me that looks slightly more retarded than the person who showed me his or hers last.

gotta say, though, that my brother's tattoo might win the "wackest" award: a cup of coffee with steam coming out of it :confused::rolleyes::no: .

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Originally posted by weyes

gotta wholeheartedly disagree with you on this one. tattoos always fade and spread out after a few years, black turns green, and people all have the same images

I don't have any tatoo's, but I love them. Especially when they start to get a lil' distorted and the color fades........i think the older ones have real artistic character. Like an aged fresco.

Plus, it's not true that everyone has the same ones. Sure their are a million frat boys w/ the tsmanian devil tattoo, but there are also plenty of people who created and sketched their own design, completely original. My advice- never choose your tattoo from a wall or book --------> do some research, find your own design.

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a cup of coffee? thats weird.

i think thgat if your getting a tottoo it should be one that means sometihng to you. i mean your gonna have it for the rest of your life, so might as well have something thats personal to you.

naked girl? nah.

tasmanian devil? nah.

mascot of your univeristy? since when did you love school that much buddy?

a pop tart? hmmm...

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Originally posted by joeygk

Plus, it's not true that everyone has the same ones. Sure their are a million frat boys w/ the tsmanian devil tattoo, but there are also plenty of people who created and sketched their own design, completely original. My advice- never choose your tattoo from a wall or book --------> do some research, find your own design.

seriously, not everyone has the same fairy, but i have never seen a tattoo that wasn't along the same lines as another i'd already seen. ie:

"hey," i say, "what does that design mean?"

"it's something tribal," my friend, whose name i won't reveal, says, "but i don't know what it's supposed to mean."

"o," i say. "which tribe?"

"i dunno. i just thought it was cool."


"hey, weyes, let me show you my new tattoo! i designed it myself. it's like, all about my ancestral background and the death of my first boyfriend. it also symbolizes my being a scorpio and how the apocolypse is near. and it's here, right on the base of my spine." <--- where almost all girls' tattoos are (ankles also being popular)

"o," i say, "you mean this little vine, here?"

"yeah. the twists are, like, a metaphor for the twists that life deals you. y'know?" :rolleyes:

i'm not trying to wax superior, it's just that people think that getting tattoos automatically makes them "different" and "original." and tattoos, to me, are so oft-repeated that they've become like blue/purple/green hair; not individualistic - if that was the goal - at all. now, to me, it's just the same as dying it blonde.

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Originally posted by weyes

i'm not trying to wax superior, it's just that people think that getting tattoos automatically makes them "different" and "original." and tattoos, to me, are so oft-repeated that they've become like blue/purple/green hair; not individualistic - if that was the goal - at all. now, to me, it's just the same as dying it blonde.

I don't think people get tattoos to prove that they are 'different' or 'original' I think it's simply a way to decorate their bodies w/ something that means something to them. I have a friend whose grandmother was a published author and he had a quote from her novel tattooed on his forearm. He wasn't out to break any societal norms or prove how unconvential he was. That tattoo simply meant something to him, plain and simple. What other people think is irrelevant.

A lot of people get tattoos for a lot of different reasons. You're unfortunately stereotyping them into one big group. :(

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Originally posted by vicman

well th eone that i have on my shoulder (i accept its a rather common area) is the face of the aztec calendar. in essence i got that one because i'm mexican and i wanted something that was meaxican in nature.

I didn't know you had a tattoo???? You think I would have noticed by now w/ you always dancing around the club w/ your shirt off? :tongue:

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Originally posted by joeygk

I don't think people get tattoos to prove that they are 'different' or 'original' I think it's simply a way to decorate their bodies w/ something that means something to them. I have a friend whose grandmother was a published author and he had a quote from her novel tattooed on his forearm. He wasn't out to break any societal norms or prove how unconvential he was. That tattoo simply meant something to him, plain and simple. What other people think is irrelevant.

A lot of people get tattoos for a lot of different reasons. You're unfortunately stereotyping them into one big group. :(

sorry, i didn't mean to stereotype, either. but no one that i personally have ever met, whether it be a casual acquaintance or a good friend, wasn't doing it to "be different" to some degree.
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Originally posted by joeygk

I didn't know you had a tattoo???? You think I would have noticed by now w/ you always dancing around the club w/ your shirt off? :tongue:

well youve probably havent noticed because your crackhead3.gif or alcoholic.gif and running all over the place like a avatar.php?userid=97650&dateline=1017609134:D

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Originally posted by weyes

sorry, i didn't mean to stereotype, either. but no one that i personally have ever met, whether it be a casual acquaintance or a good friend, wasn't doing it to "be different" to some degree.

i would agree with you weyes that most people usually get the same stuff over and over, designs that just look "cool" for a person but that in generl might not mean a deeper meaning for the person. sometimes, however, one of them might have some deeper meaning to the person, although its a big minority IMO. :)

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