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:D Hey guys and ladies what's going on? So yeah I'm bored out of my friggin mind again but I do this to keep my mind off my gf drama f'in women lol. So anyway I went to the SandBar on Friday had a great time with Laurie, Jay, Tara, Neena, Piro, everyone else that was there too. I never got so wasted in my life that I was about to throw up in Lauries car Melissa being pissed that I got that drunk off my ass, and Tara screaming hurry and Jason saying drop me home first lol... omg what a night can't wait till 4th of July.

Anyway, I'm hoping to met all the CP crew that I talk to especally Zee.. you go girl you better hook me up with shots lol. Then again I'll be throwing up on the way to the hotel... I better bring some tylen... or something. Shit... I will all see you guys next week. Love you all the same but different and especially you Tara sorry that I made you gag I know you still love me lol and Laurie thank god I didn't throw up in u or ur sister hair I would have been a dead women lol. Well guys.. I'm out I will see you all soon and I will have some extra money so the one night of shots are on me.. Hey Neena, Jay, Jay7, Zee, Piro and everyone else be ready because i'm buying you guys all shots and you guys are getting ripped.. .. I forgot someoen to buy a shot tell me and I will be more then happy depends how close I am with u lol ;):D:hat:

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You had a good time at sandbar?? You were airing your biotch out on the couche most of the time flipping out on her. You were all up in her azz like giving her some rough anal. I was like whoah girl u better chill out! :eek: Damn I was thinking about tossing you aside and throwing your girl over my shoulders captain caveman style and taking her out back to the docks and bending her azz over trooper style and nailing one down for the team with authority 'cuz she definitely needed her spirits lifted. :D hahaha j/k. Oh wow and if your hurled chunks up in the car ride home I would have flipped a shiznoid in the back seat next to ya. Theres no telling what i would have done if that happened. I think i would have ripped out your tongue and beat it with a dirty shoe with crusty laces!!!!! All in all I had a killer time that night and looking forward to another one tomorrow night there, peace out home skillet!!! :D

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Hey I have no idea if it was a bench or a leather couch and was it that night on Friday of last week. Because that night someone tried to kiss me while my gf was standing infront of me. All I remember is someone rubbing my back because I was throwing up and my gf rubbing it also. Well, if your going down the shore on the 4th of July tell me I'll be sure to met you. If that was you it was nice to met you and thanks for everything lol.

And Jay lol I love you my deary ole brother I would have let you put a dick up her ass because she was getting on my fucking nerves and they reason why I was acting like that is because I take her out for her Bday and leaves without telling us when we're worried up my ass to see where she is also because she got pissed off that a girl touched my chin but she didn't know Melissa was my gf because I dont know the girl at all. Fuck that bro I wouldn't have threw up in the car if anything I would have said to Laurie pull over lol. Well, I hope to see you guys down the shore.... See ya later guys.. love you all :D

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Hi lemondrop!!!

You were a mess last Fri...but I think the 2 times I met you...you were trashed :D I tend to wonder if you are that wild when your not F''cked up...;) proabably!!!...you are a sick maniac..but you are cool and I had a great time hangin on Fri. me and piro will not be in attendance tonight at Sandbar...:( too much shit to do Sat...until next time..save that shot for me :D

Did you make up with your sweetie???

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Originally posted by neena16

Hi lemondrop!!!

You were a mess last Fri...but I think the 2 times I met you...you were trashed :D I tend to wonder if you are that wild when your not F''cked up...;) proabably!!!...you are a sick maniac..but you are cool and I had a great time hangin on Fri. me and piro will not be in attendance tonight at Sandbar...:( too much shit to do Sat...until next time..save that shot for me :D

Did you make up with your sweetie???



YOUR PRESENCE IS MANDATORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by vip-tech



YOUR PRESENCE IS MANDATORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought this weekend was in question because you were saving it for 4th of July. We are going to Surf and maybe Temps afterwards on Sun. We are on off weekends with the warriors...everytime we go down...warriors are on break...what is this shit...I miss you guys....:(

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Originally posted by neena16

I thought this weekend was in question because you were saving it for 4th of July. We are going to Surf and maybe Temps afterwards on Sun. We are on off weekends with the warriors...everytime we go down...warriors are on break...what is this shit...I miss you guys....:(

Juggs and I have missed one weekend. And due to the overwhelming amount of Warriors attending this weekend, I feel it is necessary for me to go. I have recently been informed by my superior that I am going and be ready by 7........so I just may make the Stardo party afterall.....have to be home early sunday though.............Piro and Neena better start showing there faces a little more...........I hate being mangled by the electric door w/o Piro....lol

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Originally posted by stiffler

Juggs and I have missed one weekend. And due to the overwhelming amount of Warriors attending this weekend, I feel it is necessary for me to go. I have recently been informed by my superior that I am going and be ready by 7........so I just may make the Stardo party afterall.....have to be home early sunday though.............Piro and Neena better start showing there faces a little more...........I hate being mangled by the electric door w/o Piro....lol

:laugh: I miss watching the door hold Stiffler up. I agree, we have get down there more often. I love the drive down, but the drive back to New York sucks!!!

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Originally posted by stiffler

Juggs and I have missed one weekend. And due to the overwhelming amount of Warriors attending this weekend, I feel it is necessary for me to go. I have recently been informed by my superior that I am going and be ready by 7........so I just may make the Stardo party afterall.....have to be home early sunday though.............Piro and Neena better start showing there faces a little more...........I hate being mangled by the electric door w/o Piro....lol

Hope you can. I have to do this mangled thing too this weekend!!!

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Originally posted by stardo

Hope you can. I have to do this mangled thing too this weekend!!!

I majored in mangeled in college, so its pretty easy for me. Piro, on the other hand, needs help from time to time. If you need help, I'll be more than willing to tutor you?

See you Sunday hopefully

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Originally posted by stiffler

I majored in mangeled in college, so its pretty easy for me. Piro, on the other hand, needs help from time to time. If you need help, I'll be more than willing to tutor you?

See you Sunday hopefully

Everytime I'm with the Warriors, I take a one-way trip to "Mangledesh" I can't understand it. :laugh:

Stardo, you'll see what I mean.

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