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Danny Howells was sick!!!!!!! I danced all night long...sick songs...great energy from the crowd....club still needs the be renovated, it looked run down...no drinks (aka alcohol) just water, fruit drinks, candy, etc...not enough girl....it was full of guys, i felt like supervisor the Oscar Meyer Weiner Factory...overall good night...left right after Howells got off and Tenaglia got on...

went to other places on Friday, more like lounges than clubs...Filter 14, Ghetto looking but good loungy Hip Hop (aka old school Tribe Called Quest/Gangstarr), cheap drinks, nice female bartender; back room was playing Disco house, wasnt really feeling the vibe in there....after there we went to some other lounge called APC, decent music great vibe...last place i ended up was Centro-Fly, great music, expensive drinks, good looking woman - - i will check it out again next time....Overall a great weekend...


cell phone wasnt working properly - - so i couldnt get in touch with Vicman for the cp meetup...sorry Vicman, next time u are in Miami i will buy u a drink....

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howells is the hardest mofo to trainspot.

6 hours and I couldn't ID shit. thats the norm with him anyways. he blew DT out of the water. Sorry, I just can't take DT and him talking on the mic for like 20 minutes and for the love of god, why would he open up with 'Touch me'

I was out by 6:45 am. I heard from some peeps that he also dropped 'beachball' I remember when Acosta used to drop that shit EVERY freaking weekend. DT has quite a record collection, why would u play the same records you play every friday? Thank god next month is Howells 1 year Anniversary party SOLO for 10 hours. Him on that sound system for 10 hours, forget about it...

All they need to do is get the AC situation sorted out.

Oh, and the reason for all the sausage in da house, it was gay pride weekend.

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Originally posted by Nolimit

howells is the hardest mofo to trainspot.

6 hours and I couldn't ID shit. thats the norm with him anyways. he blew DT out of the water. Sorry, I just can't take DT and him talking on the mic for like 20 minutes and for the love of god, why would he open up with 'Touch me'

I was out by 6:45 am. I heard from some peeps that he also dropped 'beachball' I remember when Acosta used to drop that shit EVERY freaking weekend. DT has quite a record collection, why would u play the same records you play every friday? Thank god next month is Howells 1 year Anniversary party SOLO for 10 hours. Him on that sound system for 10 hours, forget about it...

All they need to do is get the AC situation sorted out.

Oh, and the reason for all the sausage in da house, it was gay pride weekend.

On Howells site he said he was really looking forward to that gig.

So DT sucked, I got that

now how was Howell's set and what kind of music did he spin tech house, house, tribal????????

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he started out with the deep minimal stuff, sort of like nubreed cd1. every hour he would step it up a notch throwing in a few grounbreaking tunes like this unknown remix of radiohead - everythings in the right place

he was very patient not going too hard too fast since of course he didn't want to bang it out before dt got on. by 4 am he went on this sickest transition from tech house into breaks. Smooth isn't even the word to describe Howells.

Around 5:45 am, DT gets on the mic and starts a 20 min conversation about this and that and how much he loves howells and how him and howells were supposed to play last year at twilo. We were like "shut your big mouth up" and let Howells finish his set.

DT shows up an hour before howells finishes his set. Nice right? Gotta love the respect there...

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uncle pooh's review


nite was fun, and i've had atleast 50 clubnites which were hotter than this saturday. i dunno what everyone's bitchin bout. if u ever went to vinyl last summer or before that, u know what i'm talkin bout. dh was fuckin ridiculous. this man is talented beyoud belief. kept it under control cuz of dt goin after him, but still chunky as fuck. and proper progression. all fresh shit as usual. dt for me killed it. came in with touch me, which he didnt even mix in. stopped dh's beats, talked some shit, and procedeed to drop touch me. honestly, i'm tired of hearin the same old shit from him. at the end of the nite, yeah its cool to drop classics. real classics. touch me is not a fuckin classic. elements, and all that other shit he plays everytime are possibly classics, but i dont need to hear them everytime he plays a big party. i wanna hear new shit, fresh ass shit. a dj of his calibur has access to music that wont ever even be put out. i was hella disappointed with his shit and left at 830. as far as the place goes, i love it. great job. looks like a whole different palce. sound is ridiculous. u knew it was gonna be packed, and u knew the cover was gonna go up. so quit the bitchin already. its over...

howells is going to tear u fuckers apart wednesday night!

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dude, i have to agree 100%, sounds like we had very similar nights. DH rocked it hardcore, and dt left me jonesin hard. also left at 6:45.

my theory about DH on wednesday in Miami is that he is gonna bang it out it hard as shit - he's got unfinished business.

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i have to agree with u on ur posts nolimit..i stayed for one or two tracks of dt and then dipped...he interrupted dh's set to talk shit about him, dt- -> "We love you Danny, ur the best"...ac, need to be fixed!!!!!!!! great sound system, place was stuffed like a thanksgiving turkey....great time, danny howells made my trip to NYC the best trip i have had in a while...:D

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

i have to agree with u on ur posts nolimit..i stayed for one or two tracks of dt and then dipped...he interrupted dh's set to talk shit about him, dt- -> "We love you Danny, ur the best"...ac, need to be fixed!!!!!!!! great sound system, place was stuffed like a thanksgiving turkey....great time, danny howells made my trip to NYC the best trip i have had in a while...:D

welcome back Jesse. you survived. I was reading some of the reviews on the new york board. seems DH tore shit up. DT was pretty good from what I've read. he always talks on the mic; sometimes too much. :D from what I've read it was hot , and packed.. were the a/c at. :D

see ya wednesday for round two.. :bounce:

p.s. no sound factory.. :D

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Originally posted by sobeton

welcome back Jesse. you survived.

see ya wednesday for round two.. :bounce:

p.s. no sound factory.. :D

thanks bro, u were missed...danced all night (u would have been proud)....no sound factory on Friday, but i did hit Centro-Fly (nice place), i think Todd Terry was there...Overall a good time, i will be doing it again...i cannot wait to see DH tomorrow!!! I am ready for round two :bounce::clap::drunk:

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well i had a great tim eon saturday. howells was sick..omg, who esle can spin on a regulr basis in nyc for extended sets and each one of his sets be so different? loved the tech house he dropped and the breaks, although i thought he was better last month, but still he was amazing.

aside from dt talking to much at the beggining the 4 hrs i caught of him (stayed until 9) were amazing. sickest tribal beats i've heard aside from lawler. he started off with some older stuff like rui da silva stuff and the went into tribal that kept getting sicker and sicker.

my only complaint was the A/C, aside from that everyting was a-ok!

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i have to say that the night was a disappointment, swayzak (or however you spell it) at the beginning of the night (at another local) was very smooth and sweet, but since the big D2sq. night was the main attraction, we headed out to that instead, payed $40--- dealed with a rude staff and sweated like there was no tomorrow, not to mention we were crammed in there like sardines, i felt like i was at space on a really crowded and aggressive night.

I must tell you guys that Danny Howells tore that shit apart, his tracks were amazing he truly interacted with the crowd and you felt the energy in that place. Right when he transitioned into the minimal to breakbeat I was in complete awe of his mixing talents.

Arc (what a terrible club name) looked real nice and had that underground feel, reminded me of Fabric in London, but the A/C was totally busted and being pushed around and not having ANY room to dance was a nightmare. Oh did I forget to mention the rude staff?

As a Tenaglia fan, I was really disappointed in all his talking and talking and talking, he's become egotistical in my opinion. He's lost the charm and charisma I once found in his sets,"touch me" is a great track but man how many times to you have to "re-edit" something that still sounds like the same shit. Nolimit pretty much explained it all. Left Arc right then.

I suggest you check his set out tomorrow night...i'm thinking about going tho i am unfortunate enough to work early in the morning July 4th.

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Originally posted by loraine

i'm thinking about going tho i am unfortunate enough to work early in the morning July 4th.

ewww...u poor thing!!:(


i feel ur pain about the review of Vinyl, too much pushing/not enough space to dance...there was some space to dance but that was in the chill out area, right by the big entrance to it...:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by loraine

i have to say that the night was a disappointment, swayzak (or however you spell it) at the beginning of the night (at another local) was very smooth and sweet, but since the big D2sq. night was the main attraction, we headed out to that instead, payed $40--- dealed with a rude staff and sweated like there was no tomorrow, not to mention we were crammed in there like sardines, i felt like i was at space on a really crowded and aggressive night.

I must tell you guys that Danny Howells tore that shit apart, his tracks were amazing he truly interacted with the crowd and you felt the energy in that place. Right when he transitioned into the minimal to breakbeat I was in complete awe of his mixing talents.

Arc (what a terrible club name) looked real nice and had that underground feel, reminded me of Fabric in London, but the A/C was totally busted and being pushed around and not having ANY room to dance was a nightmare. Oh did I forget to mention the rude staff?

As a Tenaglia fan, I was really disappointed in all his talking and talking and talking, he's become egotistical in my opinion. He's lost the charm and charisma I once found in his sets,"touch me" is a great track but man how many times to you have to "re-edit" something that still sounds like the same shit. Nolimit pretty much explained it all. Left Arc right then.

I suggest you check his set out tomorrow night...i'm thinking about going tho i am unfortunate enough to work early in the morning July 4th.

Very nice review. The only part you left out was a shot out to Walter Mercado.

BTW, u n coolass betta go to DH!?!?!?!?!?

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I personally was hoping that the two danny's would have tagged team the decks instead of playing two seperate sets........well at least for a lil' while.

The two times I've been up to NYC this years I heard Howells spin solo, and it was fawkin' amazing- he's da man!

Nice reviews guys- Vic, Jesse, Diego & Loraine.

Stacey- looks like we didn't miss much. So whatch'a doing the last saturday of July???? ;)

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went to tribeca grand beforehand to get some of that minimal techno that those swayzak cats drop. They fucking ROCK!

They don't spin, all they do is play shit off of their laptops. You can call it whatever you want, they're producers and they know what time it is.

Marcos, you missed it homes! I know how much you like Swayzak and after this weekend, I know why.

Groove Technology ver 1.3 has been non-stop on the cd player.

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