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*Official* EXIT will never see my fucking money again

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I saw this shit coming from a mile away. Jon I know this was a big break for you so I hope your set went well and the people who gave you the spot were happy. But this scenario is what I expected all along, let alone the $30 pricetag. I would love to show love and support bro, but I vowed a long time ago to never set foot in that place again. This big assraping is not the first they have dished out, and certainly won't be the last.

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To be honest... some parts of the night did suck, but good music wasn't too hard to find. Half the night the main room was total garbage, but overall it was ok. Let's be honest, we all knew that we would get dicked around by Exit but we still went. I for one had a great time, plenty of good company, decent music, and room to dance. So yeah I had a great time, it depends what you make of it. If u wanna be a grumpy old man about it, so be it... in that case you wasted $35.

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Originally posted by teklord310

To be honest... some parts of the night did suck, but good music wasn't too hard to find. Half the night the main room was total garbage, but overall it was ok. Let's be honest, we all knew that we would get dicked around by Exit but we still went. I for one had a great time, plenty of good company, decent music, and room to dance. So yeah I had a great time, it depends what you make of it. If u wanna be a grumpy old man about it, so be it... in that case you wasted $35.

You didn't buy your own ticket... :blank:

I only bought the ticket to see Jon, man... there were other places I wanted to go that night.

So yeah, call me grumpy, but my night was seriously fucked over.

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Originally posted by hoke

You didn't buy your own ticket... :blank:

I bought my own ticket. :blank: And I still had a good time. :blank: The thing with Exit.. is that it is what you make of it.. so don't ever go there expecting to have a good time if you're not going to make an effort to recover from all the trauma and bullshit that Exit's gonna throw at you. Yes, it really sucked balls that we couldn't hear Jon.. I was up there outside the white room too trying to get everyone in.. I even attempted to call Thorin Aiello and see if he could do something about the situation.. but you have to remember.. it's Exit.. you shouldn't expect anything more from that stupid place then what you intend on making of it.

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Originally posted by codica3

I bought my own ticket. :blank: And I still had a good time. :blank: The thing with Exit.. is that it is what you make of it.. so don't ever go there expecting to have a good time if you're not going to make an effort to recover from all the trauma and bullshit that Exit's gonna throw at you. Yes, it really sucked balls that we couldn't hear Jon.. I was up there outside the white room too trying to get everyone in.. I even attempted to call Thorin Aiello and see if he could do something about the situation.. but you have to remember.. it's Exit.. you shouldn't expect anything more from that stupid place then what you intend on making of it.

Okay, look... I don't seem to be getting through. I had NO DESIRE to be at Exit. I went for ONE REASON: to see Jon. After that, I had NO REASON to be at Exit. Maybe you went there with a fuller night in mind, but that really wasn't my goal. People keep saying, "It's whatever you make of it" like I'm some kid who doesn't understand that. I'm well aware of this concept. But there's a point where the few things that you were looking forward to (or in this case, the only thing) vanish into thin air, and at that point it's no longer worth it for you to be there. That's why I left the moment we didn't get into the white room.

I'm not going to apologize for not having a good time at Exit. To each his own; I've known for a long time that I hate that place, I would never go there under any normal circumstances.


Imagine you were going to the dentist... but the only reason you were going was because they promised to give you a really fun toy at the end... and then they didn't give you the toy. Would you say you had fun? Could you find a way to "make the most" of it? Honestly that's how Exit felt to me, and I don't see any reason to be apologetic about feeling that way.

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LOL.. chilllllllllllll hun.. no one said you had to apologize.. I'm just trying to say.. what else can you expect from EXIT. There is a reason people hate that place.. there is a reason you never liked it.. there is a reason that you only went there to hear one of your friends spin.. there is a reason you wouldn't get caught dead in there under normal conditions.. I understand your point just fine.. you went there ONLY to hear Jon and you're extremely pissed off that you didn't get to. Point taken. No one said you had to apologize!! All I was trying to get across is that it's Exit.. what can you expect??

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Originally posted by codica3

LOL.. chilllllllllllll hun.. no one said you had to apologize.. I'm just trying to say.. what else can you expect from EXIT. There is a reason people hate that place.. there is a reason you never liked it.. there is a reason that you only went there to hear one of your friends spin.. there is a reason you wouldn't get caught dead in there under normal conditions.. I understand your point just fine.. you went there ONLY to hear Jon and you're extremely pissed off that you didn't get to. Point taken. No one said you had to apologize!! All I was trying to get across is that it's Exit.. what can you expect??

True... sad but true...

I'm just a little peeved at this point by people who tell me that I should have "made the most of it," etc... like I said, to each his own...

Nothing against you personally. :)

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Originally posted by hoke

True... sad but true...

I'm just a little peeved at this point by people who tell me that I should have "made the most of it," etc... like I said, to each his own...

Nothing against you personally. :)

True.. and I'm sorry that you wasted your money and your time.. just like I told someone else.. (can't remember who it was) but you know.. take it as a lesson though. Blahh.. how bout we just forget about the other nite.. and look forward to upcoming events. :D

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Originally posted by codica3

True.. and I'm sorry that you wasted your money and your time.. just like I told someone else.. (can't remember who it was) but you know.. take it as a lesson though. Blahh.. how bout we just forget about the other nite.. and look forward to upcoming events. :D

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:


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Originally posted by codica3

Where you going tonite??

Umm... kinda taking it easy tonight... I'm going to the Bronx zoo tomorrow so I don't want to insult my friends by showing up all cracked out from lack of sleep.

I'll go to Groovejet for a couple drinks if other people go, but that's about it. I'd love to go to Be Yourself -- haven't been in a long time -- but that'll have to wait... :)

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Originally posted by hoke

Umm... kinda taking it easy tonight... I'm going to the Bronx zoo tomorrow so I don't want to insult my friends by showing up all cracked out from lack of sleep.

I'll go to Groovejet for a couple drinks if other people go, but that's about it. I'd love to go to Be Yourself -- haven't been in a long time -- but that'll have to wait... :)

I gotcha.. so you're gonna catch one half of LES @ Groovejet.. I was thinking *maybe* to go and catch the other half @ Vinyl.. but come to think of it.. I might just take it easy tonite too.. sometimes I feel too old for all of this.. but I know that CAN'T be true.. :tongue:

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My expericence at exit wednesday was definately unpleasent one.

Not only did I get molested at the door by the female security guard,

But I was told also that it wasn't the "NORMAL CROWD" and they werent promoting to the "YOUNGER ASIAN CROWD" It was soooooooooo Disapointing! I would NEVER give my money to that club EVER again. I was the minority there.

That club has gone to shit, when it first opened i spent many saturday nights there.

I think and the people with me thought it was the worst night ever.

my boyfriend says, that this is the reason why clubs have drive by shootings, because for the fucking security assholes, who think they are gods gift. Clubs should have off duty police officers as security guards and not a bunch of low-lifes who get away with murder.

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

and this is coming from an alcoholic :rolleyes:

shouldnt you be pounding coronas right now?


Blahh.. that's later tonite.. I don't have a car right now.. it's getting the AC fixed.. thanks for rubbing it in. :mad3:

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i hate exit.

but i already knew that. looking back on it, there was a very small probability of me having a good time on wednesday cause i went to get my mind off a developing depression over my 4th of july plans falling through and exit is not one of those places that jist makes me happy.

i was very glad to see everyone but exit gives me such a sick feeling inside.

except LES, the music was crap and i couldn't take it long enough to stay for cosmic gate.

the good part of the night was that i somehow managed not to roll.

hoke - you know i totally agree with you.

jon - sorry it worked out this way but at least you know you have support because all of us exit haters came out for you.:)

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