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woodsy owl's mottos: old v. new


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well, party people, i now have my first avatar ever as of last night. yes, that's woodsy owl :) . he looks different from how i remembered him, though... does anyone else remember him differently, too? maybe i can find out some more info if i dig further.

anyway, the powers that be have changed his motto from

"give a hoot, don't pollute!" to

"lend a hand, care for the land!"

hmmm. i really liked the old one better. maybe it is partly because i'm hardcore into keeping certain old tradtions (i never use self-adhesive stamps and think it's a shame that they have very few that are engraved anymore. how gorgeous those were.), but the old one was clever, too. i mean, c'mon! woodsy wanting us to "hoot" with him is so much better than his just wanting us to do stuff in general and not make owl noises while we do it. whadda y'all think?

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yeah, when i saw the avatar i was, "holi canoli, she got an avatar!"

i remember woodsy owl, those old commercials. didnt he also mention the 4 r's? recycle...somthing, so,mething and something?

i also remember smokey the bear...and thinking about it, i think i saw more smokey the bear more than i did woodsy owl.

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it's actually the three "r"s : reduce, reuse, and recycle. but you're so right - smokey got much more airtime than woodsy! what's up with that? ok, we're having some serious trouble with forest fires right now, and smokey is in charge of educating the country about them, but in general, forest fires aren't nearly as bad of a global and everyday problem as pollution, rapidly decreasing landfill space (and not recycling!), dumping, etc. woodsy covers it all, yo, while smokey just talks about the flames. i say that woodsy should've been more high profile. i think that smokey just got all the attention because bears have more of a presence, are a more common icon to kids, and are more huggable.

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werd. i thik because kids associat bears with teady bears thats why smokey got more air time, but also werent bears associated with communists back in the day? so thats like a double standard if you ask me.

but i dunno, i think that woodsy is cuter.

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Originally posted by vicman

but i dunno, i think that woodsy is cuter.

touched.gif how silly is it that i'm sitting here, touched that you think i'm cute? i'm not woodsy owl... it's a little early for me to be getting ridiculous already... crazy1.gif

i was talking with my brother about woodsy, and he said "woodsy is soooo gay. 'give a hoot, be a fruit!'" ok, like, whatever :rolleyes: . i'd like to see my brother spin his head a full 360 degrees and hunt his prey in total darkness. besides, compared to smokey, owls are soooo much cooler than bears. we spend way too much time thinking about them laying tirds.

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Originally posted by weyes

touched.gif how silly is it that i'm sitting here, touched that you think i'm cute? i'm not woodsy owl... it's a little early for me to be getting ridiculous already... crazy1.gif


i dunno, but i think that we generraly perceive things that come in smaller packages as being cute. puppys vs. dogs, kittens vs. cats, hamsters vs. rats....:worry:

umm, where am i going with this? :confused:

oh yeah, well, the big eyes, the hooting, the way we associate owls with knowledge, i think it all adds up eventually. owls are cuter than bears, and i'm sure that your a cutie too weyes :D

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Originally posted by vicman


i dunno, but i think that we generraly perceive things that come in smaller packages as being cute. puppys vs. dogs, kittens vs. cats, hamsters vs. rats....:worry:

umm, where am i going with this? :confused:

oh yeah, well, the big eyes, the hooting, the way we associate owls with knowledge, i think it all adds up eventually. owls are cuter than bears, and i'm sure that your a cutie too weyes :D

i think nature makes babies cute so we won't abandon or eat them and that we'll feel guilty if we don't take care of them, but that's just the cynical scientist in me talking bonk.gif ...
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Originally posted by weyes

i think nature makes babies cute so we won't abandon or eat them and that we'll feel guilty if we don't take care of them, but that's just the cynical scientist in me talking bonk.gif ...

I have to meet you sometime soon :tongue::)

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