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weyes' wisdom of the day - 7/4


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hmmm. well, if you could see me now, you'd probably expect me to throw out something involving the u s of a; i'm wearing the loudest red, white, and blue 70s dress you could ever find, a star necklace, and a red, white and blue bracelet (also with a star) that looks like it could have been from my raver days, but i think i've had it so long - i'm not sure - that i might have made it in day camp as a kid. i also have little holographic stars stuck by my right eye. but no, can't think of anything particularly "american" to say.

anyhoodle... here's the column for today:

writing things down is more beneficial than one might realize; it is so easy to forget things that it's also easy to not notice that you've forgotten them :D . so, write things down whenever possible, even if you don't have the perfect notebook in which to write them. an old envelope or receipt will do, as will a hand or thigh ;) .

tune in tomorrow.

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well, it was the 4th of July yesterday. not being American myself, it always surprises me how on this day how Americans really come out and show their love for their country. it also makes me think of how much this country has offered and given me, and for that i will always be gratefull. :aright:

ok, well on the wisdom of the day note, hell yeah, i learned that the hard way. always write stuff down, keep good notes, especially at work, 'cos you never know when people are gonna ask you what was the deal with someting and if you dont have documentation your ass will be taking the heat.

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I need to utilize the whole notebook thingy, or maybe get a palm pilot or a trapper keeper. i right stuff down, but then can never find it when I need. Plus I have a million and one post-its stuck all over my desk. I hate those damn things.

My biggest problem is organazation- I'm sooooo unorganized, it's really pathetic.

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at work, defintly keep an office notebook, or other stuff well, if stickies work use em, if a palm pilot works use that, but i've really learned the hard way to keep all office notes in 1 place, that way i dont have to be scrambling around finding shit if i get asked about someting.

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I need to forward this topic to smurfette :rolleyes:

She's been saying that she needs a palm pilot. Writing things down is good for anyone, but particularly for those who haev trouble remembering certain events or names or dates.

Do as this dude does: :deal:

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