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PS1 review and photos!

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PS1 was a blast!

I got there at about 3:30, and had to wait in line for nearly 45 minutes, but it wasn't so bad because everybody in line was talking, smiling, and there was plenty of eye candy to keep me distracted. I gotta say, there were some seriously gorgeous women out there! :D

When you first get in, you might be startled to see a swimming pool in the middle of the courtyard... this is where I met up with Maudy:


The DJ booth and dance floor are in the background there... I'll get to those in a second.

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To the right of the pool, there were several smaller areas that you got to by literally walking through the sculptures. There was another pool, a beach area, and even a hot tub!!!


That guy sitting in the tub looking at the camera thought it would be funny to splash everyone who peeked in. Jackass... but that was the most drama I saw the whole time I was there! :)

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Here's the dance floor (early on, before the music picked up and it really filled up). You can see the DJ in the top left corner, at the top of the steps. Those steps lead up into the building, where there are five levels of art exhibits (including the roof and basement).


I have to say, there was more love and energy on this dance floor than I've seen 99% of the times I've gone out. I don't know if it's because it was outdoors, or because it was daytime, but everybody was smiling and grooving -- it gave me a warm fuzzy feeling all over just watching it. :)

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Here's a look at the dance floor about an hour later... the music had progressed from dub to house, and people were seriously getting into it -- I wish I could post the vid caps I took because this image really doesn't do the vibe justice. But look at those smiling faces!


Side note: that girl in the pink top reminded me of my ex-girlfriend. :)

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An overhead view of the dance floor, looking back toward the pool area.


You can see the food stands in the background there... they had hamburgers, sausages, beers, lemonade, water, chips, fresh fruit, and more... yummy!

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I didn't take many photos inside because it consisted mainly of art exhibits... but here's one I did take. One room had several of these birdcages all around it, and people could sit in them and chill.


The whole building was pretty much treated as an art exhibit. There was art hidden between the cracks of the floorboards, you could sit and relax in the art (see above), even the restrooms were a work of art (a particularly twisted one... you must check out the restrooms in the basement if you go!!!)

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And finally... yours truly, as seen by Maudy, clearly having a good time.


I hope this thread will forever silence the people who think I bitch too much. ;)

PS1 was wonderful -- I'll definitely go back next Saturday. Many thanks to Maudy for once again bringing a great party to my attention.

Seriously, folks, we need more stuff like this. It seems like we spend all our free time in dungeons, in these incredibly intense, drugged up situations, when there are so much more beautiful and exciting things to do... like dancing under the sun with smiling faces and happy children all around, eating a hamburger and soaking in the vibe, looking at some good art, catching a view of Manhattan, and realizing that life, contrary to what you might sometimes think, is a truly wonderful thing if you just let it hit you the right way.

Have a great Sunday. :)

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great pictures man!

Probably the best I've seen

of this party...

It really captured that feeling of

being there and I couldn't agree

more with you about taking

music to different locations and into

the SUN...

away from velvet ropes..


and all the shit that's been bringibg

me down in the NY scene!

These parties make you

feel like a child all over again

and that's why I love them!

See ya next Saturday!


Here's some mugwump hints;

Been doing this party for three years

now and I can't tell you





This way you won't get lines..

and you'll claim a space to sit at.

(They also sell $60 passes

that let you skip the

line and get into all

the parties each week)

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Originally posted by roha3000

if i recall:

closes at 9 sharp!!! everyone out. (remember, this is a saturday WARM UP event!)

i know they are open at noon at least. though music doesn't start until 3 i believe.

hmmm...that was me ^

so many people using my damn computer ;)

so, were there any hammocks this year?

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Originally posted by barvybe

hmmm...that was me ^

so many people using my damn computer ;)

so, were there any hammocks this year?

No hammocks... Maudy told me about the hammocks with mist machines that they had last year -- would've been nice!!!

*sweatin' like a pig up in this mofo*

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I didn't make it this Saturday (but will be at all the other ones, I swear) but I went to the Opening Pre-party on thursday, and while I LOVE (stress that, looooove) the abstract scultural use of space that this year's outdoor setting has created, I looked the place over and said, "DAmn, I'm gonna miss the hammocks and the mist machines." The hottub looks nice, but there looked to be a lack of sitting spots.

Even so, I can't wait to not sit, sweat like a pig and smile all day anyway.

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