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PS1 review and photos!

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Originally posted by tastyt

I showed up on Saturday abt 5 and waited on line for 20 mins, it didn't really go anywhere so I left :( ... I should be there this week tho!

Yeah... Maudy already said it, but it bears repeating: get there early!!!

I got there at 3:30, and the line was already obnoxiously long. 2:30-3:00 should be much better.

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Originally posted by hoke

Yeah... Maudy already said it, but it bears repeating: get there early!!!

I got there at 3:30, and the line was already obnoxiously long. 2:30-3:00 should be much better.

is it still worth going if i get there late? i don't think i can make it out there before 4 pm this week. :(

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Originally posted by hotcheme

is it still worth going if i get there late? i don't think i can make it out there before 4 pm this week. :(

You know what? The line does actually move, it's just that you gotta have a bit of patience.

See y'all there Saturday... *salute*

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Originally posted by xpander

You know what? The line does actually move, it's just that you gotta have a bit of patience.

See y'all there Saturday... *salute*

you know i am trying to decide if i should go there sat or this other festival and you are not making it an easy decision.;)

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Originally posted by hotcheme

is it still worth going if i get there late? i don't think i can make it out there before 4 pm this week. :(

Oh, it's definitely worth it!!! :)

You'll just have to wait in line for a while... bring a backpack with a book/music/food/whatever...

No excuses!!!! ;):D

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Yeah- I probably would have waited if I'd had my book w/me. But I didn't want to be loaded down with anything so I wasn't carrying a bag. Oh well, live and learn!

*tasty takes notes... next week bring book and don't be late like i always am..."

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Originally posted by xpander

What decision?:laugh:

no really i am torn. :rolleyes:

but maybe if i see you at homegrown tommorrow you can try and convince me to go saturday? of course, i am trying to decide if i should go to homegrown this week, too.;)

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Originally posted by hotcheme

no really i am torn. :rolleyes:

but maybe if i see you at homegrown tommorrow you can try and convince me to go saturday? of course, i am trying to decide if i should go to homegrown this week, too.;)

Not go to Homegrown?!?!? What are you, some kind of social recluse?

Out! Out! Out! Party! Party! Party!

(And don't forget our Tuesday dinner ritual...)


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Originally posted by hoke

Not go to Homegrown?!?!? What are you, some kind of social recluse?

Out! Out! Out! Party! Party! Party!

(And don't forget our Tuesday dinner ritual...)


definitely can't do dinner on tuesday - i have a doctor's appt. maybe we can do a post- ps1 dinner on saturday or something this week?

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Originally posted by hotcheme

no really i am torn. :rolleyes:

but maybe if i see you at homegrown tommorrow you can try and convince me to go saturday? of course, i am trying to decide if i should go to homegrown this week, too.;)

Geez, why do I always have to do all the work? :rolleyes:

So I guess I have to come down this week and lay down the law...or something. And when the hell did the dinner thing become a weekly (not that it's a bad thing, mind you)??

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Originally posted by xpander

And when the hell did the dinner thing become a weekly (not that it's a bad thing, mind you)??

There was a suggestion last week that it should be. I think it's a great idea, so I'm gonna try to keep it going...

Even if I'm the only person sitting there (wherever "there" is), it will be the official Tuesday cp pre-Homegrown dinner! :D

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Originally posted by hoke

There was a suggestion last week that it should be. I think it's a great idea, so I'm gonna try to keep it going...

Even if I'm the only person sitting there (wherever "there" is), it will be the official Tuesday cp pre-Homegrown dinner! :D

i agree that we should keep it going. it's nice to socialize outside a club or bar environment. see you at homegrown tommorrow.

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