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Why NOT Breaks?

Guest tilly

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Guest tilly

SOOOOO, I'm getting slightly frustrated with the reception that NY gives to big name Breaks DJ's/Producers that pass through the Big A and with that frustration breeds curiousity..

WE as a breaks community have been very small for years here in THIS city. This year has been monumental in the way that the scene seemed to have been growing..not by leaps and bounds but growing nonetheless. I even have a calendar of events that I can attend on a monthy basis..WAHOOO...

Problem? Some of these promoters have "tried out" bringing in these big name djs/producers and haven't really seen an adequate return on their investments. Part of me loves the fact that I have all the room in the world to dance and talk to the ppl I came with and part of me KNOWS the business aspect of it saying..UH OH, this could be the last of this sort of thing.

MY question then to u all (a predominately house, techno, trance crowd), WHY NOT BREAKBEATS????

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Talking to Eric Cintron on the way home last night, he made a really excellent point about what most people want from music. It needs to be either:

a) sing-along, or...

B) adequate background music for a meat market.

House isn't pop (well, not all of it is), and some of us really enjoy it as a musical art form, but the steady 4/4 beat does make it a decent accompaniment to bumpin' and grindin'. Breaks really are not... they're more geared toward people who focus on the music, and look to music as an end to itself, not just a social facilitator.

I'd say that probably has something to do with it.

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Originally posted by hoke

Talking to Eric Cintron on the way home last night, he made a really excellent point about what most people want from music. It needs to be either:

a) sing-along, or...

B) adequate background music for a meat market.

House isn't pop (well, not all of it is), and some of us really enjoy it as a musical art form, but the steady 4/4 beat does make it a decent accompaniment to bumpin' and grindin'. Breaks really are not... they're more geared toward people who focus on the music, and look to music as an end to itself, not just a social facilitator.

I'd say that probably has something to do with it.

Christ, i said all that? I wasn't drunk but i was so tired i just threw words out and hope they made sense...


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Originally posted by cintron

Christ, i said all that? I wasn't drunk but i was so tired i just threw words out and hope they made sense...


lol... no, you just said a) and B), in reference to the crowds in Albany... the rest is my own extrapolation. :tongue:

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Originally posted by tilly

MY question then to u all (a predominately house, techno, trance crowd), WHY NOT BREAKBEATS????

'cause most breaks parties, at least those that i know about, are on weekdays, tilly. i love breaks, but working after only 3-4 hours of sleep sucks. i mean, i don't always get a chance to take a nap on this blue blow-up couch in my office. i'm sure if there were a good breaks parties on a weekend, it would draw a decent crowd.

how about bringing Hyper to Arc on a sat? now that would be sick!

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Guest tilly
Originally posted by philo

how about bringing Hyper to Arc on a sat? now that would be sick!

DUDE, IF we could get ANY big name breakbeat dj on a weekend at ARC, that would be a dream come true!

IF we could book the breakbeat talent that say a club like Buzz at Nation in DC does, HOLY!! Unfortunately, we don't have the backing of promoters that love breaks I suppose that are willing to dish out that kind of dough for a city full out househeads.

I think it's really cool that a dj like Howells busts out a "breaks" portion of his set. I think part of the problem is education and exposure. My friends that are into breaks and go to see howells specifically for that portion say that the dance floor is filled with heads. I think ppl just follow the masses and read into what their friends think is cool most of the time (mainly I'm talking about the ppl that are just starting out in the scene)..you hear well Jonathan Peters is the bomb and that is the spoken word and that's what you go to, buy, etc. You pop your first pill and it's all over there....JP IS GOD!!!!!


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We just rented a geo metro and heading down to BUZZ on the 19th for The Bad Boy Bill "Breaks Take Over BUZZ" tour in DC......its gonna be tight More NY'ers should come down and represent......BREAKS on the main floor of a SUPERCLUB and for only $15

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Guest tilly
Originally posted by fwilso01

We just rented a geo metro and heading down to BUZZ on the 19th for The Bad Boy Bill "Breaks Take Over BUZZ" tour in DC......its gonna be tight More NY'ers should come down and represent......BREAKS on the main floor of a SUPERCLUB and for only $15

See, I have driven down to DC for a breaks night that was through the freakin roof (bassbin twins, Irmi, and Scott Henry spinnin the classics on the patio). That place was PACKED and the entire night was nothing but saucy happy lil breakbeats. I couldn't believe my eyes. Talk about dj's performing! The Bassbin Twins were throwing water bottles and stuff off the stage into the crowd. They ended their show with confetti. Afterwards, we went outside and scott henry had the entire dancefloor dancing in a frenzy to classic breakbeats. UN-Fing-Believeable that this whole thing happened just 4 hours from here.

Thing is, why do we have to travel for this kind of thing?

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Originally posted by tilly

See, I have driven down to DC for a breaks night that was through the freakin roof (bassbin twins, Irmi, and Scott Henry spinnin the classics on the patio). That place was PACKED and the entire night was nothing but saucy happy lil breakbeats. I couldn't believe my eyes. Talk about dj's performing! The Bassbin Twins were throwing water bottles and stuff off the stage into the crowd. They ended their show with confetti. Afterwards, we went outside and scott henry had the entire dancefloor dancing in a frenzy to classic breakbeats. UN-Fing-Believeable that this whole thing happened just 4 hours from here.

Thing is, why do we have to travel for this kind of thing?

True, true.....

The whole weekend will end up costing well over $400.......

all that just to hear good breaks.......

oh well.....

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. . . It's all about the barriers to entry . . Most people out there are looking for what's "known" and what's "easy to swallow" . . Breaks are neither in this city . . . and therefore cannot build the kind of steam needed to support good weekend parties . . .

. . . I also attribute the lack of acceptance of breaks in the scene to two very distinct issues: One, the overabundance of "Nu-skool" breaks . . and Two: The fact that alot of the "Nu-skool" DJ's don't present the right tracks at the right timing to win over the hearts . . and asses. . of the nightlife population. . . .

. . I'm not gonna bash anyone in specific . . If it gives you joy to spin it, then by all means spin away . . but know this . . . The ONLY way you're gonna get a more prevalent crowd for breaks is by injecting the one thing that no breaker DJ in NYC . . save for Maybe 3 . . count 'em: 3 (that I've seen at least) . . will put into their set. . .

. . .What is this one thing? . . . It's that nasty little word that Nu-skoolers loathe like Disco House . .

. . . That word is: FUNKY . . . .

. . . Breaks are meant to be shaken to . . It is about GETTING DOWN . . and quite frankly, Nu Skool don't do it . . . Why are Guys like the Stanton Warriors and Blim so good at rockin da hizzouse? . . cause they inject FUNKY into the Nu-Skool . . . Make no mistake, it IS Nu-skool, but it has that bouncing funky tip that makes it so incredibly infectious to move around to . . and THAT'S what keeps the party going . .

. . . Nu-skool, quite frankly gets boring real fast for me if it's not presented properly . . There's to much of an overabundance of the same half-swinging beat that just makes you want to scream: WILL YOU JUST CUT THIS SHIT BACK AND FORTH FOR CHRISSAKES . . I WANNA GET THE FUCK DOWN!! . .

. . .But NO . . it's all loopy blahness . . .

. . Moving right along . .

. . .Also, I believe the lack of acceptance has stemmed partially from the fact that breaks, at least as I perceive them, are alot harder to relegate into the background as noice for the Meatmarket (Right on Cintron!) . . . They're just too . . . well . . "forward". . . most of the time to pull that shit to . . .

. . eh . .but such is life . . .


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NYC "USED" to have breaks as a more prominent element of the scene (i.e. DB at NASA), but nowadays it seems harder to throw parties such as that in the city. NYC is mainstream as hell. The niche elements we used to love from back in the mid to early 90's are fading out. Whether it's from government crackdowns on venues, lack of public interest, or lack of DJ interest causing them to spin elsewhere, the music scene in the city is SUFFERING.

Add to that a whole generation of partykids who are being initiated into the tony draper/johnathan peters style of sound... the problem is we're LOSING variety even while the overall scene is growing. It's too easy to follow the rest of the crowd into a house party and ignore all sorts of other types of music... (bringing me to another point: NYC'ers tend to HATE any other form of music or scene apart from the one they're in).

Shame we have to travel to DC. Shame we can't hear this funky shit in bigger venues in the city. Shame that big clubs and club owners run the nightlife and decide what we do and do'nt hear (and shame they're assholes about it sometimes).

But, that's NYC for you... flooded with mainstream crowds who don't give a fuck about the next man.:(

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Guest tilly

one more thing,

in my 10+ years in the scene (yes, that's 10, not 1) I have noticed that we seem to follow the UK's lead with electronica ... that's why dj's like dara and rap come over to the states cuz their countries are over saturated with similar sounds but they can make it fresh over here and it works.

Breaks are pretty big over in the UK right now. Think about it, why does danny howells throw an hour or 2 of breaks in his set..he's trying to warm the US market up..get us acclimated to that kind of sound.

Mark my words, within the next few years breaks will be all over NY and you will all be dancing to it and loving it...just wish it was sooner, not later. :(

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. . Howells, is a special case . . and why I really left Progressive/Intelligent break out of my previous post . . . Think about it . . that cat does 10 hours straight in that place every month . . . Now. . . He could play straight house, which I wouldn't object to . . I mean, the cat's got skillz in the 4 to the floor department, but with that many hours to paint, he has the freedom to change it up any way he sees fit . .

. . It's still different though . . . He plays that wonderful floating Intelligent/Prog vibe stuff which melds almost seemlessly into the style of house he plays (Straight and break prog being in the same tempo zone usually as well has having complementary chords in most cases . .). . which is NOT what most of the UK is digging on break wize . . .

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Breaks suck but on another note....I am gald it is comming out again slowly...because ny, like la and miami, overpriced shitholes of the world, are too trendy, and I fear breaks will be a fad or a trend. I would rather it stay in the background for a long time......I miss the ghetto breaks of the 70's and 80's//////imagine that the first time most of you head a breakbeat, you prob didnt even know you were listneing to it.

THats the fact jack!!!!!!!!!!1

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I would love to hear some breaks in NYC.. I just started being interested in them a lil bit ago.. but I would love to expand my horizons.. I'm all for hearing some breakbeat DJs so if there ever are any that come to town.. BE SURE TO LET ME KNOW!! Cause I'm not "down" with the scene yet so I can't really know this sort of information for the very fact that you're right.. breaks are not big and well advertised therefore.. how the hell am I supposed to know?!

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Originally posted by thehacker

oh cry me a river why dontcha...

imagine how much harder it is to try

to spin drum n' bass to a house crowd.

"oh... you spin jungle. i don't like it. at all."

fucking people and their hardline prejudices.

. . . An undeniable fact . . eh . . such is life . . .


. . :tongue: . . .

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Originally posted by gmastamark

he needs lessons,,,, and to stop listneing to lee combs

. . . First off, you need a lesson on the pitfalls of insanity . . . Secondly, you don't even have the right to say that guys name . . . I was listening to Lee Combs while you were still jerking off to the Victorias Secret catalog in your parents basment . . . Oh wait a minute, you still do . . my bad . . . . :rolleyes: . . .

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