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Wicked Stomach Virus Going Around

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I've been home from work since Tuesday.

A lot of people have the same symptoms I have and I went to the doctor today and he took blood and put me on Cipro.

He acted like it was something pretty serious.

Here are the symptoms:



Cold Sweats


loss of appetite

Body Aches

I lost 6 pounds this week from not eating.

I have never gotten a stomach virus before.

If you have these symptoms, go to a doctor because this will not just run it's course like most stomach viruses do.

It is actually a bacterial infection and not a virus.

You need some type of antibiotic.


Dr. Darrell

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Originally posted by darrellg

I've been home from work since Tuesday.

A lot of people have the same symptoms I have and I went to the doctor today and he took blood and put me on Cipro.

He acted like it was something pretty serious.

Here are the symptoms:



Cold Sweats


loss of appetite

Body Aches

I lost 6 pounds this week from not eating.

I have never gotten a stomach virus before.

If you have these symptoms, go to a doctor because this will not just run it's course like most stomach viruses do.

It is actually a bacterial infection and not a virus.

You need some type of antibiotic.


Dr. Darrell

yea bro...please take it from me....get offfffff the damn computer!!!Fuck the internet and CP until u feel u are better enough....im fuckin serious....rest is sooooooo essential...seriously just stop muthafuckin posting and get offline into yer bed..its where u should be....also..if yer not at all happy with yer doctors diagnosis after the blood test results..GET A 2nd OPINON from another one.

But in all seriousness please feel better cause those are seriously some fuckin NOT SO GOOD symptoms to where you can end up in the fuckin hospital....so please feel better i stress this brotha man.


Quoth M.D. (major dickhead)

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Originally posted by hotcheme

IMO, anything they put you on Cipro for is serious. Plus your symptoms look nasty. Stay home so I don't get sick.

And feel better.:)

I'm not goin' back to work 'till Monday.


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im sic too!! i dont get it. how do i get sic in july?!! my head is all stuffy, i cant stop sneezing or coughing, and my throat is so soar i cant swallow (hahah shut up i kno wat u are gonna say) anywayz. this sucks. i hope u feel betterz!! muahz

d :(

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i been feelen shity over the past week and all as well i think its a head cold but of late i been tryen to drink thsoe ensure things which get me pretty close to throwen up so damn i got the pains of a stomach virus right now

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