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Berlin's Love Parade photos posted!!!!

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Just got back from Berlin!!! and guess what, yup, I took some photos of the love parade. Lots of them actually. about 250 or so, plus some movie clips. Surf to


and check 'em out. Some things to help explain

the photos.

the first 5 pages or so are "pre-loveparade" shots. Basically photos I took going from my hotel to the trigarten(sp?) where the parade took place.

The night before (Friday) must have been some wild partying going on since there was so much litter. (Beer cans etc.) thus the photos of fountains full of trash. Berlin is not really this dirty all the time. The columns of people walking are those heading over to site of the love parade.

page 6 - page 9 are taken in the trigarten where

the love parade took place. the trigarten is like NYC central park. This is before the floats (buses full of speaks, DJ's and party'ers dancing their asses off.)

page 10 - the end

are full blown love parade pictures. The action is in *FULL SWING* when I took them. (i.e. music is blaring every where, people are dancing all over the place, it's a total riot!)


P.S. think about it, NYC love parade down 5 Ave..

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I glad to be able to post the pictures for you guys. I must say, I'm still abuzz from last saturday, even after flying all day yesterday to get back to NY and get back to work...

We gotta do one of these in NYC. Even if its just one float full of speakers.


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