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From Laurie619

WRONG. . . For the record darling you did state to me it was $40 that is why I gave you $40.00!! NO REASON TO LIE MORE BABE


Ok Laurie....I have been relatively nice and not posted shit about you, but now you are just acting like an ass. So since you want to be the center of attention with everyone, I am giving you your own thread.

Your friend said she only found $40 of it....that is what I said to you....I told you I lost more than that.

Now, enough of that subject.

Why do you feel the need to come on here and start drama with everyone????? And yes to all the doubters, I have met Laurie many, many times, and when she was seeing (for lack of a better word) a friend of mine, I will say, she was very nice and very cool.

Then I guess they stopped talking and this whole drama with the money started and this is what it turned in to. Kinda sucks.

Liar?????? There are probably many things to describe me, but that is not one of them. So STFU!

I know it's just a board and you don't care what people think, but doesn't it say something when so many people you don't even know dislike you?

Now, I know I am older than you and should be above this, but your comment really pissed me off!


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sorry I pissed you off..but the truth does hurt sometimes doesnt it.... I dont start drama with anyone I post how I feel, and give my perception about teh night...if you dont like it fine...if you do ...fine...I really could careless if teh whole board hates me...they mean nothing to me most of them are a bunch of low lives that are WAY to into DRUGS for me!!!! Aaanyway, its your friends that keep bring up the whole money bit. . .you are the only that was BITCHING the whole night not my friends and I. . . GROW UP* GET OVER IT. . .WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO MAIL YOU THE $80 $$ if that is what you are crying about :confused: YOUR pathetic

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Cigs.. do you need the 80 dollars really because if you do give me ur address and I will mail you another 40 dollars I have nothing on my mind but to give you the money back. I'm not a fucking stealer and once again I was using I think Spygirls phone to call Maggie to see where the fuck she was at or I think a family member don't remember honestly but your friend ClubAngel I have no clue or remember who she is but honestly she's the one that calling me white trash or shady or anything else. I want you to go on the statment that I dind't steal ur money and you did tell laurie it was 40 because you came to me also and said the same thing. Now I'm not here to stick up for Laurie don' get me wrong but Laurie was there and so was I and we were both grilled at that night about money and Laurie had return to you 40 and I had return to Laurie 20. SO I will give you 40 and I will give laurie 20 more what I owe her for giving it to you if you want my email address is lo201@aol.com and give it to me and end this fucking drama liek I said I am not here to stick up for Laurie because I am also upset with her too and like I said I do't care if she cares because she knows also I don't care either on whatever people say I'm not that type of person like I said if someone wants to talk shit to me.. emailme and I will tell u my address and I would love it in person then this fucking board beccause all of this is fucking drama and nothing but it. This board is to talk about clubs not to talk about what DJ sucks or is good or anything of that sort it's like a fuckign journal about ur club life and if u had fun or not.. Peace i'm out.. talk to you guys later hope u have a wonderful night.. love you all.. heheh

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by cigs

From Laurie619

WRONG. . . For the record darling you did state to me it was $40 that is why I gave you $40.00!! NO REASON TO LIE MORE BABE


Ok Laurie....I have been relatively nice and not posted shit about you, but now you are just acting like an ass. So since you want to be the center of attention with everyone, I am giving you your own thread.

Your friend said she only found $40 of it....that is what I said to you....I told you I lost more than that.

Now, enough of that subject.

Why do you feel the need to come on here and start drama with everyone????? And yes to all the doubters, I have met Laurie many, many times, and when she was seeing (for lack of a better word) a friend of mine, I will say, she was very nice and very cool.

Then I guess they stopped talking and this whole drama with the money started and this is what it turned in to. Kinda sucks.

Liar?????? There are probably many things to describe me, but that is not one of them. So STFU!

I know it's just a board and you don't care what people think, but doesn't it say something when so many people you don't even know dislike you?

Now, I know I am older than you and should be above this, but your comment really pissed me off!


yo, you are how old? if you loose 80 bucks or 40, its your fault, its called a wallet.... you are in a club that is a zoo, therfore no one really knows the truth......... too bad for you, if you got any back be happy and STFU and dance.............

picotto is the answer

deepdish is the answer

parks and wilson are the answer

go jets

saleen out

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by augie81

Hey Saleen I like how u end all of your posts - especially with the "go Jets" nice touch!!:D

fuck the Dolfins will be my next signature...

Hey cigs.... check this out.......


Is amazing!

Simply place cash, receipts, game tickets, business cards or parking stubs in the wallet and close ... open again and they're magically secure and is so compact.

It will fit safely in a shirt pocket.

Crafted of fine lambskin leather.

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Originally posted by saleen351

fuck the Dolfins will be my next signature...

Hey cigs.... check this out.......


Is amazing!

Simply place cash, receipts, game tickets, business cards or parking stubs in the wallet and close ... open again and they're magically secure and is so compact.

It will fit safely in a shirt pocket.

Crafted of fine lambskin leather.

HOW MUCH IS THAT I'll GET HIM ONE FOR HIS B-DAY....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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I'm not worried at all Laurie I'm just pissed the fuck off that people call me god damn stealers when honestly this is the first time someone called me that. Plus ur right Saleen.. when you loose money in a fucking club it is called a purse or a wallet usually smart people put it in there and if they don't and they loose it ohh fucking well you got your money back and other then that Cigs.. your not harrassing us about money ur friends is that I doubt was even there in the beginning wh

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I'm not worried at all Laurie I'm just pissed the fuck off that people call me god damn stealers when honestly this is the first time someone called me that. Plus ur right Saleen.. when you loose money in a fucking club it is called a purse or a wallet usually smart people put it in there and if they don't and they loose it ohh fucking well you got your money back and other then that Cigs.. your not harrassing us about money ur friends is that I doubt was even there in the beginning when I found money so did you tell her about the money and had her get in our face because honestly I'm not intimidated by anyone.. if someone hits me thats there issue just know that when they do shit comes back to them twice or maybe ten times as harder. Like I said.. I'm not sweating shit but if you want money then email me but stop telling ur friend we stole or u lost money because money is a responsiblity everyone should hold on too no one else. Money is usually stolen or misplaced somewhere and people get mad I did trust me I did but I learned my lesson usually things are out to teach not to haunt or be critized about..

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Listen you 2 fucking morons...it was never about the amount of money at all...it was all about the principle that a couple of 2 low life white trash girls and their actions...case closed (and the only reason I brought it up is b/c ibclubbin specifically said that if you have never me Whorie that you can't attack her). Cigs is the nicest guy in the world and $40 to him is nothing....if you needed the Bongo jeans that bad Whorie, couldn't your daddie just get them for him for you?

Oh and Lilee....puhleeze..i confronted you and you started kissing my ass...telling me stupid stories that is right before you got kicked out for being too fucked up....oh...and I think I have a little more class than to punch you...:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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I got kicked out what do you mean I got kicked out by WHO.... and you confronted me and I kissed you ass lol.. Ohh i remember you and no i dind't kiss ur ass I make friends and that's how I am I don' like to fight u can ask anyone on this board and they will tell you I help people I dont 'fuckign fight with them.. I'm not that type of person or anyone and u got it wrong I foudn the money and if he didn' care for the money then why did he grill our asses listen u don' know what happened ur listening to people judgements and what knot really if u were there just u know listen like i said no one stole anyone money, I didn't nor did Laurie.. and two I didn't get kicked out I was extermely upset about my cousin dying and I coudln't handle the sunday club scene that night so I left no one kicked me out.. so get your story stra8 please..

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Originally posted by clubangel

Listen you 2 fucking morons...it was never about the amount of money at all...it was all about the principle that a couple of 2 low life white trash girls and their actions...case closed (and the only reason I brought it up is b/c ibclubbin specifically said that if you have never me Whorie that you can't attack her). Cigs is the nicest guy in the world and $40 to him is nothing....if you needed the Bongo jeans that bad Whorie, couldn't your daddie just get them for him for you?

Oh and Lilee....puhleeze..i confronted you and you started kissing my ass...telling me stupid stories that is right before you got kicked out for being too fucked up....oh...and I think I have a little more class than to punch you...:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

LOW LIFE WHITE TRASH...:laugh: THAT IS A FIRST...I GUESS YOU HAVENT LOOKED IN THE MIRROR...AND FOR THE RECORD CLUBDEVIL maybe you got the principle a little wrong giving him back the $40 that he stated to me was wrong..I think not!!! I JUST THINK THAT YOU WHERE UPSET BECAUSE HE COULDNT BUY YOUR FAT POOR ASS MORE SHOTS....

Lileelee~ dont even bother with her...she's Pathetic*

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Originally posted by laurie619

sorry I pissed you off..but the truth does hurt sometimes doesnt it.... I dont start drama with anyone I post how I feel, and give my perception about teh night...if you dont like it fine...if you do ...fine...I really could careless if teh whole board hates me...they mean nothing to me most of them are a bunch of low lives that are WAY to into DRUGS for me!!!! Aaanyway, its your friends that keep bring up the whole money bit. . .you are the only that was BITCHING the whole night not my friends and I. . . GROW UP* GET OVER IT. . .WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO MAIL YOU THE $80 $$ if that is what you are crying about :confused: YOUR pathetic

Laurie (sorry Jarmenio, I have to respond...this is the last time) how fucking thick are you????? It was NEVER about the money.

I just don't like being called a liar. I'm dropping this and so are my friends!

Thanks for the advice Saleen....I'll look into that!

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Abousulutly not.. she did me wrong that I told her I would have to see if I can forgive her but I doubt it. Just to much drama in that hotel room on everyone screaming and yelling but whatever. She was just there about that whole money thing thats what I involved her name because she was the one that gave that guy 40$$$ so that's the end of the parade:). Neways that's your answer.. Off to work

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