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The world is watching us...

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I really hope this doesn't get turned into drama -- I just want to make an observation.

Last Saturday at PS1, I ran into a guy who I've only met a couple of times. He told me that he reads all my posts on CP and NB, and even made reference to a thread I started a couple months ago! However, he never posts himself.

Now, my point is this: there are those among us who post frequently, even religiously. But for every post whore, there are countless lurkers, most of whom aren't even registered.

When we air our personal lives on CP, people all over the world are reading it.

Now, for some people, that may not be a problem. Personally, I don't think I could handle it. I really hope that I never upset someone enough for them to bring it onto the boards and humiliate me, not only in front of my friends, but in front of the world... especially since my real name is common knowledge by now.

Just some food for thought... I'm not taking sides (not publicly)... I'm just stating how recent events have made me feel. Make of it what you will.

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i hear what you are saying. i personally don't think you have anything to worry about because you are too nice a person but others need to keep this to AIM and personal confrontations...

it is one thing to create drama about jersey or uneducated clubgoers or stuff everyone can relate to but there are thousands of ppl on these boards so it is not right to post situations that apply to only 20 ppl or so.

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Originally posted by joeg

Thats definately something you have to consider before you post... whatever you throw up on cp is seen by the world... if you can't handle that, don't post.

It's not what I post that worries me. What worries me is what other people might post about me, if they were ever so inclined.

hotcheme: You're too sweet. :)

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Guest tilly


For a person that has had dirty laundry aired time and again, I can not express to you enough how much I am against this kind of behaviour!!!!

It's humilating and embarrassing. I am forever known as the chick who dated that idiot.

Airing information like "i was at this party and did this hahahahahahaha" is cool but airing drama and personal information really isn't appropriate. It freaks the board out cuz it's tooo much to handle.

Let's play nice here kids. Trust me, you dont want to have to be known as the girl or guy with dirty laundry (no matter what side you are on it sucks).

carry on,


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...i can just see the headline now...

"Three Teens Killed By Enraged ClubPlanet Member."


"Are Public Forums Truly Safe?"

"Are Public Forums Truly Public?"

"Who Really Is JoeG?"

..i discovered a lurker friday night and encouraged them to post..but they found no good reason to...i said, "for entertainment value" but that wasnt enough...they remain a lurker among the rest...

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rackham: yeah, I hear that...

deb: yeah... you're situation speaks for itself...

Most people have to realize everything they're reading is out of context... so they probably can't put too much stock in the actual posts... but i'm sure the next day they say to someone "whats the deal with that?" and it gets explained...

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Originally posted by joeg

Most people have to realize everything they're reading is out of context... so they probably can't put too much stock in the actual posts... but i'm sure the next day they say to someone "whats the deal with that?" and it gets explained...

You're right that many of us do that; I've certainly requested clarification several times myself. But I'm also thinking of the thousands of people who aren't in our circle of friends, who aren't "in" on the situation, yet are learning a lot about our personal lives nonetheless -- sometimes much more than we'd like.

I guess my bottom line is this: I think people should have some say over which parts of their lives get aired on a public forum. It's not clear to me that personal faults -- no matter how repulsive they may be --warrant public humiliation. That's all.

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Originally posted by hoke

You're right that many of us do that; I've certainly requested clarification several times myself. But I'm also thinking of the thousands of people who aren't in our circle of friends, who aren't "in" on the situation, yet are learning a lot about our personal lives nonetheless -- sometimes much more than we'd like.

I guess my bottom line is this: I think people should have some say over which parts of their lives get aired on a public forum. It's not clear to me that personal faults -- no matter how repulsive they may be --warrant public humiliation. That's all.

definately a valid argument... but the phrase "public forum" you used, contradicts that...

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Originally posted by hoke

You're right that many of us do that; I've certainly requested clarification several times myself. But I'm also thinking of the thousands of people who aren't in our circle of friends, who aren't "in" on the situation, yet are learning a lot about our personal lives nonetheless -- sometimes much more than we'd like.

I guess my bottom line is this: I think people should have some say over which parts of their lives get aired on a public forum. It's not clear to me that personal faults -- no matter how repulsive they may be --warrant public humiliation. That's all.

Yes, yes, yes...the world is watching. So make like a good Frenchman, flash the world, and show them what "we're all about"

"Mommy, mommy, mommy, there's a naked man on the screen!"

"Now dear, that's just our neighbor from across the ocean displaying his national pride on Bastille Day, show some respect and salute our neighbor as he stands loud and proud!" *salute*

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Well to play the devil's advocate, in the defense of some lurkers, I think some people don't post mainly because they don't know the board members very well and you guys have a lot of inside jokes that new people just don't get yet so a lot of people tend not to post simply because they don't feel like they're really going to show up on the radar with the rest of you post whores :D

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Originally posted by gmccookny

Clubplanet.com Message Boards Who's Online @ 11:18 AM - 96 Members and 64 Guests

Now that's a lot of lurkers-to-members to me :eek:

Right... and ignoring the guests, how many of those members are posting? How many have EVER posted? Plenty of people use CP for the guestlists, so they're logged in even if they don't post.

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Originally posted by hoke

I think people should have some say over which parts of their lives get aired on a public forum. It's not clear to me that personal faults -- no matter how repulsive they may be --warrant public humiliation. That's all.

a) it's a public forum - people have the ultimate control in what gets aired by disciplining their own comments..

B) unfortunately, there are people waiting in the wings to bash and humiliate people on all forums - never moreso in the ny board these days...i dont know why that is...probably rooted in a control issue - something along the lines of how people act behind the wheel of a car...either way...it's sad...:(

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Originally posted by streetraver

Well to play the devil's advocate, in the defense of some lurkers, I think some people don't post mainly because they don't know the board members very well and you guys have a lot of inside jokes that new people just don't get yet so a lot of people tend not to post simply because they don't feel like they're really going to show up on the radar with the rest of you post whores :D

Nobody's criticizing the lurkers.

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Originally posted by hoke

I don't want to misinterpret you... where do you see a contradiction?

"open forum" is pretty much an "anything goes" environment... atleast it seems to be in this scenario...

you can't censor an OPEN forum... its a contradiction...

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Originally posted by phatman

a) it's a public forum - people have the ultimate control in what gets aired by disciplining their own comments..

What about times when personal information is aired on the boards without consent?

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