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A fun drive for a Wednesday night . . .

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. . Well, I got in my car to drive over to my parents house last night (bathroom is being remodeled so no shower capacity at my own place) and I had the impulse to drive . . . SOO . . Here's the route:

. . . Oh, and before we start, a disclaimer: I can neither confirm nor deny the usage of any schedule one narcotics or amphetamines previous to this trip . . . :rolleyes: . . .

. . OK . .So I live in Westchester, White Plains area to be more specific . . . After gassing up and aquiring cigs, a beverage and batteries for the CD player I got the the itch, and so I scratched it . .

First, the Setup:

1 1990 Ford Probe LX (don't laugh, she's trusty . . like a good woman . . ;) ), rides nice and smooth as well, with great pickup to boot (also like a good woman ;) )

2 CD's : Breezeblock set - Carl Cox from the Boiler Room in Austrailia ( March 2001), and a combo CD of me spinning and an Annie on One set from Evil 9 . .

1 Pack of Marlboro Ultralight 100's

1 Bottle of Vitamin water : Multi-V

1 Chocolate glazed donut . . yeah . . I couldn't resist . .

The Route:

Starting Time : 10:30 P.M.

Drove up Lake street to North Broadway in White plains . . A quick left then a Quick right onto the Road I Can Never Remember (travells opposite Main in White Plains, I think it's Hamilton . .) . . . Followed that under the train tracks where it briefly turned into Tarrytown road and I exited on the first right and merged onto the Bronx River Parkway Southbound . . .

Took the Bronx River, in all it's twisty turney goodness, South through all of Scarsdale and Tuckahoe into yonkers where it merges with the Sprain . . . Continued south alllllllllll the way through the bronx to the end where I merged on the Bruckner Expressway going West . . . Lemmie tell you something about that Highway at night . . It's simply awe inspiring . . . You come up from underneath and all of a sudden your'e thrown into 80 mph + traffic on this elevated highway that's travelling through centuries old industrial area . . .with the city as a backdrop . . . ALL you see is city in ALL directions . . . quite amazing if you ask me . . .

Took that to the very end, merged going towards The Thruway/87 (To avoid the toll on the Triboro) . . . Got off on the first exit I could and took 135th to the 3rd avenue bridge, crossed over and merged onto the FDR going South . .

Took the FDR South all the way to the battery . . . At about this time the Carl Cox set was going full steam and I'm going down this road, packed in like a sardine at 75 miles an hour . . . An ambulence passed, everyone shifts . . . 'Created an amazing effect . . . All the cars snaking down the side of Manhattan like some kind of living organism . . .over water, under buildings . . . all with this ambulence flashing like some kind of disembodied head at it's front . . .

. . . Can you dance to my beat . .to my beat . . . to my beat . . to my beat . . . drive in time . . .

. . Met some traffic near the Brooklyn Bridge . . DAMN construction . . . continued on the FDR till Water Street where I got off and drove through the financial district . . . After several near misses with a group of suits that just DIDN'T know how to cross with the flow . . I crawled around battery park (due to traffic) . . and led a Brooklyn chick to the Battery tunnel (after she so eloquently asked for directions . . ) . . Water Street to State St./Broadway . . Left on Battery Place Right up the side and then keep to the left (sorta) and merged onto the West Side Highway . .. Carl Cox Set ends, switch CD's . . my set begins . . .

.. . At this point . . I had to pee . . . Badly . . . VERY VERY BADLY . . .

. .. Drove up the West Side HW, got off at 26th (I think) . . drove up 8th, stopped at a Deli, scored a large bottle of Power C . . . Went to MickyDee's on 34th and 11th (again, I think, it's either that or 10th. . ), used the bathroom, then it got right back on the road . . .

Merged back onto the West Side going north and took that all the way up . . . Now . . I always have this temptation to break away at the George Washington and take the cross bronx instead of the Henry Hudson . . . . It's really a cool drive when it's wide open . . . but tonight wouldn't be my night . .

Attempted to Merge onto the Cross bronx . . BAM . . traffic . . Turns out they closed the entry way for street cleaning (or some other pork state project by the MTA) so I was forced to take Side Streets and rejoin the highway in the bronx . .

. . Ended up going down 181st street, across the span (THAT'S what that bridge is!!!) . . to The Bronx then got right back on the Cross Bronx . . . instantly back up to 85 miles an hour . . . THANK GOD . . .

. . .Took the cross bronx till it merged into 95 northbound . . Travelled a little bit, almost got into an altracation with a minivan (45 MPH is NOT acceptible on 95!!) . . . . .then got off at the Hutch northbound . . . You get a great view. . and scent . . of Co-op city in the bronx when travelling up this section of the Hutch . . Lovely, lemmie tell ya . . . Merged onto the Cross County parkway going westbound . . . Over the hills under the overpass at Fleetwood, then right side merge to the Bronx River Parkway Going north . . .

. . . Followed all of it's undulating excitement (You take that corkscrew in Scarsdale fast enough and you feel like you're on the Laguna Seca!!. . LOL . . ) . . all the way up through Tuckahoe, bronxville, Crestwood, Scarsdale and Hartsdale . . . Ending in my final destination : Right back where I started on Main Street in White Plains . . .

. . . The most beautiful part: My set ended EXACTLY when I pulled up to that final light at the end of the offramp from the Bronx River . . .

Turned the radio off and crept through the side streets of White Plains in silence . . only me and the sound of the car . . .

Finish Time: 12:32 A.M.

. . . :smoke: . . . Solid! . .

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Beautiful story... I really like the part about the undulating traffic with the ambulance at its head, with the city as its backdrop.

I love reading things like this... makes me never want to read another "Fuck [insert club/DJ/promoter name here]" thread again...


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Thanx for the props guys . . I had quite the cosmic time . . . I neexd to name that circut though . . kinda like in racing . .ya know? . . .

Hmm. . .Lets call it the: White Plains - Battery Wednesday Night Loop . .

I can only imagine the distance . . .

Joe: Jersey's got the excitement, the roads are just harder to navigate and the tolls are a BITCH . .

Hoke: You had to see it . . . the roads going up and down and left right . .the city and all the bridges are swaying back and forth in the distance and this ambulence is at the head of it all . . everyone was folllowing it through cause it was clearing traffic . .

George: There are always drives in the future, Let me get to work on mapping a Bronx-Brooklyn-Queens loop cause I'm sure that's near where you are . . :smoke: . . .

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Originally posted by tilly

wow, you really were close to my apt ... still wouldnt let you into "girls night" though;)

. . I know the rules of the game . . and anyways it sounded like yalls were doing fine without me when I talked to you on the FDR . . ;) . . :drunk: . .

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Guest tilly
Originally posted by phuturephunk

and anyways it sounded like yalls were doing fine without me when I talked to you on the FDR . . ;) . . :drunk: . .

girls rule:cool:



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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . I'm bumping this cause I love myself JUST that much . . . :aright: . .. . . (oh, and I am in the labs . . not at my desk, in case the penut gallery was wondering . . ;) ) . . .

Its peanut gallery, in case you were wondering.. ;)



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Guest tilly
Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . eh . . so I misspeiled . . err . . misspelled . . err . . you get it . . :laugh: . . .


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Originally posted by tilly

"girls night"

so what did you & joe do? :laugh:

phunk: btw the way, i got a great travelogue in the works for you coming up--a soundtrack & pictorial of my recent 5-day roadtrip of the southwest (and i'm following that up with a roadtrip of the CA coast along pacific coast highway.)

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Originally posted by loch

(and i'm following that up with a roadtrip of the CA coast along pacific coast highway.)

Elaborate! :) (I used to live there... are you doing Northern or Southern California?)

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Originally posted by hoke

Elaborate! :) (I used to live there... are you doing Northern or Southern California?)

not going to do; *DID*.

both. the ENTIRE coast (well, almost). from huntington beach, orange county (where i'm from originally) (and that's 40 miles so. of LA county if you're not familiar with the area) to santa monica, santa barbara, san luis obispo, the big sur, monterey, san francisco, all the way up to the last major city before the Oregon border, crescent city. i'll post the travelogue once i develop the pictures.

and the month before that, i did a road trip of the southwest. and i just got THOSE developed. i know, i'm a lazy bastard. i'll post them soon enough.

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Originally posted by loch

not going to do; *DID*.

both. the ENTIRE coast (well, almost). from huntington beach, orange county (where i'm from originally) (and that's 40 miles so. of LA county if you're not familiar with the area) to santa monica, santa barbara, san luis obispo, the big sur, monterey, san francisco, all the way up to the last major city before the Oregon border, crescent city. i'll post the travelogue once i develop the pictures.

and the month before that, i did a road trip of the southwest. and i just got THOSE developed. i know, i'm a lazy bastard. i'll post them soon enough.

Nice! Which route did you take between Sonoma and Mendocino counties?

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That's how i came about coming to New York :D

---One dark, rainy night back in '99, i was barely alive, just stickin my thumb out on route 66 for any hope of a ride.

---along comes this biker, but he wasn't any ordinary biker. No, this dude was like lightning, striking down the highway with force, electricity pouring out of his exhaust, ripping up the concrete in the dead of night.

---standing in only my surf shorts and some left-over pot from Baja, i leaped with my last ounce of breath into his arms,...

---he swooped down and took me with one arm, throwing me in the back seat, and offered me some food.

---He told me he goes by the name "loch" because he appears and disappears at odd moments in time. All i could muster was a look of :woah: and a simple thank you

---he said "next stop, New York City", and i held on tight for the long ride...

---to be continued...

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Guest tilly
Originally posted by gmccookny


That's how i came about coming to New York :D

---One dark, rainy night back in '99, i was barely alive, just stickin my thumb out on route 66 for any hope of a ride.

---along comes this biker, but he wasn't any ordinary biker. No, this dude was like lightning, striking down the highway with force, electricity pouring out of his exhaust, ripping up the concrete in the dead of night.

---standing in only my surf shorts and some left-over pot from Baja, i leaped with my last ounce of breath into his arms,...

---he swooped down and took me with one arm, throwing me in the back seat, and offered me some food.

---He told me he goes by the name "loch" because he appears and disappears at odd moments in time. All i could muster was a look of :woah: and a simple thank you

---he said "next stop, New York City", and i held on tight for the long ride...

---to be continued...

you are sooo cute!

and Loc: very funny

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Dude...that's kinda...scary...

Originally posted by gmccookny


That's how i came about coming to New York :D

---One dark, rainy night back in '99, i was barely alive, just stickin my thumb out on route 66 for any hope of a ride.

---along comes this biker, but he wasn't any ordinary biker. No, this dude was like lightning, striking down the highway with force, electricity pouring out of his exhaust, ripping up the concrete in the dead of night.

---standing in only my surf shorts and some left-over pot from Baja, i leaped with my last ounce of breath into his arms,...

---he swooped down and took me with one arm, throwing me in the back seat, and offered me some food.

---He told me he goes by the name "loch" because he appears and disappears at odd moments in time. All i could muster was a look of :woah: and a simple thank you

---he said "next stop, New York City", and i held on tight for the long ride...

---to be continued...

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . <sigh> . . . :rolleyes: . . .

What's the longest drive you've gone for? One time I picked up completely unexpected and drove halfway across the country in two days to see my ex (she wasn't my ex at the time). Those long cross-country trips can be tedious, but you do see some amazing sights along the way... thunderstorms over the Great Salt Lake... sunrises and sunsets over vast expanses of seemingly unending plains... villages in places you'd never imagine were habitable...

I'm thinking at some point I'd like to take a couple friends, fly back to California, and make the trip back to NYC in my car, which has been stranded there this past year... good music, good company, and the entire country in front of you... now THAT would be an experience!


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