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Why are people so quick to insult each other...

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... when they disagree?

I guess it's easier to label someone a bad person, and keep the pretense that you're 100% right, than try to have a rational debate with them and run the risk of having to compromise or even admit you're wrong?

(This is NOT directed at anyone in particular... just a thought I had this morning...)

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Originally posted by hoke

... when they disagree?

I guess it's easier to label someone a bad person, and keep the pretense that you're 100% right, than try to have a rational debate with them and run the risk of having to compromise or even admit you're wrong?

(This is NOT directed at anyone in particular... just a thought I had this morning...)

Hoke............you hit the nail so squarely on the head you can't even imagine.

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Originally posted by ReginaP

depends on the argument at hand...people get heated...this is why some people won't discuss politics or religion w/ friends

Right... there are definitely people I feel that way about... we're cool unless certain topics come up... but WHY do people get so heated? What makes it so difficult to sit and talk?

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Originally posted by ReginaP

depends on the argument at hand...people get heated...this is why some people won't discuss politics or religion w/ friends

NOW I know why you'll never speak about religion or politics with me. And all those times I brought those issues up with you....

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Originally posted by hoke

Right... there are definitely people I feel that way about... we're cool unless certain topics come up... but WHY do people get so heated? What makes it so difficult to sit and talk?

Because we're creatures of emotions not logic, some people are emotionally attached to some subjects so rather than logically defend their position, they get all riled up. Sometimes you're wrong even when you're right. Just don't go too deep into it if you see the other person starting to get overly defensive. No one likes to be wrong. :tongue:

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Originally posted by hoke

Right... there are definitely people I feel that way about... we're cool unless certain topics come up... but WHY do people get so heated? What makes it so difficult to sit and talk?

Because they feel strongly about their beliefs and opinions...most people don't get heated unless someone calls their feelings on such subjects as religion and politics "wrong"...where there really is no right & wrong w/ these issues. Heated insults? That's nothing compared to the wars started over these subjects.
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Originally posted by ReginaP

Heated insults? That's nothing compared to the wars started over these subjects.

Great point...

At least no one at CP is out killing anyone because of their views- at least... not that we know of... :eek:

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Originally posted by hoke

... when they disagree?

I guess it's easier to label someone a bad person, and keep the pretense that you're 100% right, than try to have a rational debate with them and run the risk of having to compromise or even admit you're wrong?

(This is NOT directed at anyone in particular... just a thought I had this morning...)

. . . Well, it's such a series of gray areas . . . I mean, almost any argument can be countered with something at least marginally effective to its credibility (even in the case of atrocities . . one could say "well, think of it as population control" . .), no matter how far fetched and unacceptible the motive behind it is . . .

. . . Perfect example is the argument about gratification through drugs . . One person could sit there and say "Well, you shouldn't do them cause you know that you don't handle the fallout well . . and plus, why would you want to do that to yourself for such a fleeting period of enjoyment??" . . and the other person could counter with "Well . . I want to get high cause that's what I FEEL I need to do in order to enjoy myself from time to time. . . I'll deal with the consequences, as I have so many times in the past, later . . . cause I know I can handle it . . " . . .

. . The second comment effectively deals with the first . . . the acceptance of that comment is totally dependant on the perspective of the person who's receiving it . . .

. .. Some say salvation is found through God, others say it's through science . .

. . Potato . . Potahto . .

. . who the fuck knows . .

. . :aright: . . .

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . Well, it's such a series of gray areas . . . I mean, almost any argument can be countered with something at least marginally effective to its credibility (even in the case of atrocities . . one could say "well, think of it as population control" . .), no matter how far fetched and unacceptible the motive behind it is . . .

. . . Perfect example is the argument about gratification through drugs . . One person could sit there and say "Well, you shouldn't do them cause you know that you don't handle the fallout well . . and plus, why would you want to do that to yourself for such a fleeting period of enjoyment??" . . and the other person could counter with "Well . . I want to get high cause that's what I FEEL I need to do in order to enjoy myself from time to time. . . I'll deal with the consequences, as I have so many times in the past, later . . . cause I know I can handle it . . " . . .

. . The second comment effectively deals with the first . . . the acceptance of that comment is totally dependant on the perspective of the person who's receiving it . . .

. .. Some say salvation is found through God, others say it's through science . .

. . Potato . . Potahto . .

. . who the fuck knows . .

. . :aright: . . .

atleast you have salvation... even if its only for a few hours... ;)

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . Perfect example is the argument about gratification through drugs . . One person could sit there and say "Well, you shouldn't do them cause you know that you don't handle the fallout well . . and plus, why would you want to do that to yourself for such a fleeting period of enjoyment??" . . and the other person could counter with "Well . . I want to get high cause that's what I FEEL I need to do in order to enjoy myself from time to time. . . I'll deal with the consequences, as I have so many times in the past, later . . . cause I know I can handle it . . " . . .

That's but a prescriptive moral argument. No one can ever take the upper hand because there is no definitive "right answer".

Though I will say that most arguments boils down to a prescriptive moral argument, some arguments are factual arguments, and are far different.

For instance, since you mentioned science vs. religion...

Prescriptive Moral Argument = Should you believe in religion vs. trust in Science. Note that while this may seem SO fact based, there actually isn't a mention of which is the "correct" method of determining the status of what reality actually is. And I've seen many arguments that revolves around this topic and basically circumvents which is the better method for determining "truth". Therefore, it can very well come down to which is "better".

Factual Argument = Is religion or science the correct method for determining "truth". In this argument, no matter how you cut the cake, the argument must end up determining which is "right", not which is "better".

Just a quick thread detour...carry on.

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I can understand agruing with someone to the point where things get really heated but I try to refrain from insults......Once you insult the person its really hard to try and make amends so I rarely insult someone I'm arguing with.....Plus it does nothing but make you look like an idiot....I thought name calling went out the window when we finished elementary school???:)

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