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Cream is dead!!!!

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The pioneering Saturday club night is no more after 10 years.

Due to a shift in dance trends from nightclubs towards large- scale events and festivals the Cream group announced today that it too is moving direction.

Cream claims to have experienced a significant shift away from the weekly club nights towards its own highly successful large- scale events.

Cream has invested heavily in Radio, TV whilst selling more albums in the first 6 months of this year as it did in the whole of last year. Furthermore it’s international events business arm produced over 400 events this year and a further 4 Cream fields festivals. These areas will be the new focus of their operations.

Cream will be seeing through its remaining events - Cream residents night on August 31, a private party on Sept 14 and Creams 10th birthday on October 11/ 12 however. Creamfields Liverpool will be unaffected and the company will maintain it’s social and charitable commitments.

The section of Nation that Cream traded from will be closed for the rest of the summer, but the Lomax Live Venue will continue to trade from the premises unaffected.

take from ministryofsound.co.uk


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Can't say i'm suprised to be honest,it's been coming ever since they went progressive at the beginning of last year.

That said though it's a sad day for me,i remember one of the first times and best times i ever went clubbing,PVD in the courtyard Aaaaaa the memories.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i live in Liverpool and i can tell you the main reason for Cream closing was to do with the increase in bar culture.

The bars are open as late as most clubs 2am, however cream was open till 4am, but the bars have no entry fee and cheaper drinks so the bars in Liverpool have become more popular and alot more like the clubs.

but....... there is good new, Cream is thinking about re-locating down south somewhere. possibly even London.

So some of you lot may benefit

:hat: Jen XXX :hat:

p.s. visit our site for the latest dance tunes.....

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Originally posted by jen-dance-mp3s

i live in Liverpool and i can tell you the main reason for Cream closing was to do with the increase in bar culture.

The bars are open as late as most clubs 2am, however cream was open till 4am, but the bars have no entry fee and cheaper drinks so the bars in Liverpool have become more popular and alot more like the clubs.

but....... there is good new, Cream is thinking about re-locating down south somewhere. possibly even London.

So some of you lot may benefit

:hat: Jen XXX :hat:

p.s. visit our site for the latest dance tunes.....

uhh... yea, that and the fact that it was utter SHIT and wasn't catering to what the crowd wanted... it was becoming another MoS :blank:

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