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Everfeel we're moving backwards onda evolutionary scale

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It just occurred to me that we as humans may very well be moving backwards rather than forwards on the evolutionary scale.

If you think of all the crazy things that still go on, such as leaving babies aimlessly in the garbage, screwing people over, killing, raping, the latest priest accusations included, i wonder if we're going to go back to being apes and chimpanzees once again !

We may be developing technologically and scientifically with medicine and discoveries, but that is a far cry from human development.

We seem to do the same things over and over again, even if we know that they're wrong. War is not the answer: compromise is.

This was just some :idea: that i came across in thinking about humans in general. There have been quite an array of intelligent people in the past, but that seems to be thinning out (Just look at the poor academic performance of New York City schools)

3rd world nations are still developing at a much less rapid pace as the Western world, which necessitates the perpetuation of the current system to remain stagnant.

will this be us in the future--monkeys peeing on our helpless brains?

:peeright: :grin: :peeleft:

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. . . You have a point George . .. There doesn't seem to be anything that the human race, and much more specifically, AMERICA is aspiring to . .

.. Gone is the era of the great builders . . . The time where building something like say, the George Washington bridge was an achievement that an entire civilization would marvel at . . . And not just the end result, but the process to bring it to fruition as well . . . Watch each pylon get set as they sunk the cason's into the Hudson . . . Each wire get suspended, and each rivet driven home . . .

. . . NOW WHAT DO WE HAVE CHILDREN? . . . Now what? . . . We got video games, suburban nightmare and ungreatful children. . . Me me me!! . . That's all anyone crys about nowadays . . . Me me me! . . Give me! . . I deserve!! . . I deserve!! . . . I don't want to work, but I sure as fuck deserve the big chair!! . . .

. . . Well you know what? . . SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DO IT YOURSELF . . and MAYBE . . JUST MAYBE . . you'll understand what it's all about . . . .

. . . But that's too much to ask of the children . . and the adults . . . today . . . . Cause nobody wants to build anymore . .

. . . Or something to that effect . . .

-Phonk . . .

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Phunk, I disagree.

You say the era of great builders is gone... but what do you make of technological advances? Creation and innovation are alive, but you can fit the results in the palm of your hand -- if you can see them at all (think nanobots)... There are some exciting times ahead of us!

Scientists are creating robots that will live in our bloodstreams and perform constant maintenance, keeping us healthy when our own bodies fail to do so. Communications technology is already mind-boggling -- just imagine what it will be 50 years from now! My great-grandmother lived from the days when milk was delivered to your doorstep, through the explosion of personal computing... isn't it exciting to think that we'll see comparable advances in our own lifetimes? Hell... there was no such thing as a "CD player" when I was born... and now I burn all my own CDs from MP3s, downloaded over the Internet from across the globe!

True, there are some sick fucks out there, but that's really nothing unique to our times... Hell, we've come a long way since feudalism! Every system, every society has its flaws, some new, some old, but it's just as important to consider the flaws that have been rooted out -- and all the new opportunities that made the system desirable in the first place...

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gmcookny: True, technological advance is not equatable to human advance... but you're wrong if you think that we have not made human advances. Consider this: did it ever even *cross your mind* that black people should sit at the back of the bus? That women should not be allowed to vote? That children should work 16-hour workdays in factories? I'd guess not... because advances were made not too long ago that allowed us to be born into a society where such travesties were not only illegal, but flat-out acknowledged as patently *wrong*.

Yes, we repeat some of the same mistakes over and over... but there are others that we've managed to stomp out, at least for the time being... Sure, there are new sets of problems, but every generation has its own set of problems, and I think it's a tribute to human advancement that we tend to step up to the plate and address them... though granted, sometimes too late...

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Im now thinking of the Billy Joel song, We didn't start the Fire, it's been always burnin' since the worlds' been turnin'

Originally posted by hoke

True, there are some sick fucks out there, but that's really nothing unique to our times... Hell, we've come a long way since feudalism! Every system, every society has its flaws, some new, some old, but it's just as important to consider the flaws that have been rooted out -- and all the new opportunities that made the system desirable in the first place...

OK, there will always be faults. But im afraid that we're going to rest on our laurals and let technology take TOO MUCH control over our lives, to the point where we may even lose control and let them take over.

Technology is also making us less personable, making us stay indoors more and have us rely on things like Clubplanet and television to determine what reality is.

There is how many of our common-day problems arise. We see teenage pregnancies and drug use on t.v., we must immitate it. We hear songs of "glocks" and "piece's" and we feel that we need a gun.

All im sayin, going back to what Phunk said, is that we don't seem to marvel at things the way we used to. We're so focused on getting to the finish line, that we don't take the time to appreciate the scenery along the way.

And to keep this relevant, where are all the great minds we used to look up to? Last i remember was that Tony Edwards "self-help" guru that looks like this :grin:

We gotta put technology in it's place and realize, yes, it can be a good thing, but we as humans need to blossom and grow at the same pace, not let technology do it for us ;)

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Originally posted by hoke

gmcookny: True, technological advance is not equatable to human advance... but you're wrong if you think that we have not made human advances. Consider this: did it ever even *cross your mind* that black people should sit at the back of the bus? That women should not be allowed to vote? That children should work 16-hour workdays in factories? I'd guess not... because advances were made not too long ago that allowed us to be born into a society where such travesties were not only illegal, but flat-out acknowledged as patently *wrong*.

Yes, we repeat some of the same mistakes over and over... but there are others that we've managed to stomp out, at least for the time being... Sure, there are new sets of problems, but every generation has its own set of problems, and I think it's a tribute to human advancement that we tend to step up to the plate and address them... though granted, sometimes too late...

OK, i understand that we have come a long way in those areas...

Im just thinking that we can't forget to advance as humans while we advance in other realms too.

There will always be a new evil to prepare for and kill. Now, i feel it's Media and certain people who are out there for selfish reasons. We need to be aware of what molds us as human beings and not be taken for granted.

And Hoke, yes we have come a long way with civil and women's rights, but those problems still subsist to this day. My mom is a real estate broker, and you have to hear some of the requests these people make. Spanish people want a spanish neighborhood with NO blacks. Black people want a black-white neighborhood but with no asians.

This shit still goes on, but in a more hidden way.

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Originally posted by reenichole

there will always be race issue no matter what

Of course... and that's what gmccookny just said, too... but don't even TRY to tell me it's not better now than it once was...

gmccookny: If you don't count civil rights as human advances, I'm not sure I understand your question... what kind of advancement are you looking for?

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . You have a point George . .. There doesn't seem to be anything that the human race, and much more specifically, AMERICA is aspiring to . .

.. Gone is the era of the great builders . . . The time where building something like say, the George Washington bridge was an achievement that an entire civilization would marvel at . . . And not just the end result, but the process to bring it to fruition as well . . . Watch each pylon get set as they sunk the cason's into the Hudson . . . Each wire get suspended, and each rivet driven home . . .

. . . NOW WHAT DO WE HAVE CHILDREN? . . . Now what? . . . We got video games, suburban nightmare and ungreatful children. . . Me me me!! . . That's all anyone crys about nowadays . . . Me me me! . . Give me! . . I deserve!! . . I deserve!! . . . I don't want to work, but I sure as fuck deserve the big chair!! . . .

. . . Well you know what? . . SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DO IT YOURSELF . . and MAYBE . . JUST MAYBE . . you'll understand what it's all about . . . .

. . . But that's too much to ask of the children . . and the adults . . . today . . . . Cause nobody wants to build anymore . .

. . . Or something to that effect . . .

-Phonk . . .

very true... i agree with you 110%...

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Originally posted by hoke

gmccookny: If you don't count civil rights as human advances, I'm not sure I understand your question... what kind of advancement are you looking for?

For further advancement :D

You can call me an idealist, whatever you want, but i still believe that we can do better.

I don't believe in the saying "it will always be like that". I consider the town i live in (Freeport) to be very progressive and cultural/racial blending.

The other weekend, when i bumped into Flava Flav, i was walking with 2 black guys i just met. I saw in Flava's eyes something like "wow, this is cool to see a blonde white boy getting along with 2 of my boys". That kind of event gives me hope, the same way Dr. Martin Luther had a dream that white boys could play with black boys"... we gotta keep going...

I DO count civil rights as a major stepping stone, but we should do more. And not just racial or on gender roles, but in general: hold the doors open, raise your kids right, eat healthier (we seem to be getting back to Victorian England days w/ our eating habits :laugh: -) and just plain old advancement of knowledge.

I swear, some of the table manners, vulgarities and manners some people have AS ADULTS still shocks me. I still see mothers hitting their sons in public. Stuff like that kills me, b/c i feel that even those people in lower-middle class should have the basic ethical skills we all have....


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Originally posted by hoke

Of course... and that's what gmccookny just said, too... but don't even TRY to tell me it's not better now than it once was...

gmccookny: If you don't count civil rights as human advances, I'm not sure I understand your question... what kind of advancement are you looking for?

yes its good so now i can sit in the front of bus now i can vote now i can go school but things still need to change and thats what i meant that there are still small minded ppl in this world there a difference in passing laws abolishing things but im talking on more of a day to day routine i mean how many of you dated out of your race and if so has your parents ever met him or her you act like things are better but you are fooling yourself we are a long way from that

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Originally posted by reenichole

yes its good so now i can sit in the front of bus now i can vote now i can go school but things still need to change and thats what i meant that there are still small minded ppl in this world there a difference in passing laws abolishing things but im talking on more of a day to day routine i mean how many of you dated out of your race and if so has your parents ever met him or her you act like things are better but you are fooling yourself we are a long way from that

Oh, you're absolutely right... things are FAR from perfect... but they ARE better, and they ARE improving in many ways, albeit VERY slowly...

No, I haven't dated anyone of a different race or ethnicity, but that's not due to prejudice or lack of attraction... more circumstantial than anything, I'd say. My parents wouldn't have a problem with it. They wouldn't have a problem if I dated a guy, either... I was very deliberately raised to have an open and inquisitive approach to life... :)

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Originally posted by hoke

Oh, you're absolutely right... things are FAR from perfect... but they ARE better, and they ARE improving in many ways, albeit VERY slowly...

No, I haven't dated anyone of a different race or ethnicity, but that's not due to prejudice or lack of attraction... more circumstantial than anything, I'd say. My parents wouldn't have a problem with it. They wouldn't have a problem if I dated a guy, either... I was very deliberately raised to have an open and inquisitive approach to life... :)

See, that's a damn good thing, hokey :)

Being raised with an open mind and good morals/ethincs is an important thing, and that's mostly what im talking about here.

I have dated outside my race, and im glad i have. I was glad to have experienced what i did, and would do it again.

And Reenicole has a point: on paper, things seem better, but when u get to the day-to-day stuff, there are still problems.

I think politics is my calling, no? :laugh:

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and hoke your very lucky to have such understanding parents i have also date out my race and my parents are like that too.but some of the guys i dated parents would have died if they even knew they were dating a black girl

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Originally posted by reenichole

and hoke your very lucky to have such understanding parents i have also date out my race and my parents are like that too.but some of the guys i dated parents would have died if they even knew they were dating a black girl

That makes me sad... :(

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