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Wake Up, L.a. Board!!!!!!!!


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ok, i've been in no-man's land:

the land of the piece of shit, slower than george w. computer

the land of the feeling like total crap (now i just feel kinda crappy)

the land of the dealing with too much friend drama

the land of the crippling heat and humidity

the land of the sleepiness (ok, i still didn't get enough :zzz: )

but i'm back.

so no more excuses, people. i wanna see topics, responses, and more topics and responses. come on, kids, let's make up for lost time :spin2: !

i got home yesterday from the airport (via airport van) to a flat tire. i was tired already from only 2 hours of sleep and 13 and a half hour travel time (door-to-door), but i had to get my flat taken care of before i did anything else. i was lucky to get help putting on my spare just as i was getting ready to take off my old one (i was very sore yesterday, a bit better today (will she stop complaining, already?)), and then i had to drive a ways to a tire place. had to buy a new one - now it shows up the other three. o well, but i'm not gonna buy three more :) .

i've got some serious postwhoring to do, too. hey, y'all, did anyone notice who's close to 1500 ;) ?...

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hey weyes, great to have you back in the LA board finally! :)

sucks about the tire, but the important thing is that your in good health. our daily wisdom is finally back!

let me know if you need help with the post-whoring so you can reach 1,500 pronto :D

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Originally posted by weyes

ok, i've been in no-man's land:

the land of the piece of shit, slower than george w. computer

the land of the feeling like total crap (now i just feel kinda crappy)

the land of the dealing with too much friend drama

the land of the crippling heat and humidity

the land of the sleepiness (ok, i still didn't get enough :zzz: )

but i'm back.

so no more excuses, people. i wanna see topics, responses, and more topics and responses. come on, kids, let's make up for lost time :spin2: !

i got home yesterday from the airport (via airport van) to a flat tire. i was tired already from only 2 hours of sleep and 13 and a half hour travel time (door-to-door), but i had to get my flat taken care of before i did anything else. i was lucky to get help putting on my spare just as i was getting ready to take off my old one (i was very sore yesterday, a bit better today (will she stop complaining, already?)), and then i had to drive a ways to a tire place. had to buy a new one - now it shows up the other three. o well, but i'm not gonna buy three more :) .

i've got some serious postwhoring to do, too. hey, y'all, did anyone notice who's close to 1500 ;) ?...

I have to say.............I'm from Jersey and post on the NJ and NY boards..............and by comparison................this board is BORED!! Deader than dead actually. LA must being a boring place when it comes to nightlife

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Originally posted by ou812

I have to say.............I'm from Jersey and post on the NJ and NY boards..............and by comparison................this board is BORED!! Deader than dead actually. LA must being a boring place when it comes to nightlife

probably because there are other boards in LA that people post on. jersey board sucks and the ny isnt that far back.

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HEy weyes :)

Sorry about the flat tire, but that's kool that you got someone to help you. The kindness of strangers is one thing i feel we can still rely on at times of need.

Get some rest, and feel better. Don't worry, you'll reach 1500 before you know it ;)

And about posting here in the LA board, I find it as a break from teh hectic NY board. I don't mind if it's so active or not, the people here are cool, and weyes wisdom keps me coming back :cool:

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Originally posted by vicman

probably because there are other boards in LA that people post on. jersey board sucks and the ny isnt that far back.

Hmmmm??............at least it's amusing, people actually post to it, ya know.

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Originally posted by ou812

Hmmmm??............at least it's amusing, people actually post to it, ya know.

well, you're posting on it, what does that say about you? and, since it's just a few of us from around the country, we don't have all of that clique-y bullshit that a lot of other boards have.

and if you wanna take this outside, punk, i'll break you :punch: . shiiiiiiiiiiitt - the gorgeous year-round weather out here is enough to put you in the pissy mood you're in, not just the fact that jersey's wack and new york is full of mean, hateful people. and the only reason i'm capable of lashing out right now is because i'm from there; los angelenos don't have it in 'em. los angeles: truly the city of angels - so step back, while i spread joy and light and receive it not only from my friends and neighbors spawn1.gif , but from the ground up peace1.gif .

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