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why this is the best l.a. messageboard


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seriously, yo, clubplanet will always be my number one love3.gif .

messageboards can very easily become a site for a clique to talk amongst itself and make other people feel left out. when i look at the giant board, i get pissed off and wanna tell all those fuckers to just pick up the phone and call each other, already. don't post unless you want to engage anyone and everyone in a discussion, debate, or just plain silliness. of course, things do naturally turn into direct conversations between certain people from time to time, but when that's all a board is or when things are really posted between best friends that don't need to be up in front of everyone - and therefore excluding them - people should really be re-thinking what messageboards were created for in the first place.

so, although the l.a. cp board hasn't introduced me to a whole lot of l.a. dwellers, i've found a lot of common ground with people in general and have had a lot of great, open-minded and open-hearted discussions about clubbing and pop tarts. and cp has the other cities, too, which are also open to my posts, as well as the topic boards (sex, bump (not the same thing ;) !), etc.). and i hope that people don't feel that they're left out here, just because it's only a few of us and we do have a couple of running jokes. if you wanna know what they're about, just ask, 'cause i hate that exclusive shit. rock on, l.a. board grouphug.gif !

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weyes is totally right. thats the good thing about cp in general, that you have the different locations and you can talk with people from other places through the board.

i like to post here because weyes is a great host and made me feel welcomed when i first started posting here. subsequently more people started posting here, although not from LA, but its the same thing. i love the interaction going on here, and even though i havent met weyes or "mr.smurfy" gmc, i hope to do so sometime soon. if it wasnt for the LA board, gmc would be somewhere in the NY board and the current event board and weyes might still be posting on the NY board even though she's in LA, and i would have no place to pad my posts and get my daily dose of wisdom. :D

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Originally posted by weyes

grouphug.gif !

This is what it's all about :)

I have only tried one other message board, but they don't compare to CP :D

I totally wanna meet the rest of you, vicman, joeygk, nourishment, and some other fellow "bohemeites" :tongue:

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i'm considering heading up to ny on sept 14 for jvm and lee burridge, then again on nov 1-3 for pvd and nyc marathon, dunno if other people from the dc board might want to tag along, dunno if joey is planning another nyc trip soon.

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well, i always have this notion that the message board is like an internet chatroom. unless you're seeking legit info, you wonder sometimes whether the conversations carried on among cp members or any other message board out there are with pathetically f*cked up people or are actually between "normal" (whatever that meant!) people.... and i'm sure you're all thinking the same of me!!!

anyways, wouldn't it be a good idea for the ones that are in la to maybe get together (at spundae or somewhere) and meet up, so we can put a face to a name kinda thing???..... we're all so close! hey! but that's just a thought..... :D

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you guys should definitly meetup, i tyhough the same thing about all the freaks in the DC board until I got to meet them...I then noticed that they are freakier that what i expected :D

naw...seriously, I've met cool people through the DC, NY and Miami board, once I met the people from the Dc board I introduced a couple fo more people to the board and other did the same, and now we have a nice good sized board.

Of course, I'll do my best to get to one of the LA board meetups, but it might take me a while to drive from DC to LA :D , eventually I'll make it out to LA, one of these days.......

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Originally posted by gemerald

you wonder sometimes whether the conversations carried on among cp members or any other message board out there are with pathetically f*cked up people or are actually between "normal" (whatever that meant!) people....

my vote is pathetically fubar!

but i'm always down to meet new people, that's how's i know the elderly one i call grandma...and pigtails as well!

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