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weyes' wisdom of the day - 7/31


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wow, party people -

this one isn't wisdom per se, but a discovery i've made recently that has made me sooooo happy :spin2: !

i'd been having bad echoes of a relationship with someone i broke up with in march. things had been shitty with us for a while and i had just stood for it :no: . but, even after finally standing up for myself and breaking it off with him (he would've been more than happy to stay with me and have sex forever) i was haunted by memories of our misunderstandings, insensitive things he'd done, things i'd let slide, etc. i'd stay up too late thinking about this bullshit, and then i'd just be even more angry at myself for letting it bother me, which led me to lose even more sleep.

but here's where the good part comes in:

these days, i've found myself remembering the good times, and focusing on them. i recall now that there were good times, and i'm letting myself relive those instead. the feelings i'd had that the relationship was all in vain have disappeared. as has been said before by many, live and learn, so, of course i took something from this relationship; i just hadn't realized before that i also had some happy memories to learn from, as well :) .

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true, along with the bad things in life, come the good things, they are both unavoidable and if everything that happened to us were only good things, then IMO, life would be pretty boring indeed.

its also how you react to the bad things, confront them, and learn from them so they wont happen in the future that makes life worth living and define the type of person that one really is.

making errors is a part of life, and there is nothing wrong with that, making them over and over without ever correcting them is what should be avoided.

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Originally posted by vicman

its also how you react to the bad things, confront them, and learn from them so they wont happen in the future that makes life worth living and define the type of person that one really is.

That's where ive learned my lesson. I used to be afraid to say no to people and get mad at them. Now, im not afraid to confront someone and voice my opinion if i disagree on something.

That's important, b/c some people will just walk all over you if you don't speak up. It's a dog-eat-dog world :burp: :D

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indeed :aright: .

but what i meant in this one was that i found a lot of good memories that i had previously blocked out. it hadn't been all shit, and i finally could see that. that's what's been so damn wonderful lately - those good memories - and letting myself have them, while still learning from the bad mistakes :spin2: .

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