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Area2 Review - Holmdel

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Originally posted by lexicon6

the guy w/ the black Clubplanet.com shirt.... hehe.

that was roninmess

i caught the last 1/2 hour of moby. he was pretty good ( i have never really heard his stuff before) but he talks way too much. everytime i would get into a song he would stop and talk for 5 minutes.

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one word....fun. that was area 2. from tailgating, to dieselboy all the way thru to cox, it was all FUN!

rolled up to PNC at like 2, lookin for a parking spot and saw robin and sabina outta the corner of my eye. i yelled out at them but im not sure they recognized me at that point. but i parked and me and my boy ed walked over to where all the other cp'ers were. hung out till about 3:30-3:45 drinkin beers. i only had like 6 or 7, plus a rum & coke, but i was feelin pretty nice by that point. unfortunately 15 in the tent and my buzz was gone.

i was def feelin dieselboy's drum 'n bass, wish we would have went in earlier to hear more. i think tiesto totally fuckin rocked it. tiesto was my favorite of the day...im a sucka for trance. wut was that song he played right after sound of goodbye? it was sick.

left when skinner or whoever came on, i had to pee REALLY bad for like the last hour of tiesto but i didnt wanna leave. so i ran out to the bathroom after a few failed attempts at getting an autograph. also got some ice cream then went back in for digweed. digweed spun a great set. never heard him before and i was impressed. but for wutever reason, idk if i was gettin tired or somethin, but i just wasnt into it, and not having a good time. i stayed in the back of the tent for a while by the exit to get away from the speakers for a bit. and then i spent alot of time outside walkin around and then sittin around with some cp'ers. i think we were all feelin the pain a little at that point. i think i ate after that, some fries that cost $4.75!!! i had to borrow $3 from sabina cuz i only had $2 left :(then went back in to hear cox. :eek:SICKNESS!!! my first time hearin cox too and he totally blew me away. loe how he gets on the mic and love how he fucks around with every song. and scratches!!! he scratches!!! that made it just that much better. my only complaint was at some points it got really really repetitive, but it was still a bunch of sick tracks.

after cox was done checked out moby for like 5 min. i thought he sucked and i left. he was just running aroun on stage, once in a while he would scream something into his mic. other than that, he had other ppl singing for him. wut kinda rock star is that? go back to being a dj, ur not a performer :rolleyes:

all in all....great day. my ears were ringin loud as hell until i fell asleep. but they're fine now. i wish this festival happened more than once a year

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Originally posted by amysnow

How many people went to area one? Like a ruff estimate?

Just curious?

they sold 4500 tickets and gave away about 1000 comps. there were 18,000 tix available, and last year they had 15,000 ppl. so they didnt do too good this year.

i know all this btw cuz i know a girl who works there and she told me yesterday

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Originally posted by linabina

dieselboy= :blown:

i thought dieselboy was great. drum 'n bass is def cool. i was never exposed to it till 4th if july when qouth laid down some sick d'n'b and that got me hooked. i would like to hear dieselboy some more. his mc kinda made it cool too. at first i thought it would be annoying but his freestyling went well with the music
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Originally posted by hotcheme

i liked all the space... didn't seem horribly empty for me.

yeah i loved the emptiness because the longest it ever took to find someone was like 10 minutes....even going from the tent to the lawn wasnt a problem

Originally posted by hotcheme

wish i had gotten one of those comps.

haha for me the night wound up costing $270....but it was worth it

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Originally posted by lexicon6

i saw a couple of other CP heads, but was shy to approach u guys for ex. the guy w/ the black Clubplanet.com shirt.... hehe.

hahaha i went up to him, but it's so hard to do introductions when the music's blasting and ppl are jumping around. i wanted to chill w/ CP ppl, but i just ended up going back to my friends

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wow, you even outdid echostar. i think i spend about $60, including my ticket.

he IS echostar :tongue:

i thought dieselboy was great. drum 'n bass is def cool. i was never exposed to it till 4th if july when qouth laid down some sick d'n'b and that got me hooked. i would like to hear dieselboy some more. his mc kinda made it cool too. at first i thought it would be annoying but his freestyling went well with the music

:blah:just wasnt my style... all it was.. was headache material for me. o well. cant please everyone ;)

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Originally posted by echostar

i just realized i spent $230 last night

did one of you guys rob me or something??

:confused: :confused: :confused:

I wouldn't exactly say robbed... but my dancing was interrupted more than expected.... :D oh yeah, and stop outdoing yourself man, its just not healthy :)

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Area 2 was an event to remeber. I met a shit load of CPer's as soon as I went in the tent which was around 3p.m. Shout out to Larry, Bebby6919, Mikebugout,Roninmess,Teklord,Bobg,ClubKat,Hotcheme(it was fun dancin w/ u too),Xlea, and everyone else I met.

Linabina, I agree w/ u, I wasn't too thrilled about Deiselboy's style of music. Although I do apreciate drum and bass.

(By the way,Linabina, were u the girl wearing the backpack the whole time?)

Anyway, the person who I was thrilled w/ was Tiesto. That mothafucka tore it up. He had kind of an Oakenfold'ish style to him IMO. That was the first time I have seen him and let me tell you all that hype about him is more than true. Then there was good ol' Digweed, representing as his usual godly self. My highlight of the night was getting his autograph after his set and a picture w/ the man himself and VKlortho.

Like everyone else said, Carl Cox was so energetic. At one point I don't think one person was not dancing, every single person was jumping up and down in excitement. Man was that an awesome time.

I managed to check out Busta Bust when I left the tent area only to get some grub, and I thought he was pretty good. As for Moby, I didn't get to see too much of his act because of that guy w/ the British acent, but I thought it was kinda the same as his performance last year.

That's it from me folks, until next time! :shades2:

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Originally posted by xtcgspot

i think tiesto totally fuckin rocked it. tiesto was my favorite of the day...im a sucka for trance. wut was that song he played right after sound of goodbye? it was sick.

Agreed... I dunno what these other ppl are talking about *cough*melissadoesn'tknowwhatshe'stalkingabout*cough* but I guess everyone has their own opinions... ;)

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I had a blast yesterday. It was my first time at any concert, and it was an interesting/incredible expirience. I got into the tents semi early to hear Diesel Boy set, It was definetley a good set, not my bag, I really couldnt make out what the guy was saying ;). Tiesto was amazing, I have never really been that close to him before, I could smell the belgium waffles and syrup on his breath. He played most of the same SHIZER he normally plays, but it was nice to see him again! Then it was off for a quick snack and some BUSTA. I didnt sit there to long, but it was fun to see him up close with my own eyes, he and Bowie was the only reason why I went to AREA 2 in the first place ;) . Then it was back to the tent for Digweed and Cox. Digweed was sick, but COX was incredible. it was my first time hearing him in person and it was definetley worth the wait. His hard deep tech sounds were vicious, and I can't wait to see him in a club, somewhere.... anywhere :D. All in all it was a very long, exahusting, sick day of fun, sun and serious beats. I like the fact that there was some ps2's in the tent me being a gaming freak, it wasn't hot @ all inside, and the crowd was nice and cool, especially in the company of my friends :cool:. I def. prefer any floor in a club compared to a parking lots Asphalt; by Digweeds set my feet were killing me. I liked that the event wasnt packed, waiting in line for bathrooms, food, and getting back into the tent was not bad at all, I excpected it to be like Disney World or something :). I agree with KAT the Fiji water was Exquisite, I thought it was silly that they wouldn't give bottle caps, but I didn't mind buying more of that water. Everytime I turned around ClubKat and hotcheme were kickin it, I don't think either of these chicas ever stopped once :idea: . Im definetley down for next years Show, I hope they get more DJ's. I like the fact that I got to listen to some great DJ's, dress down and comfortable, and that I could go in and out of the tent, and I didn't have to starve in the process. I dont think the prices were to bad for the food and drinks, they could have charged a lot more....

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Originally posted by gmoneyjive

I wouldn't exactly say robbed... but my dancing was interrupted more than expected.... :D oh yeah, and stop outdoing yourself man, its just not healthy :)

i was fine.....nothing bad happened, and i feel top notch today :aright:

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