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What's the weirdest dream you've ever had ?

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Standing in the park during a lightning storm counting crows on the branches of a huge oak tree that squak as the rain hits them. They pearch and skip from branch to branch like living leaves as lightning chased them off into the sky.

Then a girl ive never seen before spins me around and kisses me deeply to the point where every thing stops but the nerves pulsing on my lips..then BAM a thunderclap and im awake.

(last fridayish...the night of that storm)


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Ever do something in a dream that you cant do in real life?

(besides flying*super-man flying* of course)

example: juggle, rollerblade, speak a foreign tounge?

Ever have a dream you were falling? and actually hit the ground?

Ever wake up really pissed at someone for what they said or did to you in a dream...but you couldnt quite remember what it was?

Dreams are pretty whacky eh?


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I hate the falling dreams!!! One time during the winter when it was snowing I had a dream I was falling down an icey hill..I woke up halfway on the floor...another strange dream I had I was in Mexico & I was a Trapeze artist that was pretty odd

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the other night i dreampt the tigers were playing in the world series (thats not the weird part) and for some reason it was in haiti. then all of a sudden the ton ton macoutes(sp?-anyway, the haitian version of the SS under Duvalier) came onto the field and shot the pitcher and the 3rd baseman in the head.

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Actually...2 weeks before 9/11 I had a dream that I was in one of the twin towers..and there was a bomb on it...all i remember was, everyone was told to go the basement..and i sat by some desk..put my head down and started praying..and then when it was about to explode...i woke up...

when i told my cousin about it she said "Irina, r u crazy? this would never happen"

and then 2 weeks later...:(


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Originally posted by sexxyme

Actually...2 weeks before 9/11 I had a dream that I was in one of the twin towers..and there was a bomb on it...all i remember was, everyone was told to go the basement..and i sat by some desk..put my head down and started praying..and then when it was about to explode...i woke up...

when i told my cousin about it she said "Irina, r u crazy? this would never happen"

and then 2 weeks later...:(


Wow... Something similar happened to me, too (not about the WTC though). I dreamed I was watching a plane crash from my parents' house in California. The sky was lit up a brilliant red and I was in awe. I said I wanted to see it again. A few days later, a plane really did crash... :(

My absolute weirdest dream, though? No comment... ;)

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