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Afterwork Rituals . . . What's yours?. .

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. . . I had quite a bit of time to sit and think today while working because our internet connection was down and I kinda got to thinking about what I usually do after work, and what I feel like if it deviates from the norm . . .

. . . Yesterday I scored a big bag of Bronx finest (ick! but it gets the job done :smoke: ) and today I'll probably go home, smoke and jump around to rekkerds . . . This is par for the course if I'm carrying ( If I'm out of smokity smoke, I usually go home, put on my schoolgirl outfit and smoke cigarettes from my 2 ft holder all while prancing around like the Queen of France . . )and I can say I'm actually quite excited about it . .

. . . Blah Blah, I'm hard for words today, so bear with me. . . Is there anything that YOU do afterwork every day that if you couldn't would kinda throw you off your game? . . .

. . Hope that makes sense . . .

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i workout when i get home from work. helps me clear my mind and forget about all the crap at work. whenever i miss a day of workin out i just keep feeling like i'm forgetting something and it screws up the rest of my night. :updown:

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..I usually take a shower right after I walk in the door (those damn subways make me feel grosss)... I eat dinner while watching Friends...then I usually put on a cd (whatever I'm in the mood for) & sit in the dark for a while to relax & get away from people & stupid bullshit (ie: nagging parents/sibblings etc.)....then I go out & ParTy!!

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . I had quite a bit of time to sit and think today while working because our internet connection was down and I kinda got to thinking about what I usually do after work, and what I feel like if it deviates from the norm . . .

. . . Yesterday I scored a big bag of Bronx finest (ick! but it gets the job done :smoke: ) and today I'll probably go home, smoke and jump around to rekkerds . . . This is par for the course if I'm carrying ( If I'm out of smokity smoke, I usually go home, put on my schoolgirl outfit and smoke cigarettes from my 2 ft holder all while prancing around like the Queen of France . . )and I can say I'm actually quite excited about it . .

. . . Blah Blah, I'm hard for words today, so bear with me. . . Is there anything that YOU do afterwork every day that if you couldn't would kinda throw you off your game? . . .

. . Hope that makes sense . . .

WOW, you just go home and smoke up everyday?! Don't you find that it keeps you from doing IMPORTANT things in your life?

Each day I do different things after work. I hate routine's and there's no way I'm gonna live in a box!


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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . Oh, and add a feather boa to that description above . . ;) . .

...what color...cuz the visualization just isnt complete w/out that tidbit...

as for me, the only thing routine is getting in my car, rolling down all the windows, opening up the sunroof, and blasting whatever the fuck i'm in the mood for as i cruise home on some great scenic, swervy roads...

lately, i'm headhunting again, which means i get home, unload, and get right back online for a bit...then shower...then either read or tv or movie or if it's a good night, party...:)

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i dont really have much of a choice when i get home from work..... being that i get home at like 230-3am..... i either come home, go to sleep right away.... sit online a bit if i dont have to be up the next morning... but i usually get up to go to the gym early or babysit or something so im usually just layin in bed havin my gnight conversation before bed..... ;) but if its a saturday or something... i might go out to the city if its a special night..... or out with my girrrrrrrrrl.... whatever i feel as im leaving... :aright:

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