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Question... i don't know what to do.

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what do u do when your good friends with someone, but people always tend to say something bad about them, tell me that he has an attitude about something or other all the time, i keep it under wraps always b/c i don't want him to get pissed, but then he'll always turn around and talk to me and say all sorts of bullshit that i am this type of person and that i am that type of person is why i have more enemies than friends, that i would backstab my own friends the first chance i get. but he doesn't know that i always am basically always sticking up for him, always splitting ends ($) with him b/c we're partners but more money is meant for me. i basically try to keep everything together and not start wars b/c i look out for him, because he is my good friend. should i just be straight up with him, tell him the deal and say fuck'em, b/c he thinks im such a bad person or should i keep being the peacemaker.

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Hmm, I'm going through something similar.........I lilttle different, but similar. I'm starting to learn that critical, judgemental people are not worth the time of day. Everyone has skeletons in the closet............shit, some people have mortuaries. It's not any of our jobs to judge others. My suggestion, reason with them at first, ask that they be more open minded and accepting of others. If that doesn't work, cut em loose, for your own benefit, don't let them drag you down.

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Originally posted by notallthere



I think whitecameros Idea is a little more suttle...

Also clubline2k3, going into business with friends and family many times ruins friendships and family relationships.....I speak from family experiences...:(

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Originally posted by jp18


I think whitecameros Idea is a little more suttle...

Also clubline2k3, going into business with friends and family many times ruins friendships and family relationships.....I speak from family experiences...:(

it is very hard but its been working pretty good, but very difficult though. i am good at keeping it separate, business is one thing, friendship is another.

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couple of rules to live by, try to avoid business relationships with friends, especially a friend like that. Doesn't sound like he is all there, Sounds like he believes the only way to get ahead is backstabbing and screwing people over, eventually it will begin to reflect on you, whether you think so or now, whether you deserve it or not, its called guilty by association. Cut loose from this jerkoff, run the other way, run fast and don't look back or you may find his knife in your back one day.

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