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Whats Your Worst Fear?!!

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I have too many fears to list but I would have to say my most biggest fear is too lose all of my loved ones ~ sister, brother, parents, husband, my puppy Shelby, friends and all the people close to me in my life.

I also have the biggest fear of the Dark ~ I know don't laugh at me but I am scared shitless of the woods or any place with not alot of lighting in the night. There are alot of creeping things that lurk in the woods at night (people and species):shake:

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you can ask ANYONE that knows me... I am deathly afraid of people on stilts. I have no idea what it is, but somebody that tall looking down at me freaks me out!!

There was a lady at SurfClub one day on stilts one time and I couldnt look at her without cringing.

I know...... Im a freak.

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i am not affraid of anything..the only thing ..and this might sound wird but i am scared shitless of dentists....thank god i was blessed with good teeth. i dont know just that image of a dentist drilling in your mouth while u r passed out...:eek:

and the movies Dentist and Dentist 2 dint help neither:blank:

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my biggest fear is losing the people most close to me, my family, my dog pickles and my friends.

this may sound f'ed up but i hope i die before all of them because i don't know what i would do sometimes.

and my second biggest fear is PIGEONS, oh my god did you ever see how close those suckers get to you while you walk on the boardwalk - AHHHH, i get scared just thinking about them now !!!

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Originally posted by nvsr2r

i am not affraid of anything..the only thing ..and this might sound wird but i am scared shitless of dentists....thank god i was blessed with good teeth. i dont know just that image of a dentist drilling in your mouth while u r passed out...:eek:

and the movies Dentist and Dentist 2 dint help neither:blank:

I hear that. The drilling sound is the worst But nobody wants "autumn teeth"............"Autumn Teeth Fucked Up"

or "summer teeth"....."summer here, summer there"

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