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weyes' wisdom of the day - 8/10


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everyone is entitled to his/her own sense of style - whether it be one you care for or not. i send that one out to a certain someone, who fervently told me that my wisdom for the day should be that, "men hate one-shoulder tops and girls only wear them because they think men like them and to compete with other girls." <--- :shaky: i guess this may be just yet another wisdom of to each his/her own, but just stressing that, no matter how ugly you think something is, the other person can rock it on his/her own, after all, it makes him/her happy, so rock on :aright: !

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Originally posted by gmccookny

It's one thing to have your own style, blending all types of styles and what not..

But it's another thing to try and revive fashions that SHOULDN"T be revived, or brought back to life. Case in point: 80's fashion :yuck:

it can't be helped. it's the "every twenty years" thing: designers are in their twenties, and start reminiscing. that's why there was all that stupid embroidered bell-bottom crap (some of which still remains) and clogs in the 90s, and why there's the assymetry, and torn stuff from the 80s back now.
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Originally posted by weyes

it can't be helped. it's the "every twenty years" thing: designers are in their twenties, and start reminiscing. that's why there was all that stupid embroidered bell-bottom crap (some of which still remains) and clogs in the 90s, and why there's the assymetry, and torn stuff from the 80s back now.

true, true...fashion comes and goes in cycles. sometimes it comes back, and sometimes it goes for good. hell i was reading the UK edition of GQ and theyre saying that big hair on guys (ala 80's) is on its way back...wtf? well i'm keeping my hair short, 'cos i just cant deal with a big set of hair.

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lots of the guys i know out here are getting their hair cut close to their heads, complaining about the heat. wimps! yet more proof that women are tougher than men :tongue: . i seriously need a haircut, though; it's getting way too long.

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Originally posted by vicman

i just cant stand long hair on me...nope, nope, nope...seriosuly i dont know how women can cope. i guess if i was a girl i would definitly have short hair.

i tried short hair and :no: - did not look good on me. curly hair doesn't work well, short. mid-length, so that i can do things with it and it moves is what i like :D .
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does it ever happen that you get your hair cut and then it takes like a day or 2 until you get used to it to really see if youlike the cut or not?

i recently got mine cut really, really,really short...almost semi bald, just had the little stubs of hair, i was just getting tired of having to get a cut every 2 or 3 weeks because my set of hair is kinda thick, with the hot weather i just cant stand it if it grows out a litle. i also just wanted to change my look a bit for a while at least.

that was 4 weeks ago, i'm thinking of getting it trimmed a bit this weekend and slowly getting back to the old look, the cut that most guys have...shorter down low and a bit longer on the top.

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Originally posted by vicman

does it ever happen that you get your hair cut and then it takes like a day or 2 until you get used to it to really see if youlike the cut or not?

almost always. and it's true when i see other people's haircuts, too; if a friend gets a haircut and asks me if i like it, i'll have to take a day or two to really take stock of it and get over the initial shock in order to make a fair judgment.
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Originally posted by weyes

almost always. and it's true when i see other people's haircuts, too; if a friend gets a haircut and asks me if i like it, i'll have to take a day or two to really take stock of it and get over the initial shock in order to make a fair judgment.

what about coloring? have you ever colored your hair?

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Originally posted by vicman

what about coloring? have you ever colored your hair?

only for halloween, and that's for two reasons. i'm not really into coloring hair in general; i just think it's phony. and women who color their hair - which is the majority of them, it seems to me - always have some degree of roots showing, and that's unattractive, too. but people have a natural hair color for a reason, too, that being that it goes well with their coloring, all on its own. and why does everyone wanna be blonde, anyway? it's not just here in california; people on the east coast want to be lighter than they are, too. i say, rock what you've got and show yourself off.

but i almost always dye my hair every halloween, 'cause i go all out for whoever i dress up as, and that means that wigs are a copout :D . the first time i started the halloween dyeing madness was in '96, when i was xena (dark brown). since then i've dyed it to be daphne (orange-ish) from scooby doo (my friends and i were the whole gang), bettie page (black), and ann-margret (redhead-red). this year i really wanted to be debbie harry or goldie hawn, but i don't wanna bleach my hair blonde, so there goes that idea :( . i'm considering shirley temple...

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i've never colored my hair, but i think its ok, if one wants to look different, although if your always coloring it then there might be something weird going on with that person, i.e. not happy with their own appearance, etc.

anywho, since i'm already starting to see white hairs pop up on my scalp here and there (the age thing) i decided that i would just let them come out and not color my hair in an attampt to cover them up.

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when i was a kid, i always had crushes on adult celebrities, not teen idols. and i always thought prematurely grey hair was particularly sexy. i think it's 'cause a friend of my dad's i had a crush on had totally white hair, and it was just so rare and cool. perhaps being a steve martin fan added to that, as well :smile2: .

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Originally posted by vicman

didnt steve mcqueen also have white hair?

ah - good ol' steve mcq. :laugh2: no. he's a very rare naturally blonde adult :) . light isn't my "type" or anything, as i don't have one; i really just get struck by different things in all kinds of guys. i'm lucky that way :) .
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i just did a super-quick search and only found black and whites, too. weird. funny, too, i never thought about why he wasn't making movies anymore; i didn't think he was dead, for some reason. he was only 50 when he died (lung cancer).

i haven't seen many of his movies, but the getaway is definitely a standout in that genre. his being in it is just an added bonus :aright: . one problem i have with him, though, is that when he calls women, "baby," it sounds terribly forced, kind of like when kevin spacey curses. i just don't buy it.

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smoking isn't cool, kids :nono: . seriously, only a few of my friends don't smoke, although the number that doesn't is increasing as i get older. i smoke a clove every once in a while, "every once in a while" meaning that i bought a pack in january and still haven't finished it :D , but i've never been a smoker. color me a rebel :laugh: .

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