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i just saw the PSA against ecstasy for the first time


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i guess it was only a matter of time before they made a partnership for a drug-free america ad about ecstasy. but man, was that one cheesy and melodramatic.

i've heard that there are more than one. the one i saw follows a glowing, multicolored, lumpy object as it floats through space. this object seems to follow a woman around, who is dancing and seems to be losing balance, breath, and all of her senses. the camera moves around so frenetically that the viewer eventually loses track of what he/she is supposed to be looking at in the first place, and when all the commotion is over, the woman is sprawled on the dance floor as people back away from her. and on the screen pops up:

"ecstasy. where's the love?"

i wonder who makes these commercials. i really do.

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maybe NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse), they have lots of info on their site. funny thing is that everytime the feds. make a commercial about anything, they always make it dramatic and even try to insatll fear in them, even though its been shown that those are the less likely to be effective.

i remember seeing a whole bunch of 'em (commercials) for one of my classes, and generally we always thought they were pretty crappy.

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As far as extacy is concerned, I remember when it used to be in control, and people wouldn't abuse it.

But now, people are popping 3-4 a night, kids that aren't even teenagers are doing them, and people who simply don't know enough about x are taking them and wondering "why am i so dehydrated" or "i feel so happy/talkative/touchy-feely/etc...

I think there needs to be more knowledge and awareness about Extacy (i.e.PLUR) , but not cheesy gov't sponsored ads :rolleyes:

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