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Road Rage @#$!*#

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Originally posted by dgmodel

valid argument... and im simply stating from my experience.. thats all... and since your preffrence on autos is simply based on your likes and dislikes its a topic that cant be argued... like debating a girls beauty, you might find her repulsive i might find her attractive you might find her gorgeous i might find her hideous... somethings just dont have a right/wrong answer...

I never said my preference of autos is based on looks alone . . I'm just saying, if you're gonna fork that kind of money for an Audi (or at least a good one with pickup) you might as well get aggressive styling with it as well . . . That car was engineered and styled to be as banal and pleasing to the suburban Prozac community as possible . . . plain and simple . . .

I drive a shitty Ford and I'm damn proud of her . . . Never failed me once and can take those rice boys off the road with NO modifications under the hood . . .

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

I never said my preference of autos is based on looks alone . .

bottom line is whatever you based your opinion on... it all comes down to just being an opinion you cant argue opinion... and more importantly... opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, and they all stink...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

bottom line is whatever you based your opinion on... it all comes down to just being an opinion you cant argue opinion... and more importantly... opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, and they all stink...

. . . yes, and another infallible truth is that Audi's are boring . . . You know I'm right dude . . . :aright: . .

I love getting a rise out of Audi drivers . . . they so never give up . . . but they so never get angry . . . Prozac Prozac Prozac! . . .

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Originally posted by dgmodel

no need to show off... we all know our cars our perform most why bother proving it everytime we get on the highway... do you see black belts walking down the streets of manhattan just beating the shit out of ppl walking next to them??? doesnt make sense, no rhyme or reason to it... so its not done...

very good point:grin3:

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1.People who can't say thank you. If i let you go, a little goddamn wave isn't too much to ask for is it?

2. Slow ppl. I wont go any further into that subject. Oh by the way, if i am up your arse, it means MOVE. Please. Slow ppl in the left lane cause ACCIDENTS.

3. People who look everywhere ELSE but the road

4. PEOPLE WHO BRAKE FOR NO REASON. (you know who you are) You almost made me crash this weekend.

5. Oh, but this is the one that kills me. So you know when you are in traffic, and all the little fuckers decide to drive on the shoulder? That irratates the living hell out of me. They just back the traffic up more....Just wait like everyone else.

I'm sure theres plenty more, but i cant think of anymore.

But i have become a better driver in my years.....I've at least stopped throwing random things at cars...... :frust:

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . Volkswagons are like Audi's . . utterly banal . . . but hey, to each his/her own! . . . :aright: . . .

i don't understand your aversion to VWs. i drive a passat. it was cheap, drives nice, and keeps my insurance very low.

i agree with many of the other things posted here. i am very prone to road rage, although i admit that i am a pretty careless driver - ask marcid.

my issues:

- ppl who are not sufficiently agressive in manhattan (tourists+)

- ppl going slower than me in the left lane

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . yes, and another infallible truth is that Audi's are boring . . . You know I'm right dude . . . :aright: . . I love getting a rise out of Audi drivers . . . they so never give up . . . but they so never get angry . . . Prozac Prozac Prozac! . . .

thats why i bought one... :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by hotcheme

i don't understand your aversion to VWs. i drive a passat. it was cheap, drives nice, and keeps my insurance very low.

not cheap, but affordable... when you say cheap it makes it sound like you bought a jaloppy...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

not cheap, but affordable... when you say cheap it makes it sound like you bought a jaloppy...

. . . I like VW's . . even though I am still of the firm belief that the Germans Over Engineer everything, and they do . . . . I was just being annoying because of my experiences with Audi drivers . . . ya dig? . .. :smoke: . . .

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Originally posted by hotcheme

- ppl who are not sufficiently agressive in manhattan (tourists+)

ahhh i definately agree with you on that one:aright: i hate people who don't know where they're going and fuck up trafic because of it:frust:

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phuturephunk you do know that VW is prolly the leading automaker in Europe... and some of their flagship cars are Skoda, Audi, Porsche, Bentley, Lamborghini and many more... any company with these names under their belt has got to be doing something right...

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1- Peds who do the little back & forth dance in the street...it's like are you going to cross b/c I am 2 feet away from sending you sailing through the air..

2- People in the lane next to you who are going along on their merry little way doing like 40mph but once your blinker goes on they are @ like 80 so you can't pass..

3- people who cut you off JUST TO GET AHEAD OF TRAFFIC BY ONE CAR

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Originally posted by dgmodel

phuturephunk you do know that VW is prolly the leading automaker in Europe... and some of their flagship cars are Skoda, Audi, Porsche, Bentley, Lamborghini and many more... any company with these names under their belt has got to be doing something right...

. . Oh trust me, I know . . . You think I wasted that whole year playing GT2 and getting paid for it? . . . VW is the GM of Europe . . except they have better brands . . .

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i also hate......

when i'm driving on smaller roads like state routes and big motherfuckin trucks drive on them and slow my ass down. i mean they do like 5 mph up hill and put their flashers on and everything. and of course whenever theres a passing zone there has to be cars coming the other way so i'm stuck forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :frust::biggun:

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Originally posted by dgmodel

perfect time and place everything... no sense in driving wild when not neccassary or when it can put other drivers in harms way... maybe we can drive these cars because our insurance rates are low from careful driving... (knock on wood 3x's...) plus no need to show off... we all know our cars our perform most why bother proving it everytime we get on the highway... do you see black belts walking down the streets of manhattan just beating the shit out of ppl walking next to them??? doesnt make sense, no rhyme or reason to it... so its not done...

good point, but it still pisses me off to see a porsche going 5 mph under the speed limit... and I don't put people in harms way, I drive faster than most but not dangerously fast... I also don't think its about proving that your car is fast - I drive fast but I'm not trying to prove anything, just trying to cut down on the driving time. Anyway, in a year I'll have one of those cars, and I guarantee you I won't be in the right lane going 5 mph under the limit... just my 2 cents :)

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if you travel at 60mph or 80mph the time savings are insignifcant on short journeys unless youre commuting 60 miles plus one way youre really only saving couple mins - 5mins... seriously do the math... and i totally agree with you, one of the things i love the most is dipping on the highway, and what i lust for everytime i get on the highway (if its late night) is for a couple of hottie cars or exotic to dip with... a while back my boy just picked up his m3 from the shop we were coming back from L.I... and we and dont know about him but i topped out at 130mph on that ride... and i could only imagine how hot that must of looked to other drivers seeing two ill cars dip at those speeds... (they prolly hated it...)

i love watching cars dip on the highway... ill love being one of those cars... however like i said as long as its late at night or empty roads... a great ride isnt worth someones life...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

if you travel at 60mph or 80mph the time savings are insignifcant on short journeys unless youre commuting 60 miles plus one way youre really only saving couple mins - 5mins... seriously do the math... and i totally agree with you, one of the things i love the most is dipping on the highway, and what i lust for everytime i get on the highway (if its late night) is for a couple of hottie cars or exotic to dip with... a while back my boy just picked up his m3 from the shop we were coming back from L.I... and we and dont know about him but i topped out at 130mph on that ride... and i could only imagine how hot that must of looked to other drivers seeing two ill cars dip at those speeds... (they prolly hated it...)

i love watching cars dip on the highway... ill love being one of those cars... however like i said as long as its late at night or empty roads... a great ride isnt worth someones life...

True, time savings are not very significant on short trips... I guess I'm just used to longer drives... round trip to work everyday is 96 miles this summer, and since its mostly highway and I don't travel during rush hour I end up saving about 15 mins each way - half hour a day... with adds up to about 35 hours of extra time over the summer for my favorite pass-times of sleeping, drinking beer, spanking it etc etc... I guess even on short trips I speed, not saving much time at all like you said, I just find it boring as hell to go the speed limit or lower when there's an open road just begging to be attacked in front of me :D

Then throw in the 190 mile round trip to nyc once or twice a week, random trips to the shore, philly & DC, and the random trip to maine to see the folks (which by the way takes me 12 hours, and them 17 since they're law-abiding drivers)... and it all adds up... and yes I guess part of it that makes me mad is just the jealousy of wishing I had a nicer car to do all this driving in... but that will come soon enough :)

I too love watching nice cars haul ass on the highway... can't say I've ever heard it called "dipping" before tho... :confused:

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