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all-time favorite anti-drug PSAS!


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while we're talking about partnership for a drug-free america ads, i thought we could have a little retrospective and talk about those little gems that stick out in our minds. ah, those great ones of yesteryear :) ...

one of my very faves, as far as comedic value goes, is one that hardly anyone i know remembers. the story goes a little something like this, though i am a little hazy on the exact details:

a little boy (yes, i thought rather too little) is walking home, and being followed by an older boy, who is hounding him to try marijuana. the boy finally reaches the doorway he's looking for, and the older boy says, "hey, what are, you, chicken?" to which the boy replies,

"i'm not chicken, you're a turkey." and he runs inside.

ooo. that one was scary. high impact, yo.

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i remember the one of the frying egg.

"this is your brain" (hand holds egg)

"these are drugs" (shows a hot pan)

"this is your brain on drugs" (cracks egg and egg starts frying on the pan)

"any questions?"

or all those nanct reagan ads..."just say no"

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my other favorite, and one that actually did affect me as a kid:

we open on a close-up of a businessman's sweaty, frazzled face. his hair is a mess, and as we slowly move back we see that his tie is loosened and he is generally a mess. "i do coke," he says, walking in a circle, "so i can work longer, so i can earn more, so i can do more coke --- so i can work longer, so i can earn more, so i can do more coke..." and so on. and as he repeats this, we zoom out further and see that he is in a room with no exit. he walks faster and faster in his circle until he fades into nothing, as a voice softly sings, "i'm always chasing rainbows..."


still, none of the psas ever affected my later behavior, concerning drugs.

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thats the double standard of the whole thing. they think that by doing these PSA's they will get and ultimately change or prevent people from using "stuff." same goes for sex ed. if they would really want to make an impact they should teach these things at school, have a comprehensive curriculum not just have the physical ed. teacher talk about it for 15min. the target population you want to reach with your message is there day in, day out, for X amopunt of years. if you dont succeed in affecting their behavior of using "stuff" or doing the "hanky-panky" at an early age, you can at least inform/educate them of the consequences and at least aim for realistically making them more responsible when they use "stuff" or do "stuff", 'cos everything in exess is bad, moderation is key and knowing ones limits.

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my school (i went to a private school until 8th grade) showed us the miracle of life in 4th grade. for those of you who don't know that film, it tells the whole story of where babies come from ;) , from beginning to end, scientifically, without euphemisms or sugar-coating. and they put a tiny camera (how they did this, i don't know) into a woman's body, so the movie shows what goes on inside not only the uterus while the fetus is chillin' in there, but you actually see an interior view of the successful ejaculation :eek: . needless to say, we, as fourth graders, were freaked and grossed out of our skulls. but i think it was great that they started us that young, because i knew a girl who got her period in fifth grade.

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How about the one where the kid pulls out the shoebox of drugs, and his Ron Jeremy looking dad busts into the room and is like "Where did you learn how to do this?" and the kid spouts out the best line ever, practically sobbing....

"I learned it from you, dad....I learned it from watching you..."

:laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by brickhouse

How about the one where the kid pulls out the shoebox of drugs, and his Ron Jeremy looking dad busts into the room and is like "Where did you learn how to do this?" and the kid spouts out the best line ever, practically sobbing....

"I learned it from you, dad....I learned it from watching you..."

:laugh: :laugh:

yeah! what the fuck was that :laugh: ?! i didn't understand why the dad seemed so concerned, if he was such a crazy druggie. but the thing that really struck me was that he had everything in that box: a crack pipe, weed, a syringe, a razor and a mirror, a bottle of liquid acid, a mini meth lab with miniature white trash workers, an egg for the frying pan that was his brain...
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Originally posted by vicman

i remember the one of the frying egg.

"this is your brain" (hand holds egg)

"these are drugs" (shows a hot pan)

"this is your brain on drugs" (cracks egg and egg starts frying on the pan)

"any questions?"

or all those nanct reagan ads..."just say no"

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

i remember those lol haha

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Originally posted by brickhouse

The Bull is the logo for the school I went to undergrad at....U of South Florida. In honor of football season starting in a couple weeks....

thats what i thought. i went there for grad school. rocky the bull is mascot.

cophlogo2.gif <---thats where i went to grad school

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yeah COPH was all the way at the corner of fletcher and 30th, in front of the med school isolated from the main campus, walking there in that heat was unbearable, one at least needed a pair of rollerblades or a bike.

on the other side of things, i really never really went to main campus besides registering for clasas and going to the gym.

are the usf bulls still divission II-A or are they now I-A?

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Originally posted by brickhouse

They're I-A (second season in I-A...went 8-3 last year with wins over three bowl teams). This season they play at Oklahoma, Arkansas, Southern Miss and East Carolina, so it might be a tough year...

not bad..thyre probably gonna get killed at Oklahoma though :hang:

i say that in 5 years were in the BCS :D

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