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when they call "divas to the dancefloor" where do u go?


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i've been trying to take this survey for a while, and now i'm actually gonna write down people's answers. my brother, for instance, says, as his answer to this question, he "goes to the bathroom." no, i'm not talking literally about the song, but the sentiment. so, if someone shouts:

:direct: "divas to the dancefloor, please..."

where do you go?

i myself, have already been there all night :spin2: .

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well, it all depends on how you define "diva."

merriam-webster gives us:

Main Entry: di·va

Pronunciation: 'dE-v&

Function: noun

Inflected Form(s): plural divas or di·ve /-(")vA/

Etymology: Italian, literally, goddess, from Latin, feminine of divus divine, god -- more at DEITY

Date: 1883


these days, i think it's come to mean prima donna more than deity, which is a shame. there are a bunch of slang words that mean "guy at the top" and none for women that i can think of, offhand, and i can't even say that without sounding like a whiny feminist. and hey, while the powers that be come up with some words for women who are great without any derogatory connotations, why don't they come up with some more words for men who are fabulous that don't imply that they're gay or that they put down women (i.e. how gay guys have to call each other "girlfriend" because the only other alternative is "pimp.")?

well, i didn't quite put that as clearly as i could've, i suppose, 'cause i'm a wee bit tired yawn1.gif , but there should be a unisex word that's in everyday use that lets us all be the gods and goddesses we are, who should all get our asses on the dancefloor :aright: .

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i used to use sneakers all the time also, but sometimes (and maybe its because i'm getting older) i like to dress up a bit more, and of course with places that have dres codes, well what can you do?

although i still prfere sneakers or very comfortable shoes. last week i wore sneakers for sasha, and at the end of the night my knees, ankles and back were thanking me for it

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the way i dance can only be performed in sneakers :aright: . and i just can't tolerate intolerant places with dress codes. every time i go out there are some people dressed up way more than i am who make comments under their breath (i hear you, rude people :rolleyes: ), but i'm not there to impress them.

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