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weyes' wisdom of the day - 8/19


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share a bit of what you're passionate about to people you meet who are from different circles. people who you may think won't understand your hobbies/favorite leisure activities/lifestyle may actually find it very interesting and want to know about these things - things that they may not have heard of - and it's also a great way to bring people closer together :) .

tune in tomorrow.

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I try to give my all and get deep with people whenever im in discourse. I want them to know im genuine :)

Also, i've been feeling lately that im more interested in things that i know little about, or haven't thought much about, than the things im usually into (music, movies, etcc...)

Like my friend was explaining all the rules of golf to me the other day, and now i feel a whole lot better that i understand bogey's, eagles and "par for course" :cool:

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yup thats true, lots of my female friends could care less about soccer, but when the world cup comes around, i'm basically out of contact with the real world, they didnt seem to understand that, because they didnt like, or ever watched the games.

i suggested that they watch a few here and there, if they refused, i just told them to watch the players, and lo and behold they thought a few of them were hot and they started watching more games to see the players, but at least they got into it somewhat.

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Originally posted by vicman

yup thats true, lots of my female friends could care less about soccer, but when the world cup comes around, i'm basically out of contact with the real world, they didnt seem to understand that, because they didnt like, or ever watched the games.

i suggested that they watch a few here and there, if they refused, i just told them to watch the players, and lo and behold they thought a few of them were hot and they started watching more games to see the players, but at least they got into it somewhat.

Mmmm, gotta love those calves :tongue:

But I love a good game of soccer. It's been in my family for generations. My grandfather played in the minor leagues in Belgium (as does my cousin Steve). My father was real good. He grew up in Brazil, and had a chance to play professionally there! But his father insisted that he get an education in the states...

There went his chance to play with Pele ~

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i always used to play defense or goal keeper. i was kinda bad as a forward, so i figured that i could at least throw myself in front of the oppositioin in order to stop them. likewise i enjoyed playing for terrible teams and being the goal keepr, yeah sure i got hundreds of goals scored on me in say uh, 6, 7 games :worry: but it sure was fun :D

so much for being the next oliver kahn

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Originally posted by vicman

i suggested that they watch a few here and there, if they refused, i just told them to watch the players, and lo and behold they thought a few of them were hot and they started watching more games to see the players, but at least they got into it somewhat.

:laugh::aright: rock on.

growing up, i was only good in the positions that kids didn't value. i was a very good defensive player at basketball and always annoyed the shit out of the other team, making them scream such things as, "get the hell outta my face!" but nobody cared 'cause i didn't make very many baskets. and i was a good baserunner when we played wiffleball (growing up in the city, we were indoors most of the time) and occaisionally softball, but i couldn't field for shit. i also walked a lot when we played softball, because most pitches were balls, but eventually the gym teacher called them as strikes because she knew i'd always try to walk as long as the pitchers stayed crappy.

but indoors, i was often designated umpire when the teacher had us do free play, 'cause the kids knew i was fair. i always thought that was the best ever, 'cause i had people's respect and i got to always be useful.

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:laugh: :laugh:

i also used to play baseball growing up, i was pretty good at that. in arizona my team really sucked, but i enjoyed it. we were the "CUBS" and had green uni's. that was pee-wee league.

then moving to panama, little league, my team kicked ass "BOYD STEAMSHIP CORP." a company sponsored each of the teams (my brothers team was HARDEE'S) and we had light blue t-shirts. i played 3rd base, and was a good hitter, although i could never hit a home run, but we did pull of a triple play. so true about the balls and strikes, if you didnt swing at them, chances are you would get on base.

i also played basketball in highschool and i sucked bad, of course my team sucked bad also, i recall we lost our first game like 50-4 or something, we went 0-12 or someting like that...but people were starting to fear us, they were just lucky that the season ended soon enough. :mad:


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I was great at defense when i played. They called me the *star defensive kid with the golden shoe :tongue:

But i stopped in high school cuz i wasn't into the jock scene at my school. Lots of peckerheads :blank:

I also really enjoy street basketball. Been playing for over 10 years now, and i got a shweet shot.

I also bowl, snowboard and play tennis. Anyone up for a game:confused:

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i used to bowl almost every week, then i stopped...i also used to play tennis i really liked it alot, i was kinda sorta good, then i stopped...who knows i might going for my 10th straight US Open later this month if i hadnt stopped, and those 10 trophies would be alongside my 10 straight french opens, wimbledons, master's and aussie's opens :D ...oh, and a couple of olympic gold medals thrown in there for good measure along my multiple Davis Cups :D

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