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The offcial DT @ space review....

Guest saleen351

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

Vicman - Your body was there but your mind was elsewhere.

saturday yes, my mind was in fubar heaven.

sunday, yes for the first few hours then my dearest friend larry paid me a visit and i was fubar once again and i swear i saw little fluffy clouds inside the club :D

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Originally posted by edgarv

first off if you really know me or know of me you would know that i like all styles of music......just because i play trance doesn't mean that's all i have to listen to.....and you are right i don't like JVM but he would of done a much better job than JZ...i never said JVM sucked i just said it's not my cup of tea.....and i never said JZ sucked i just said IMO he wasn't a good opener......he's young and he's still gotta learn a thing or 2 about opening........this is a message board and :

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion"

cool beans.. i know it's a message board... and yes, i agree, to each his own..


what is a good opener ?

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opening for DT is a monumental task. your not sure how DT is going to start, so you have a few choices come out banging; which will surely tire the crowd out. or you come out and mix up, and keep the crowd going. judging from the vibe in the room during Oscar’s set, and the positive reaction he received when DT acknowledged him. it clearly showed that people appreciated what he did; sorry you and others didn’t feel the same way.

Oscar has the utmost respect for Danny, and they are good friends. his set exhibited the pause, and experience I would expect from Oscar. as far your labeling people as "guidos -monkeys"and "monkey’s".you need to take your stereotyping elsewhere. if the only way you can, express yourself is by stereotyping, and exhibiting your insecurities. then you clearly have a lot a maturing to do.

I caught this thread pretty late & there is way too much to sit thru & breakdown, even though you all know hom much I love doin' it...

In a nutshell- well stated Tony..

Oscar G is the most talented DJ in Miami bar none. Lets show a lil' respect here... It's no wonder why guys like Robbie Rivera stay away from residencies here. Cuz the loyalty just isn't there.

btw Tony, that was Omar from DHM out there when we were hangin' in the patio. I was really diggin' him of all 3 of the dhm boyz. DHM had a good set, but whomever it was that mentioned they should open for DT needs to go back, re-think & re-state their post. Ohhh, I understand- it's called an opinion...

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first off, i'd like to apologise to sobeton. i never meant any of my comments to piss anyone off except saleen. that kid just gets on my last nerves w/ all his negativity. DT and DHM bashing was the last straw for me. he's always talking about his right to his opinion on everyone and everything else down here, i decided to give him mine. sorry you took things personal.

now about jimmy van m. i never stated that he should open for tenaglia. in fact i think he would be a horrible opening dj for tenaglia. the only suggestion i made would be for DHM. that sound would work 100%. i agree w/ you edgar that zabiela wasn't the best opener for sasha. jimmy van m would have been better. i've been following zabiela for a of couple years now, and i must say he currently is a MUCH better dj than sasha. right now james is almost as good as sasha USED to be. but since his name recognition in the states is very little, he has to start somewhere. in the UK, james headlines or tag teams. that night at crobar, james simply blew sasha away. i could have cared less if sasha came on at all. i just used the name jimmy van m because i love him as an opener, but i'm not into his headline sounds.

now my reply to oscar. now that you let the light in about danny's flight problems, i fully understand. honestly, it was about 1:30 where you completely lost me. but since that's when you planned to play until, that is fully understood. not knowing the circumstances, i wasn't impressed with pumping beats before danny was to come on. i just get worn out too early that way.

in defense of danny, he did the right thing by chilling everyone out. it was the right thing to do @ 4:30am, when you know you are gonna play another 10-14 hours. you can't add that on top of the previous 3-4 hours of high BPM's. i don't think many people understand the ebb and flow of a night in a club where you can play/listen to a set for 16+ hours. you have to make people dance, you have to put some emotion to it, you have to slow them up. give them time to re-group, chat w/ friends, get a drink, take a piss, whatever. then build them back in. scare the shit out of them. turn all the lights out. then blow the horn. it's like an extended movie. take the godfather for instance. the flow of that movie is the perfect analogy for the perfect extended dj set. build a slow plot line. throw a few twists, slow it back down, then in one swoop, kill everyone. then let it simmer a bit. pull it back down before letting loose again. get my point?

by the way oscar, your opening dj in gainsville is a friend of mine from london named jonathan lisle. this guy is a master! i dunno how well your sets will mesh, but by all means get there early and check him out. he's on par or possibly a bit better than james zabiela. his style is very northern exposure vol 1.

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I can sympathize with the technical issues for sure. I was in the booth when Tom Stephan showed up sporting a sampler of sorts, and Nick Asunto had this sick look on his face when Tom asked him to install it. Comparable to working on a jet engine while it is running. It's not as simple as plugging it into a spare input :)

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by pod

I can sympathize with the technical issues for sure. I was in the booth when Tom Stephan showed up sporting a sampler of sorts, and Nick Asunto had this sick look on his face when Tom asked him to install it. Comparable to working on a jet engine while it is running. It's not as simple as plugging it into a spare input :)

i know how we can fix the problems in the dj booth with sound equipment installations during a set...
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by the way oscar, your opening dj in gainsville is a friend of mine from london named jonathan lisle. this guy is a master! i dunno how well your sets will mesh, but by all means get there early and check him out. he's on par or possibly a bit better than james zabiela. his style is very northern exposure vol 1.

scratch that oscar, i just found out he'll be playing the other room, most likely at the same time as you. but by all means, if you get a chance peek in there a couple times. here's the flyer:


GO UM!!!!!

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Originally posted by james954

first off, i'd like to apologise to sobeton. i never meant any of my comments to piss anyone off except saleen. that kid just gets on my last nerves w/ all his negativity. DT and DHM bashing was the last straw for me. he's always talking about his right to his opinion on everyone and everything else down here, i decided to give him mine. sorry you took things personal.

it's all good. it's a message board; it’s really not worth taking anything personally. ;)
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Originally posted by djoscarg

BTW: this Friday two of my best friends will be starting their new residencies....apart from being my pals they are, no doubt, the 2 best djs in their respective genres in this town (and probably the country)

EDGAR V. will be back at Space on Fridays (thank God!) and he is going to bring back the energy that room has been lacking on Fridays for a long time....

STRYKE will be starting his new party at RED which will definitely offer an alternative to serious music lovers....and this week he has JIMMY T. which I think is an amazing up & coming talent in this town....

PLEASE support these guys ,as they are among the best we have to offer, I'M GOING TO BOTH!!!!!!! see you there!

Thanks Oscar! and let it be said that you've got my full support for everything you do. I think a lot of people don't understand what we go through sometimes behind the scenese. If it wasn't for you, Ralph, and MURK, the scene here would more than likely be non existent. And that's a fact. Let's show some respect! I would personally like to thank Oscar for being one of the brightest lights we have in Miami (and the world for that matter) when it comes to music and passion for music! Oscar was a DJ and producer while others were still in diapers, and he is still showing us a thing or 4! Keep up the great work Oscar.



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I was at Space on Sunday night. I wanted to meet the Miami CP heads (I'm on DC CP) but when I finally got Vic to take me over to you guys... you were gone :(

I did get to hang with Joey though :D But he's always up here in DC! ;) Thanks for the ride back to my hotel hon! You're the bestest!

There's a lot of mixed reviews but I really enjoyed DT. I was only there till about 10 am. I got there at midnight and 10 hours of dancing is a looooong time! How long did he spin till? 12? Sorry if that has been answered I was skimming the thread.

I had a great time and hopefully when I make it down to Miami again I can meet some of you.


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