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I need an opinion.

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I dont normally post my own problems but I need opinions on this.

My company hired this new chic. I think she had a little fight with her perfume bottle because the smell in my office is intoxicating.

Yesterday she had a shit load on as well - BUT - that perfume was nice. Today it smells like a godman whore house.

Im sitting here and I honestly feel like Im going to puke on my keyboard. My eyes have been tearing so much that I look like my dog just died.

How do I tell someone - that I dont even know mind you - that I cant fucking breathe cause she smells like shit today??


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Originally posted by allishara

I dont normally post my own problems but I need opinions on this.

My company hired this new chic. I think she had a little fight with her perfume bottle because the smell in my office is intoxicating.

Yesterday she had a shit load on as well - BUT - that perfume was nice. Today it smells like a godman whore house.

Im sitting here and I honestly feel like Im going to puke on my keyboard. My eyes have been tearing so much that I look like my dog just died.

How do I tell someone - that I dont even know mind you - that I cant fucking breathe cause she smells like shit today??


Ewwwww.... That's hard, you should ask her what she had on yesterday, and if she always switches perfume...... MAybe she'll catch the drift... Or find an open window and stick your head out of it....

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

Ewwwww.... That's hard, you should ask her what she had on yesterday, and if she always switches perfume...... MAybe she'll catch the drift... Or find an open window and stick your head out of it....

at this rate Id rather JUMP out.....

I dont even know her and already I hate her.

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Originally posted by allishara

I dont normally post my own problems but I need opinions on this.

My company hired this new chic. I think she had a little fight with her perfume bottle because the smell in my office is intoxicating.

Yesterday she had a shit load on as well - BUT - that perfume was nice. Today it smells like a godman whore house.

Im sitting here and I honestly feel like Im going to puke on my keyboard. My eyes have been tearing so much that I look like my dog just died.

How do I tell someone - that I dont even know mind you - that I cant fucking breathe cause she smells like shit today??


Im usually pretty blunt---Something like YO sweetheart, how bout using a little less of that perfume...Your killing me over here---

Comments like that are probably why Im single:D

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Just start chit chatting with her and say geez my eyes are killing me someoone has way too much perfume on today...this way maybe she'll realize its her(especially if she doesn't smell it anymore). Then it seems like you don't think its her but maybe she'll feel self concious and relax with the spray.:D

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Originally posted by Kermzy

Ask her to minimalize the amount she puts on cause you are allergic to it. Say I really love the smell but unfortunately I'm allergic and my eyes get itchy & watery. She can't really fight you on it.

Very tactful...Im Impressed:D

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i agree - tell her you are DETAHLY allergic

then take a red pen, draw some dots on yourself and tell her that

you just broke into HIVES and it's because of the perfume somebody must be wearing .... then say wait, sniff her and then say IT'S YOU and run as fast as you can ... not only will she think you are crazy, she'll probably avoid you for the rest of the time she is there ... and maybe not put on so much damn perfume !!!

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Originally posted by allishara

I dont normally post my own problems but I need opinions on this.

My company hired this new chic. I think she had a little fight with her perfume bottle because the smell in my office is intoxicating.

Yesterday she had a shit load on as well - BUT - that perfume was nice. Today it smells like a godman whore house.

Im sitting here and I honestly feel like Im going to puke on my keyboard. My eyes have been tearing so much that I look like my dog just died.

How do I tell someone - that I dont even know mind you - that I cant fucking breathe cause she smells like shit today??


Just dump some water on her ass!!!!!!

Ha ha....seriously though, we have the same problem here...never really considered it a whore house, but whatever....nobody knows what to do...this chick SMELLS and then covers it up with shitloads of perfume!

Whenever we have meetings, everyone sits at the other end of the conference table!

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

kinda impressed by JP's guido tact.

did i tell you my friend maria has some cute chick she wants you to hook up with ???

What I am the manwhore?? Did you see the girl or are you going by maria's description??

More importantly--Does she have a drivers liscience??:laugh:

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Originally posted by jp18

What I am the manwhore?? Did you see the girl or are you going by maria's description??

More importantly--Does she have a drivers liscience??:laugh:

yes she drives. guess thats requirement # 1 huh

yes i saw her she looks really good. hung out w her 2 times that night and at tempts on sun for few too

you would have seen her had you not bailed on deko that ngiht

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Im debating on when to tell her. I was the only girl in the office before she started here so if I scream out that someone has a shitload of perfume on - I would be totally implying that its HER smelly ass. Dont want to be a bitch so soon! :D

I think Im going to opt for the allergic idea. But NO red pen!

Probably catch her in the ladies room at one point and tell her.

I might even try to hose the woman down near the sink while Im at it.

Its funny cause I've been whining my ass off to the guys that I work with about it and every 5 seconds you hear me spraying my Lysol Dysinfectant spray all around my desk.

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Originally posted by jp18

What I am the manwhore?? Did you see the girl or are you going by maria's description??

More importantly--Does she have a drivers liscience??:laugh:

yes she drives. guess thats requirement # 1 huh

yes i saw her she looks really good. hung out w her 2 times that night and at tempts on sun for few too

you would have seen her had you not bailed on deko that ngiht

she might be at surf on sun i got to talk to maria see if they are going

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Hey DoublePlay.

You know what I have noticed?

You are like KING of not sticking to subjects - you do it in ALL posts! Im over here venting about a smelly chick at my office and you go into how you want to get hooked up with a girl with no drivers license!! Now - unless the girl smells like shit - start a new thread buddy! ;)

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

yes she drives. guess thats requirement # 1 huh

yes i saw her she looks really good. hung out w her 2 times that night and at tempts on sun for few too

you would have seen her had you not bailed on deko that ngiht

she might be at surf on sun i got to talk to maria see if they are going

Yeah its pretty funny how things I never thought of considering as requirements are now priorities:mad:

Deko??? Just let it go, let it go:laugh:

Alli---sorry, i was just going with the flow:(

I still like my YO SWEETHEART IDEA best

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hmm first didnt even know you knew my real name.

secondly, uhhh look at evey post by everyone they all go way off on a different subject. and hey i posted right after that back on the subject so it was just kinda like a little side bar.i didnt think you would see it figured you would be puking or gagging or wiping tears from your eyes. Possibly even hanging her out the window kinda like one of those air freshner trees for your car.

there is an idea. put a plastic bag over her like on the trees and tell her you will pull it off little by little as the scent dissappears

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Originally posted by allishara

Hey DoublePlay.

You know what I have noticed?

You are like KING of not sticking to subjects - you do it in ALL posts! Im over here venting about a smelly chick at my office and you go into how you want to get hooked up with a girl with no drivers license!! Now - unless the girl smells like shit - start a new thread buddy! ;)

i dont wanna get hooked up with someone with no license.. i was talking about someone for jp to hook up with. i dont want any women im going to become a priest they get Nun.

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