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Dolphins woop Lions asses


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Yeah it was against the Lions, but they did beat them as bad as the Canes beat the Gators! Ricky Williams rushed 100+ yards....nice......lookin' better than last year but can we get a new quarterback please?....PRETTY FUCKING PLEASE?!

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Originally posted by meng

but can we get a new quarterback please?....PRETTY FUCKING PLEASE?!

COME ON NOW! Give Jay a chance! He was hurt towards the end of last season. When he is healthy, he plays well. He just recovered from surgery. And, the new QB we picked up from Wash., needs time to grow. Hey, DOLPHINS WILL WIN BOTH GAMES AGAINST THE JEST THIS YEAR!!!!!! :D

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Originally posted by mikeydny

Maybe they'll beat the JEST,

:tongue: "JEST" was a play on JETS. As in "The NY JEST". Or, better yet, the New Jersey JEST! Hey, I grew up watching the JEST at Shea, and praying they lost every game. It's sad, but most of my family has the same GREEN & WHITE sickness as you. I wish there was a cure! May-B we need a Telethon! I moved here to B-close 2 my Dolphins! You can always cure your "NY State Of Mind" blues... Just hop on JET BLUE!

Your posts are good. I've been reading them for a month now. Would be better w/ out the JETS (JEST)! Anyway, I'm a Mike from NY. I wish you the best, but not your JEST! ;)

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I'm watching the Bucs too.... I hope they win.. I love Gruden..

As for the FINS ----> FanFu*kin'Tastic!

The only thing that would have made my day was if the Bills would've had their special teams defense show up and stop that freakin' OT run-back by the jets......:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :blown:

Oh well, as long as the FINS win, who gives a shit about the Jets anyway:D


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;) Ahhh thanks MrMoves :D I know, I'm a guys dream when it comes to sports......I wake up to SportsCenter, and I go to bed w/ SportsCenter.. I am soooooo happy it's football season.....Baseball highlights are getting annoying and "Baseball Tonight" just blows....

Give me my Chris Burman:D and PRIMETIME baby!

Yes Mikey, it's true - even us FINS fans are extremely knowledgeable about football.........

:kiss2: Still luv ya babe ;)


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what a sports weekend....Canes killed the Gators at the Swamp...Fins handed the Lions their asses....Jets barely got a win against the Bills....My Vikings lost (nothing new) to the Bears....and Tampa Bay lost to the Aints, i mean Saints (i am glad Tampa Bay lost, bunch of punks)......oh, and how about them Texans??:rolleyes:


Robbie Rivera at Spin and John Creamer at Space....:idea:

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Originally posted by mrmovement33

i love the phins..but i wouldn't be surprised if we stumble in the 1st round of the playoffs again.

Well I look at it this way... It's the first week... we only have 16 more to go.... Every team either gets better or worse (due to key injuries)... If we stay healthy and the front line protects Fiedler and gives him time to throw, we will be okay.... It's when Fiedler has to scramble that he gets sloppy and throws INT's...

So right now, I think the Fins have what it takes to go all the way.... but so does every other team in the NFL..


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lola u and i wouldn't have to fight over the remote control. what a wonderful thought. to go to sleep with the sounds of chris berman and tom jackson along with a lovely young lady by my side. every man's dream. you have a lot of knowledge of football. this is very impressive. consiering the fact that the last girl i dated thought that a field goal was when the guy ran around the bases and went into the dugout...lol


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Originally posted by lolahotass

:laugh: :laugh:


My dad coached football for 11 years, so I know my shit - somewhat:D

Lola :tongue:

but your a fucking traitor!!!! The lions wil get them back when they meet in the super bowl. Barry Sanders is comming out of retirement just to make it happen!!!.


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Originally posted by shroomy

but your a fucking traitor!!!! The lions wil get them back when they meet in the super bowl. Barry Sanders is comming out of retirement just to make it happen!!!.


SHROOMS ----> I'm no traitor! I was a Marino fan for years! I took #13 in V-ball cuz of him!! AND FOR YOUR INFORMATION, I WAS CHEERING FOR THE LIONS TOO THIS WEEKEND.. .even though I wanted the FISH to win:D :D I'm a Lions fan too. I can cheer for as many teams as I want.....:laugh:

Barry WAS kick-ass... too bad they kept Wayne Fontes for all those years - the guy didn't know his head from his ass..... and their choice in QB's... Please....

:laugh: :laugh: ~*~*~ LOLA ~*~*~ :laugh: :laugh:

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