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9/11 Terror Threats.


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what good is high alert

because terrorists look just like u and i

u cant tell who is who

its the goverments fault for letting so many immagrants in this country to begin with

they shoulda closed the boarders centries ago

maybe we would have less problems here

as for attacts well i dunno whats gonna happen but i will live out my day as any other day

if i die i die

and die proud to be American!

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We should have closed the borders centuries ago?

None of us would be here you id!@t!!!!!!!!!

This is not OUR country more than any other immigrant.

This country that YOU think YOU own belonged to the millions of native people living here before THEY were conquered. Millions. OUR ancestors came from EUROPE and took this place over. THIS IS NO MORE YOURS THAN MINE. And It's not mine. We are Americans. We don't own America.

Let me guess, should we just put every muslim in camps like we did to japanese/americans during WW2. And what if a person of Arab desent is a christian, should we let them out?


These events happened because of the hate people have of our overly great power. Know the facts before you sound like a typical ignorant American. Have you ever been outside the US? Have you been to a third world country? Do you have any idea how arrogant American foreign policies are? People have reason to hate the US. Closing borders is not solving anything. A bandaid does not cure cancer.

Hey, this is a message board. Here we are allowed to write what we think, however, if someone writes with hatred and stupidity, be prepared, the educated will destroy your way of thinking. America is the "melting pot" remember

WE NEED TO LOVE OUR BROTHERS, that is the answer.

Not closing borders.

I now step off my soap box.

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Originally posted by mrjoebudious

We should have closed the borders centuries ago?

None of us would be here you id!@t!!!!!!!!!

exactly my point then i wouldnt have to deal with people like you.

but any way

my family came to Ny from italy over 200 years ago

over those years my family has been strict with who and what they let into that family up untill my parents, my wholes mothers side has married 100% italians and all those familys were yes on the same boat comming over as my ancesters.

my mother being the first to marry a non italian ,father is from Puerto Rico

is my family racist definitly not ,am i racist definitly not

but i do believe the government lets to many imagrants into this country

if they didnt wouls we have so much

italian mafia

columbian coke

islomic terrorists

cubans n whatever they do

i wasnt talkin about muslims i was talkin about everyone who came to this country on thier own free will with no right and no invatation

i beleive that a great deal of this country is because of imagrants but i simply stated that they let TOOO many in they should seal the boarders

mr.joudikinthebutt fuck u and ur post i couldnt bare to read past the second like u speak fuckin nonesense

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Originally posted by mrjoebudious

Back to the subject JETS, JETS, JETS!!!! ? How does football fit?

My comments were geared to the ummmm not so thought out response to our new "CODE ORANGE"!!!

Please explain the football thing. Am I out of my mind?

what the hell are u talking about the subject was about 9/11, as u might of read originally, all I posted was "BACK TO THE SUBJECT", if u didnt notice, the JETS THING is my signature.....

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Originally posted by mrjoebudious

We should have closed the borders centuries ago?

None of us would be here you id!@t!!!!!!!!!

This is not OUR country more than any other immigrant.

This country that YOU think YOU own belonged to the millions of native people living here before THEY were conquered. Millions. OUR ancestors came from EUROPE and took this place over. THIS IS NO MORE YOURS THAN MINE. And It's not mine. We are Americans. We don't own America.

Let me guess, should we just put every muslim in camps like we did to japanese/americans during WW2. And what if a person of Arab desent is a christian, should we let them out?


These events happened because of the hate people have of our overly great power. Know the facts before you sound like a typical ignorant American. Have you ever been outside the US? Have you been to a third world country? Do you have any idea how arrogant American foreign policies are? People have reason to hate the US. Closing borders is not solving anything. A bandaid does not cure cancer.

Hey, this is a message board. Here we are allowed to write what we think, however, if someone writes with hatred and stupidity, be prepared, the educated will destroy your way of thinking. America is the "melting pot" remember

WE NEED TO LOVE OUR BROTHERS, that is the answer.

Not closing borders.

I now step off my soap box.


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If they closed the borders centuries ago, your mother would have never met your puerto rican father. Do you get it. Closing borders does nothing. One must look at the core of the problem. Immigration is not the answer. Those terrorists were here mostly on student visas. Not immagrants living and working here. Should we close the borders to visit the us? Would Disney survive?

Just so you know, I'm puerto rican as well and do you know of the puerto rican terrorist attacks in the US in the 50's? Probably not!! Should we keep puerto ricans out of the US as well?

Know what you are talking about, it may make you look like an id!@t!!!!

Your ancestors came here to look for a better life. What gives you the right to decide that someone else does not get that same chance. This is America. Gives us your week, your hungry. . .

We have plenty of room in this country for more people, bring them on!!! I know you must feel anger by all the mispelled words and run on sentences. Don't be brother. Just realize immigration has nothing to do with 9/11. Nothing. American arrogance is why.

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Originally posted by mrjoebudious

Just realize immigration has nothing to do with 9/11. Nothing. American arrogance is why.

Bullshit... American arrogance has as little to do with it as imigration.

I have been to several muslim countries and fought with and against them.

They fear freedom, pure and simple. They see their kids having the choice of watching Britney Spears instead of studying the Koran. They think government should be an enforcer of religion and tell people what to wear, what to read, what to learn and what to think.

Giving their people the freedom to do what they want to do will totally destroy their way of life (not that their way of life is "right")

We are threatening them with the appeal that freedom has and the revolutionary idea that all people have basic rights. This is total blasphemy to anyone in power now (both secular and nonsecular) because it threatens their power and their way of life.

They know that their children will choose the powerpuff girls and mutant ninja turtles if given the choice. They also know that they are doing what God wants them to do.

It is a total conundrum that is not going to be solved in our lifetimes. There is a better chance of me and Saleen becoming life mates than there is a chance of these people compromising or seeing us as people.

Bottom line is there is a war of ideals going on and both sides think they are right.

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shroomy dont be a dick


how the hell did they hijack the planes

i guess they just magicly appeared there

i understand the half of the world hates america but if they cant get in out country how can they defeat us?

cause declaring war on us sure as hell isnt gonna work

9/11 was because the government allowed immagrants in here and they went and build a mini army of thier own within our country

if that wasnt the case 9/1 catastrophe woulda never happened

i dare someone to say different!!!

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thats just stupid as hell, its like saying if it wasnt for airplanes then the attacks wouldnt have happened. No airplanes then no attack.

Sure we made it easier for them but to blame our imigration policy for 9/11 is like blaming General Motors for the drunk that crashes his Corvette into the school playground.

Not to mention how our economy could not exist without imigrants and the contribution they make to our country.

On a side note, only one of the terorists was an imigrant. The others were tourists or students. There is a huge difference in both law and practicallity.

Are we going to stop all the foreign tourists from visiting Miami for the WMC? Disney? Univeristy of FL? etc... lets see where that leads us.

and we are no longer a country with borders. We have companies, military bases and foreign nationals all over the world. Just try to be an isolationalist and we can regress back to the days before WW I and see if that works any better.

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