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One year later


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Guest saleen351

My neighbor died, my friends just barely got out, and guy down the road died, so it hits home.......... I don't think any of yous were in the northeast that day, we all felt like London in WW2... All of our phones were dead, people took their kids from school, and panic set in..... But it shows how dumb those terrorists were, the last place anyone should stike is the tristate area.... When my mom brought food across the street the next day, it was probably one of the hardest things her and my dad had to do. Our neighbor was on the 82 floor when it came down.. He has 2 little kids. For one month, she sat outside, watching her kids play and holding the phone, waiting for it to ring... Someone in the neighborhood, lined her entire drive way with little American flags.... We donated money to them, but they didn't want it, they wanted their life back to normal. And I'll never forget, the first monday night football game after the attacks, its was Jets vs niners game at the meadowlands, which is only 8 miles from ground zero.... We in NJ are accustom to seeing the towers on the right side of the turnpike when you are north bound... all you could see that day was the fires and smoke, and this was 2 weeks later............ Rudy G came out and the place gave him a 10 min standing ovation... they passed out little american flags... everyone at the tailgate, new someone who died... Just thought i'd share some of my experience...

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Originally posted by sunnyhost

United we stand, divided we fall

star3.gifstar3.gifstar3.gifPROUD 2 B AN AMERICANstar3.gifstar3.gifstar3.gif

that might be the only decent thing u'v said on this board


saleen i was in ny at the time..nothing but pure hell for that whole week. i have 2 cousins that work in the towers and luckily thay took off that day to go golfing. but as for friends i had lost 3 of my some of my closest friends(R.I.P I LOVE U GUYS WITH ALL MY HEART AND FOREVER U WILL BE THERE).. young attractive kids who had the whole world going for them.. all 3 were firefighters

who were just doing thier jobs. 2 of them are actually in the firefighters swimsuit calender that was recently put out.

but at the time u couldnt speak to anyone without hearing some disturbing news about them or someone they know..

for all u who never lived in ny u will never understand the fact that everyone in NY/NJ is like one big family everyone knows eachother.

9/11 hurt everyone in the tristate area even if they didnt know anyone. the streets of NY were filled with rage, i seen cab drivers get pulled from cars and get the shit beaten out of them for wearing a turbin.

i dont argree with that at all just because they wear a turban doesnt make them a bad person.

my mother owns apartments in Ny and some of our tenants are Indian , they were calling my mother crying , one man was scared for his life to go to work because he was islamic and there was somuch violence towards them.

anyway this post will go forever so ill just end it

this is a sad day of mourning for me and im kinda glad im not in NY right now cause i would have funeral ceramonies and gatherings to visit so i will take this day so sit back with my loved ones and have a lil prayer for them

even though everyone has thier differences GOD BLESS YOU ALL

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Originally posted by shroomy

I have a good idea. :idea:

Lets treat each other with respect all the time and not just on aniversaries.

Lets face it. We all have more in common than differences.

very true everyone should treat eachother with more respect but honestly it will never happen on this board

its a battle of the geniuses

who knows more,whos the spell check police of the day

who knows more about that this dj , or that nationality

shroomy u are right we have alot in common

we all a buncha assholes trying to be top dog on a website

we all need to calm down a notch cause noone here is a genius other wise they wouldnt be sitting on a web site argueing or going to a club doing drugs

anyone with a brain is at work or in school using it has no time for non-sense

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