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If not for the orgasm, when would the sex end?!?

sex ends after an orgasm? says who? :cool:

sex ending after an orgasm is for the meek; for the prowess, it merely marks the end of foreplay, and the beginning of round 2 of a multi-round bout. ;)

For every word of wisdom, there is an opposite and equally profound saying that contradicts that 'wisdom'. â„¢

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Bieng able to speak does not mean you are able to think.

being able to think does not necessarily mean you are of a sound mind.

For every word of wisdom, there is an opposite and equally profound saying that contradicts that 'wisdom'. â„¢

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when there are no more words to be said, sometimes a smile will do.

babies smile not because there are no more words to say, but because they have gas. :laugh2:

For every word of wisdom, there is an opposite and equally profound saying that contradicts that 'wisdom'. â„¢

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good people don't make interesting people

"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow Roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes 'awww!'" - name that famous beatnik

For every word of wisdom, there is an opposite and equally profound saying that contradicts that 'wisdom'. â„¢

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do not confuse 'interesting' as something engaging and enchanting, with 'interesting' as someone having dementia

hacker: wha? you want a cookie now? the "guess who" was obviously a deliberate understatement, genius. ::throws him a cookie:: ;)

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my head may be in the clouds...

two angels taking their leisurely morning walk, stumbles. ::looks down:: "dear God! what manner of creature is that that pokes its gargantuin noggin through the ground upon which we walk?!"

God <in a deep, echoing, reverberating bass> Who calls my name in vain?

angels <looking at each other, frightful>: (simultaneously) this heathen! ::points to the noggin protuding through the clouds::

(er...never mind. this is what happens when you start a story without first conceiving a punchline.)

...but i've learned some lessons about facades.

facades are absent from glass houses. that should've been apparent without lessons.

For every word of wisdom, there is an opposite and equally profound saying that contradicts that 'wisdom'. â„¢

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