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How can you tell your being cheated on?

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What are some clues to see if you are being cheated on?

My guy and I are together most of the time. Plus, were so in love. But there are some things that he does that just make me think hes hiding something. He hides his cell phone and caller ID at home from me, never really tells me where he goes when he goes out with his friends ( I dont even really know his friends either and we have been together for over 2 years!).

I dont know. We are together almost 24/7. But he seems like he's hiding something. Like.... some things he does I just dont understand.




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Originally posted by fakearmani

What are some clues to see if you are being cheated on?

My guy and I are together most of the time. Plus, were so in love. But there are some things that he does that just make me think hes hiding something. He hides his cell phone and caller ID at home from me, never really tells me where he goes when he goes out with his friends ( I dont even really know his friends either and we have been together for over 2 years!).

I dont know. We are together almost 24/7. But he seems like he's hiding something. Like.... some things he does I just dont understand.




Sometimes when you are in a committed relationship a part of you would like to hold on to some sort of individuality. I don't think that means he's cheating, maybe he just wants to keep a part of his life HIS and he is not ready to let you entirely in, even afte 2 yrs.

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Originally posted by fakearmani

What are some clues to see if you are being cheated on?

My guy and I are together most of the time. Plus, were so in love. But there are some things that he does that just make me think hes hiding something. He hides his cell phone and caller ID at home from me, never really tells me where he goes when he goes out with his friends ( I dont even really know his friends either and we have been together for over 2 years!).

I dont know. We are together almost 24/7. But he seems like he's hiding something. Like.... some things he does I just dont understand.




This probably wont be helpful, but it was entertaining maybe it will work for you...KTU the other morning does this thing WAR OF THE ROSES...Where somebody calls in thinking the significant other is shady, so KTU calls the shady one, makes believe they won roses and asks to who and where and what to write on the card....The guy who won apparently was married and had kids on the clip that i heard and his girlfriend was going to the wife...

Anyway, if you are with him 24/7 and tried this and have been with him for 2 years, it probably wont work, cause he would probably send them to you...But you can try

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Originally posted by jp18

This probably wont be helpful, but it was entertaining maybe it will work for you...KTU the other morning does this thing WAR OF THE ROSES...Where somebody calls in thinking the significant other is shady, so KTU calls the shady one, makes believe they won roses and asks to who and where and what to write on the card....The guy who won apparently was married and had kids on the clip that i heard and his girlfriend was going to the wife...

Anyway, if you are with him 24/7 and tried this and have been with him for 2 years, it probably wont work, cause he would probably send them to you...But you can try


We actually make fun of that so he would know it was me. I would have to ask Goomba Johnny to use a different shtick!

There's just certain stuff that makes no sense. I dont want to be a psycho girlfriend. But I also dont want to be a blind one.

Its wierd cause we're together all the time so why hide anything?

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Originally posted by fakearmani


We actually make fun of that so he would know it was me. I would have to ask Goomba Johnny to use a different shtick!

There's just certain stuff that makes no sense. I dont want to be a psycho girlfriend. But I also dont want to be a blind one.

Its wierd cause we're together all the time so why hide anything?

Why dont you just ask him why he is so shady about that shit? If you smell bs call him out on it.

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Originally posted by stiffler

Sometimes when you are in a committed relationship a part of you would like to hold on to some sort of individuality. I don't think that means he's cheating, maybe he just wants to keep a part of his life HIS and he is not ready to let you entirely in, even afte 2 yrs.

This is really really good advice. I would follow it. Try not to ask other girls becuase they will only tell you what your already thinking"He's a cheat you deserv better" blah blah blah.

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Originally posted by jp18

Why dont you just ask him why he is so shady about that shit? If you smell bs call him out on it.

I do that! But he turns it around on me and says "why are you being crazy??" and then I retort with "well what are you hiding?". Then he screams "NOTHING! Would you stop!".

Almost as if he makes me think Im nuts.

I swear to god, he must of hurled 300ft. just so I wouldnt go through is caller ID at his apartment.

Am I nuts? I'm not nuts..... right?

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Originally posted by fakearmani

I do that! But he turns it around on me and says "why are you being crazy??" and then I retort with "well what are you hiding?". Then he screams "NOTHING! Would you stop!".

Almost as if he makes me think Im nuts.

I swear to god, he must of hurled 300ft. just so I wouldnt go through is caller ID at his apartment.

Am I nuts? I'm not nuts..... right?

you are not nuts you just love him. Everyone is nuts, every girl ive been with is like this.

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Originally posted by fakearmani

What are some clues to see if you are being cheated on?

My guy and I are together most of the time. Plus, were so in love. But there are some things that he does that just make me think hes hiding something. He hides his cell phone and caller ID at home from me, never really tells me where he goes when he goes out with his friends ( I dont even really know his friends either and we have been together for over 2 years!).

I dont know. We are together almost 24/7. But he seems like he's hiding something. Like.... some things he does I just dont understand.




Sweety, trust me when I say this I would be the house on it that he is cheating on you. Cmoe on think about it???

1st off you never meet any of his friends really. What type of guy dosnt bring his girl around the boys for two years????

2nd off the he hids his cell and his caller ID!!! What type of man is doing this is there is nothing to hide..

3rd what is he hiding when he goes out??? I know if Im cheating on the girl that I dam well not going to tell her where Im going

Im speaking from experince here. I know the way the drill goes...

I have a idea on what u could do. When he goes out without telling you wheere he is , when he gets home run to his house quick, pull down his pants and take a wiff. If it smell unflavorable u no that the shit has hit the fan..:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by fakearmani

he must of hurled 300ft.

Damn send him to the olympics. Obviously he's not trying to protect his boys phone numbers on the caller ID. Maybe he's scared you will call back the numbers. I did things like that in the past like hiding my caller ID or if my cell phone wasn't near me and it woud start to ring and i would dash for it before my girl got to it. Yeah i have friends that are girls but i guess i just didn't want her to get any ideas that i might be cheating 'cuz some people get suspicious when you talk to the opposite sex. But than again making the mad dash or quantum leap for the caller ID or the phone would definitey leave me suspicious and I would flip out.

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I have met his friends. He doesnt really bring me around them but its not really an issue.

The MAJOR issue that I have, the 1 thing that makes me think he's up to something, is the hiding of the cell phone and the caller ID. Like, why?? I can see keeping your friends, as Stiffler had mentioned, seperate from your relationship. I have met them - all of them.... but never gotten close or anything with them. Almost like a "hi-how are you-ok, see you later" type thing.

Thats fine- whatever.


Why would you hide that and then jump down my throat when I want to see it? His reaction to me looking at the phone makes me think things. Like, why freak out?

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Originally posted by fakearmani

I have met his friends. He doesnt really bring me around them but its not really an issue.

The MAJOR issue that I have, the 1 thing that makes me think he's up to something, is the hiding of the cell phone and the caller ID. Like, why?? I can see keeping your friends, as Stiffler had mentioned, seperate from your relationship. I have met them - all of them.... but never gotten close or anything with them. Almost like a "hi-how are you-ok, see you later" type thing.

Thats fine- whatever.


Why would you hide that and then jump down my throat when I want to see it? His reaction to me looking at the phone makes me think things. Like, why freak out?

Babe Im a gambeling man and let me break it down to you. I will bet the house that he is cheating on you. Trust me....

I have a idea on what u could do. When he goes out without telling you wheere he is , when he gets home run to his house quick, pull down his pants and take a wiff. If it smell unflavorable u no that the shit has hit the fan..


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Just go through his damn phone when he's not around.

Look through it, you see something out of the

ordinary - Call Him Out!

If he gives you a good enough reason for whatever nutty thing you found in there just tell him the truth - HE MADE YOU CRAZY CAUSE HE WOULDNT SHOW YOU!!

Its like when you tell a child "dont go in that room" - what do you think they're going to do once their parents leave??

Your suspuscious - your only human.

Just dont get out of control.

Good luck. :D

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This sounds all too familiar to me....

I used to do the same exact things as him when I was cheating.

I also used to program girls numbers as my friends names, so if she did look at the cell phone, I would be like "Oh its so and so, I don't feel like talking to him, He wants to borrow money"....

My guess is he is cheating, or at least trying to cheat. But to be honest, you're making it easy for him. You should establish a really open relationship from the get go to avoid these problems in the future.

If I was you, I would confront him about it, and don't let him give you the runaround, or let him yell at you and change the subject.... I did that all the time...

If its easier, maybe write him a letter so He can't yell back at it, and he is forced to read it....

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Is when we lie to ourselves. Dont make excuses for him . We all like to think we are THE ONE. He is putting an insecurity in your heart by doing this. Which is not right Im sure you dont do that to him and if you did he wouldnt take it as good as you do.

Guys always want girls to be in there place. Well you know what he should walk that straight line too. You dont need immaturity in your life, pudding. Im sure your giving him100% remember in girl years 2 years is 2 years in men years its on 6 months . Find out were you stand and put a few eggs in another basket or just back off a little.

Follow the warning signs and if all else fails VIOLANCE!!!!!

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He does have a strong habit of turning every conversation around on me so I think that Im stupid for bringing it up. But we're together ALL THE TIME. So I think that if he was cheating, he wouldnt even have the time to do it cause he's always with me. *Im thinking this is where Stardos advice comes in that Im always making excuses for him*.

My girlfriends all like him, my family adores him. Sometimes I just dont feel like he's as open with me as I am with him. I've always been the type to trust and love whole heartedly. Me thinking hes cheating and going through his cell phone is sooooo not like my character. I love him though... more than you can even imagine.

But I feel like I cant ignore it anymore. If this type of shadiness is in HIS character... then I dont even know if I want to be a part of that. I just dont understand!!

I need a drink...... or a shrink.... maybe even both.

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After 2 years there should be nothing to hide especially his phone. Not to be an ass but its time to wake up. He's hiding something. Everyone is saying this and that, but why hide his phone. Im sure he's hiding more then 1 thing. being with someone 24/7 dont mean nada. He's slick. You need to be slicker. what ever you do dont look in the phone. Thats invading privacy.

Thats my opinion.

Victor Soto

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Another entertaining story (insight into how crazy some chics are, but turned out they were right..

A friend of mine had a feeling that something wasnt right with the guy she was seeing so one nite she woke up and couldnt fight the feeling anymore, took someone elses car and parked across the street from the guys house and waited (Yeah fucking psycho)...Sure enuff, around 3am some chick did the walk of shame out of her mans house...

Drinks and shots will not solve your problem, they might give you the balls to make a stand though

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