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How can you tell your being cheated on?

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Originally posted by jp18

Just joking with you guys...He did an excellent job, I am still alive, no blackeyes, cuts or bruises....But you really should rephrase it to say, "I heard poor sticky got stuck taking very good care of you":D

I cant say the same for neenas bachlorett party I have cuts all over my hands big bruises on my chin and my drunk are definatly is just more the the regular drunk arm i get.

Neena what happend to me?:laugh:

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Originally posted by stardo

I cant say the same for neenas bachlorett party I have cuts all over my hands big bruises on my chin and my drunk are definatly is just more the the regular drunk arm i get.

Neena what happend to me?:laugh:

Welcome to my world....This saturday I was jumping a fence at 3am and fell flat on my back....

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Originally posted by stardo

into your eyes and sing......

You think I'd leave your side baby?

You know me better than that

You think I'd leave down when your down on your knees?

I wouldn't do that

I'll do you right when your wrong

I-----ohhh, ohhh

If only you could see into me

oh, when your cold

I'll be there to hold you tight to me

When your on the outside baby and you can't get in

I will show you, your so much better than you know

When your lost, when your alone and you can't get back again

I will find you darling I'll bring you home

If you want to cry

I am here to dry your eyes

and in no time you'll be fine

You think I'd leave your side baby

You know me better than that

You think I'd leave you down when your down on your knees

I wouldn't do that

I'll do you right when your wrong

I-----I, ohhhh, ohhh

If only you could see into me

Oh when your cold

I'll be there

To hold you tight to me

Oh when your alone

I'll be there by your side baby

repeat 1x

ooooh Sade.....i love that song.....in a way it's sad, but it's a good-sad

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Originally posted by jp18

I like that answer. Everyday, I like you more and more, if thats even possible..It makes up for you and NEENA not JPsitting last friday....:(

good thng stiffler helped you out. i have learned i could never ever JP (or anyone esle for that matter) sit. i must have been bad u called me to se if i was alive so nuff said

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Originally posted by stardo

This song is so very special to me!!!

My sweet heart where have you been . Are we seeing you soon?

Remember? i told you this weekend i would be ready again......i had to get better first....so, what are we doing this weekend?

i wish i was there to experience the fun with you guys at neena's bachelorette party.....i wish i didn't miss it....

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Originally posted by jpdd810

OK now that I'm practically crying yeah if he loves you he would sing you a song! If he loves you he will make the biggest fool out of himself to show you he loves you!!! He wouldn't care what his friends thought!!! He would do what ever it takes to make you happy!!! That's when you know if he really loves you!!!!!

im starting to think you actually have a heart !!!!!

imagine that

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Originally posted by stardo

Whatever AWARNESS is a womens best friend. Invading his privacy hhmmmhhh spoken like a true player . You can do that with someone you date but in a girlfriend and boyfriend relationship that should end. If he has to hide those things then tell him he isnt worth giving a commitment to and you should go back to just dating

First off: Im not a player and second dont assume something when you dont know nada. Its a true fact, you dont look through someones stuff. If she feels and senses shadiness well looking at the phone isnt the answer. Its a good idea to look, but what is she gonna find girl #'s. Straight from the back he can say there friends..Everyone has friends. She has to do more then look through a phone.

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Originally posted by stardo

This song is so very special to me!!!

My sweet heart where have you been . Are we seeing you soon?

Remember? i told you this weekend i would be ready again......i had to get better first....so, what are we doing this weekend?

i wish i was there to experience the fun with you guys at neena's bachelorette party.....i wish i didn't miss it....

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Originally posted by siciliagirl

Remember? i told you this weekend i would be ready again......i had to get better first....so, what are we doing this weekend?

i wish i was there to experience the fun with you guys at neena's bachelorette party.....i wish i didn't miss it....

call me tonight my little wing i will fill you in!!!!! missed you!!!

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Originally posted by vsoto212

First off: Im not a player and second dont assume something when you dont know nada. Its a true fact, you dont look through someones stuff. If she feels and senses shadiness well looking at the phone isnt the answer. Its a good idea to look, but what is she gonna find girl #'s. Straight from the back he can say there friends..Everyone has friends. She has to do more then look through a phone.

See the mr. player already know the cruddy answer he is going to give you once you catch him red handed ahhahaha.

Im just pulling your leg Vsoto. It may not be the answer but it is the first peice of concrete in the investigation 2 minutes till court is ajurnd. Sweet heart if your reading I hope everything turns out ok!!!!!

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

im starting to think you actually have a heart !!!!!

imagine that

HA-HA! Real funny!!! As a matter of fact I have a really big heart!! I just don't wear it on my sleeve!!! Only special people get to side it!! Keep actin up and you will never see it!!!!;)

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i only read the first page of the posts. i can see how your getting more and more upset as you talk about it. you probably are reacting to him the same exact way. and that annoying, even if it is warranted. however, you sound exactly as my girlfriend does. and thats not a good thing. my girlfriend says she just wants to know everything. if im talking to a girl, or whoever, she just doesnt want to be left in the dark. im a dj, so i talk to girls in the club...bartenders, shot girls, or people who just frequent the clubs. all i do is say hello....and she starts up...why are you saying hello, who the hell is she and why does she have to talk to you..blah blah blah. she is relentless and extremely annoying. i haven't ever cheated on her, nor would i. even a stupid forwarded email from a girl gets her going.....but my girlfriend is psycho...and im in touch with that. just make sure everyone on here knows the full story of what is going with you two. i know for a fact my girlfriend would dramatize the shit out of her story just to get a response to back her up. a lot of girls do that, not all, but a lot. my girl also has a tendency, actually its more like a habit, of exxagerrating. so if this profile fits you, i must honestly say that he is not cheating at all. he just doesnt want all the drama and arguing about a meaningless person he just says hi to because he is a nice guy. if this is all not true, then im wrong, and you should deal with this thing by yourself, with no one's advice but your own. because you know this guy, and you have to deal with the outcome by yourself. even if everyone on here backs you up, only you have to deal with a broken heart, which may end up being your fault for listening to people who dont have a clue about your relationship nor will share in your sadness if it falls apart for no reason at all. good luck

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Originally posted by jpdd810

Like I said I don't wear it on my sleeve so it takes a lot for my to show it!!!:tongue: :tongue: ;) ;)

well just wonder if its worth the wait

good thing you dont wear it on your sleeve ive seen you eat you might wipe it off wiping your mouth HAHAHA

:D:2guns: :2guns: :2guns:

dont stick out the tongue unless.............................

you are a t the dentist lol

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

well just wonder if its worth the wait

good thing you dont wear it on your sleeve ive seen you eat you might wipe it off wiping your mouth HAHAHA

:D:2guns: :2guns: :2guns:

dont stick out the tongue unless.............................

you are a t the dentist lol

WOW! You know me tooooo well!! I need to stop doing that!!! Unless of course I'm going to the dentist!!!! Or something else.........?!:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

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Originally posted by jpdd810

WOW! You know me tooooo well!! I need to stop doing that!!! Unless of course I'm going to the dentist!!!! Or something else.........?!:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

Do I look like those little green smilies when I do that?! he-he-he-he-he!!!:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

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Originally posted by fakearmani

I have met his friends. He doesnt really bring me around them but its not really an issue.

The MAJOR issue that I have, the 1 thing that makes me think he's up to something, is the hiding of the cell phone and the caller ID. Like, why?? I can see keeping your friends, as Stiffler had mentioned, seperate from your relationship. I have met them - all of them.... but never gotten close or anything with them. Almost like a "hi-how are you-ok, see you later" type thing.

Thats fine- whatever.


Why would you hide that and then jump down my throat when I want to see it? His reaction to me looking at the phone makes me think things. Like, why freak out?

I think you have answered your own question here. You realize that the issue is a who and not a what - Who has he been calling?

Listen, I have been on that end of a relationship and unless the person you are with is completely open with you about everything - then they are hiding something. My ex boyfriend told me everything - we had a very open relationship. There were no secrets what so ever. The minute things become secretive - this is when you have problems. And by him turning things around on you - that is his defense mechanism - he is guilty of something so he turning it around on you to make himself feel better...

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