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roommates.........someone stop me from killing mine!


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i have 3 roommates (huge apt, 4 beds 2 baths...) but i'm not loving any of them. one is a filthy slob and i've disliked her from day one. one is ok, keeps to herself... the last one, who is also a good friend of mine, is seriously in need of some therapy. she's the most unhappy person i've ever met in my life. i was going to move into a two bedroom place with her but no way, not now!! she tells me last night that she feels i'm not around anymore and i never want to hang out with her and what's my problem, to which i respond that she and i have totally different interests and i'm her roommate, not her entertainment source. she then tells me that she's just so unhappy b/c she hates her job and she has no man and blah, blah....and this may sound mean but i have NO patience for that bullshit. she's 31 years old and needs to take responsibilty for her own happiness. she's been singing this "misery" song as long as i've known her, so i told her last night that no-one should be as miserable as she is and she should look into professional help (and i said it in a nice way, not bitchy at all). i know i'm venting, but does anyone know a person like this??? one of the reasons i don't like to hang with her so much is b/c all she does is tell me about how unhappy she is and how life sucks. would you rather go out and dance your ass off with up-beat people or hang out with someone who brings you so far down that you want to shoot yourself??? if i ever get like that just lock me up and throw away the key, please!!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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Oh..I soooo know what you are going thru..

I recently had a major drama-queen for a roommate who also complained about everything, and if there wasn't anything to complain about, she created something! Thank god for me and my other 2 roommates..she moved back home (at 30)..Thank the lord!

Wait..it gets better...I had another roommate who just disappeared..vanished..poof..gone! He left all his stuff too! He also left us with a few thousand dollars in phone bills..calls to 1-900 numbers etcetc. Lovely.

This one is the best though. My last year In college I got very sick with Mono. I was in a great deal of pain, so the doc gave me some string codeine (sp?) pills. Which I couldn't even take because they made me so nauseous. Well..one roommates' boyfriend was highly into drugs..and she let him scour my room for the pills!! Can you imagine!!!

I'm happy to say that now I have 2 great roommates and a great bulldog.. smile.gif Hope you get a better situation too. Your home is supposed to be a place where you can relax..not get more stress!



" I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM


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I will have to say the best thing to do is make her go out. I know people like this and most if the time, they need to just get out, have a little fun and eventually, they will meet someone.

Self-depreciation sucks and it doesnt work. Gotta be positive and you will be surprised how fast it falls in your lap. Make her read this post =)

Sure, life is a bitch, sure things suck often but you know what? You forget about all that when something good happens. Ecstasy (the emotion, that is) and Happiness makes all those bad things go away

So drag her along with us....+) Fun is infectious.




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Good morning girlie smile.gif ......

I hear you....I have a friend like that....in the begining I was always trying to help her/talk to her...but not anymore...I'm tired of talking to her...she don't want to get up and change her life..she thinks that someone else has to do it for her...oh well...let see how far she'll go thinking like that...I listen to her stil but I don't bother giving her any advice...cause I know that she won't take it...I try not to hang out w/ her cause she always brings me down......may be its mean but when you try helping people and they never listen to you you give up...I know I did smile.gif ...........



"I don't want you to love me........"

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Claudio, i totally hear what you're saying and i have brought her out with me, but she can't even handle Joey Harrison's Surf Club so i doubt she'd be able to ever do a place like Twilo or Vinyl, or even Exit. She's totally stuck in the 80's and is not into the same stuff i am. That's not even the prob. And Lola, get this - I moved into the apt. a year after she did. She'd been there a whole year and her boxes were still not unpacked. She was bitching and moaning about it so I made her unpack them when I unpacked mine. How can you live out of boxes for a year if there's no need for it?? She's gained a lot of weight and went on Jenny Craig and was doing really well on it - lost 20lbs!!! Now she's still doing it but the weight isn't coming off, but she's totally breaking all the rules - going out to eat, using half-and-half instead of skim milk, eating chocolate.....and she's gained back pretty much all she's lost. I feel bad for her but she needs to take responsibility for her own happiness!! Like Jilly said, you should feel happy in your home and right now I feel like I can't be myself in my own house b/c it may ruffle her feathers. Whatever, i'm putting my name on a waiting list for a one bedroom in my building and then i'll be done with it. Thankyou for listening!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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GIRL!!! I know the DRAMA! Take it from me who has BEEN THERE! LIVE ALONE!!!!

I dont care if the size of your apartment is a closet...if it means living alone without the crazyness of roomies, then do it!

Believe me, I learned the hard way. I had dirty nasty slobs..(we wont even go there..I will make you gag)..Liars, sluts, morons..no paying roommates..the whole 9 and list continues.

Word of advice...nothing is going to change them...so solo is the way to go.


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1. Move out. I have been living by myself for over 3 years and love it.

2. Suggest the following therapy to your friend and roommate: http://cognitivetherapynyc.com/index.html

It is called cognitive therapy and they focus on how you think and react to situations. I have been going for awhile now and it is pretty helpful. The hardest part is admiiting a problem and taking the first step and making the first few appointments.

peace - chick

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