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Hey , what do ya think of my new quote in my sig?


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omigod, gmc, i was going to start a thread about your new quote!!! it is getting very strange around these parts. a lot of threads that i want to start get started before i get the chance. either people are reading my mind suspicious.gif ( :laugh: ) or we're all just very, very, compatible.

i was going to say that the quote is true for some and entirely the opposite for others. some people find it hard to say, "i love you," while other people value those words so much that they will not say them in passing, or if they do not truly feel them. i happen to belong to the second group. if someone tells me he/she loves me and i don't love him/her back, i don't just spit back automatically that i love him/her, too, and i suppose that makes for an uncomfortable situation. but i don't lie, and i wouldn't want anyone to lie to me, either. besides, the people i love generally aren't liars :D .

but love means a lot of different things, and different things to different people. man, i could go on about this subject forever... but i'll spare you all :laugh: . one last thought, though: yesterday, a co-worker in his 50s said he didn't think there was a difference between loving someone and being in love ( :eek::confused: ). there's my point, i guess: that i don't necessarily have a better understanding of love, but that his and mine are very different.

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Originally posted by weyes

omigod, gmc, i was going to start a thread about your new quote!!! it is getting very strange around these parts. a lot of threads that i want to start get started before i get the chance. either people are reading my mind suspicious.gif ( :laugh: ) or we're all just very, very, compatible.

i was going to say that the quote is true for some and entirely the opposite for others. some people find it hard to say, "i love you," while other people value those words so much that they will not say them in passing, or if they do not truly feel them

Ok, that's what i wanted to know.

I know love means different things to everyone, and it's also harder for me to come out with using the "love" word too easily.

My quote is for those who have been hurt, and to realize that the word 'love" is not just a word to throw around ;)

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the first time i started dealing with what the difference between "love" and "being in love" was when i was in 8th grade. a lot of people say that that's too young, and that it's not love if it's not reciprocated, but that's only their truth. maybe that's just how they experience love (once again, not a value judgment - just different :) .).

my freshman year of high school i started a new school (it was only a high school.), and my first group of friends didn't stay my friends for that long. they were just the first people i really met. anyway, one girl had on her answering machine, "leave a message, i love you, bye!" and it disturbed me so much to think that she could be telling just any old someone that she loved him/her. it just made her love seem so... cheap :rolleyes: .

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