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Hunka Bunka Saturday Night "No one's gonna change you!"

Guest bonsolidd

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Originally posted by riggitytiggity

Shut up about the probably $50 that the platinum owner owes you and move on and get back to school or something. I personally dont go out anymore so I could care less about Platinum but I just think its pitiful to see some guy who got jipped of $50 for doing the lights...thats the biz.

If you dont know....DONT make an ass out of yourself By Assuming. I dont think he was talkin about himself being owed money..its alot of other people. And he is educated and has a Full time Career.

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Originally posted by riggitytiggity

Shut up about the probably $50 that the platinum owner owes you and move on and get back to school or something. I personally dont go out anymore so I could care less about Platinum but I just think its pitiful to see some guy who got jipped of $50 for doing the lights...thats the biz.

If you dont know....DONT make an ass out of yourself By Assuming. I dont think he was talkin about himself being owed money..its alot of other people. And he is educated and has a Full time Career.

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Originally posted by riggitytiggity

well...thats what we all assume. I mean..you were promoting the club back in the day...now you think youre cool to not call it a club at all. Then youre all like "yo platinum owes me money.....wahhhhhhhh wahhhhhhhhh wahhhhhhhhhhh". I mean if I'm gonna post here...I'm gonna tell it like it is.

Shut up about the probably $50 that the platinum owner owes you and move on and get back to school or something. I personally dont go out anymore so I could care less about Platinum but I just think its pitiful to see some guy who got jipped of $50 for doing the lights...thats the biz. If you dont want to be in the biz....go get an education and get out of the club biz. Straight up

hey asshole you want the truth you will get the truth. i was going to keep my mouth shut but now i will let your dumb ass know. first no money was owed to me. second plenty of money was owed to plenty of people in that place. mark who is my best friend did nothing but support that club, try to promote that club (when he was not a fucking promoter to being with) and only got shitted on when the place did shit when it was not his fault it was the owners fault!!! you want to know how peter operates i will tell you. he is a fucking shadeball. when he doesn't want to deal with someone he will not call them no more, or avoid them or flat out not pay them. he would blame tooch for the place being dead, when in all actuality it was his own fucking fault for thinking that his club would be sucessfull without doing what a club should do right off the bat.....PROMOTE. When allen ash was promoting and he didn't want him no more what did he do, he just stopped calling him with no exlanation what so ever. how about the fact that till this day he owes Tooch $400 bucks almost six months since the last time he spun. and it was $800 up until about two months aog. so don't go fucking flapping your gums where they don't belong. He didn't owe me shit because I made damn sure before I LEFT that place because I know the way that kid operates OK? So shut your fucking face because if you want me to keep going on I have a list that will knock your dick in the dirt. So think before you speak. I am a college graduate with a great job who lives on my own and am sucessfull. I worked at that place for the love of muzik and the support of working along side my best friend and one of the nicest up and coming dj's in the business. but once they fucked him they fucked me because i stick along side of my boys. so if you want to keep this going we can. I have no problem with this you fucking tool bag. but if you are a freidn of peter and or of an employee of platinum i would keep your mouth shut before I make this real ugly.......yah heard. TOOL!

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Originally posted by whatevaman

so don't go fucking flapping your gums where they don't belong.

I think you owed us all this post.....we all wondered why one day you promote a club, next day you bash it. You explained...so I now retire. Dont take offense on how I had to draw it out of you......but think.....if I said "hey man...why dont you tell us why you dont work at platinum anymore"...that wouldnt have really gotten us anywhere. peace

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Originally posted by whatevaman

hey asshole you want the truth you will get the truth. i was going to keep my mouth shut but now i will let your dumb ass know. first no money was owed to me. second plenty of money was owed to plenty of people in that place. mark who is my best friend did nothing but support that club, try to promote that club (when he was not a fucking promoter to being with) and only got shitted on when the place did shit when it was not his fault it was the owners fault!!! you want to know how peter operates i will tell you. he is a fucking shadeball. when he doesn't want to deal with someone he will not call them no more, or avoid them or flat out not pay them. he would blame tooch for the place being dead, when in all actuality it was his own fucking fault for thinking that his club would be sucessfull without doing what a club should do right off the bat.....PROMOTE. When allen ash was promoting and he didn't want him no more what did he do, he just stopped calling him with no exlanation what so ever. how about the fact that till this day he owes Tooch $400 bucks almost six months since the last time he spun. and it was $800 up until about two months aog. so don't go fucking flapping your gums where they don't belong. He didn't owe me shit because I made damn sure before I LEFT that place because I know the way that kid operates OK? So shut your fucking face because if you want me to keep going on I have a list that will knock your dick in the dirt. So think before you speak. I am a college graduate with a great job who lives on my own and am sucessfull. I worked at that place for the love of muzik and the support of working along side my best friend and one of the nicest up and coming dj's in the business. but once they fucked him they fucked me because i stick along side of my boys. so if you want to keep this going we can. I have no problem with this you fucking tool bag. but if you are a freidn of peter and or of an employee of platinum i would keep your mouth shut before I make this real ugly.......yah heard. TOOL!

Couldent have said it any better. Riggity u say not getting paid is part of the biz. what kind of biz is that, all thats gonna happen is that people will just talk about how an owner runs his business and thats gonna make him look bad.

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Guest bonsolidd
Originally posted by BRIAN1500


THis is CP. Not one thread stays on topic. Except for when Dan Fury is looking for waxing tips. ;)

CP introduces the well groomed Dan Fury!:laugh:

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