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LIST: party fouls!!!


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yes, i'm a big fan of lists. i didn't want to limit us to a top ten, though, so i figured i'd just put out a call for however many answers we have. let's list party fouls - you know, the things that people do or that happen that are just messed up :no: .

1. throwing up anywhere but in the bathroom. or, at least, if you do, ya gotta clean it up :rolleyes: ! seriously, though, we're adults now, there shouldn't be any throwing up happening, in my opinion. i, personally, haven't thrown up since i was about 9 years old, but perhaps i'm just lucky.

2. bringing over too many uninvited guests. the more the merrier, but only to a certain extent. only so many people can fit into a house, and you have to consider the host when bringing over people he/she doesn't know. are they people that are compatible? (i could tell you some horror stories :eek: ...)

3. knocking over the bong and spilling the bongwater. 'nuff said. that smell won't go away for a while, when spilled on carpet.

4. sneezing in the coke sneeze1.GIF . ( :laugh2: )

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people that get annoying when they are wasted.

people that are sloppy rollers

people that get hyper when they do stuff and annoy the hell outta you and everyone

in a house party, people that go and do not bring anything (unless the host adamantly tells you to NOT bring anything) you should always bring something

people that are cheap. sometimes if a buddy runs outta $$$ and he wants a drink, i have no problem in spotting him, but its an unwritten rule, if you see your buddy in a similar situation some other time, you should offer to buy dont expect him to tell you "oh yeah, well WTF happened that other time that ur ass was broke and i spotted you a roll and a drink and other stuff....complain then bi***" i just cant stand cheap ass individuals :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by house4life

:laugh: People leaving dirty condoms all around your house :laugh:

:puke: hey, man, i don't know what kind of party you were having :hey: ...

leaving the club without saying goodbye to the people with whom you came. i don't separate from my friends when i go out, generally. but i went out once with a group of people i hadn't ever partied with, and there was tension between some of them, and my being there made it weirder, i guess. they had to deal with their drama, so they needed to be alone. but they ended up leaving without saying goodbye, which i think is just fucked up. i wasn't waiting for them, but i could've been; i would never just ditch people with whom i came, even if i didn't know them well. even if just to say a quick goodbye, i'd let them know i was splitting :no: .

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Originally posted by weyes

:puke: hey, man, i don't know what kind of party you were having :hey: ...

leaving the club without saying goodbye to the people with whom you came. i don't separate from my friends when i go out, generally. but i went out once with a group of people i hadn't ever partied with, and there was tension between some of them, and my being there made it weirder, i guess. they had to deal with their drama, so they needed to be alone. but they ended up leaving without saying goodbye, which i think is just fucked up. i wasn't waiting for them, but i could've been; i would never just ditch people with whom i came, even if i didn't know them well. even if just to say a quick goodbye, i'd let them know i was splitting :no: .

WHat about leaving a club w/out saying goodbye to people who u met there?

I must admit to succombing to this, but it's usually b/c im dead-ass tired, or i just don't want to move through the mass of people in order to just say goodbye....


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Originally posted by gmccookny

WHat about leaving a club w/out saying goodbye to people who u met there?

I must admit to succombing to this, but it's usually b/c im dead-ass tired, or i just don't want to move through the mass of people in order to just say goodbye....


werd, same here. if there is someone around i'll ask that person to tell everyone that i left in case they ask for me, but sometimes its just to packed, your to tired, or the club so big that its just to tiring even thinkning about saying goodbye to everyone.....then of course all bets are off if i get a booty call, 'cuz if i get a booty call then they just need to understand that it wuz a bootycall, i'll leave w/o thinking twice. :D :D :D:eek:

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Originally posted by vicman

werd, same here. if there is someone around i'll ask that person to tell everyone that i left in case they ask for me, but sometimes its just to packed, your to tired, or the club so big that its just to tiring even thinkning about saying goodbye to everyone.....then of course all bets are off if i get a booty call, 'cuz if i get a booty call then they just need to understand that it wuz a bootycall, i'll leave w/o thinking twice. :D :D :D:eek:

hmmm. i think i'm a little confused. are you (gmc and vic) asking if i think it's ok to leave without saying goodbye to people you just met for the first time at the club, that night? i guess so, but not if you parted ways earlier in the evening saying that you'd definitely say goodbye before you left. i guess i'm just big on keeping my word.

and, vic, are you saying you'd slip out da house after a booty call, or that, if someone invited you out first for one and you didn't feel like going any further, you'd split?

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usually when i go to a club w/ friends we tend to find a spot and just hang around there. at the end of the night, if i wanna leave, i make sure that i go to that spot and i'll tell who ever is there that i'm leaving. if no one is there, then i'll just leave, because depending on the club or event, everyone is probably somewhere else doing their thing and finding them (all of them would be a pain). on the way out, if i see anyone i know, i'll tell them i'm leaving if not, again, i'll just leave.

now, if people come with me, for example, i give them a ride in my car to the club and they expect to go back with me, then i'm basically screwed, i have to hang around until i can find them, and v.v. if i drive with someone else. which is the reason that most of the time i get to the club on my own.

anyway, there are also other variables to this whole equation. the people i drive with (if they care if i leave with out saying goodbye, if they are guys or girls, if they are fubar, etc.). an unwritten rule with alot of my guy friends is that even if we go there together, stuff happens during the course of the night, so i dont take offense if they leave without them saying goodbye and like wise from them. of course if one of them get lucky, then you definitly do not say anything, that is a well justified reason for leaving without saying goodbye.

generally though i at least try to find someone (at least 1 person) and tell them I am leaving, so in case someone asks, they know.

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