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Goodbye Club Planet! Notallthere Out

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Well soon maybe


I'm hearing allot about the government scrambling to get small pox vaccine outs there. There's going to be really bad shit happening very soon I guarantee it., To many country's hate us. Where to spread out at this point its like where trying to hold together with two hands a leaky roof with a hundred holes. Go to church go to confession do the things you want to do because its over. The government is not telling you how freaked they are rite now to prevent total chaos...

I just hope that the invade us and not just bomb us. Becuase im going to go down with some towel headstatteredflag.jpg

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Ill see you guys in a few weeks.

After the scare that notallthere has just instilled in me I am going into my backyard and digging a fallout shelter large enough to fit a dj booth and dancefloor for 1000 with adequate bar space (sorry no barstools standing room only) The walls will be poured concrete with lead barriers (for the gamma and beta rays) and finally 3 inch thick steel (why not if im going all out) just gotta work on the self contained ventilation system and liquor order.

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Originally posted by kostaP

Ill see you guys in a few weeks.

After the scare that notallthere has just instilled in me I am going into my backyard and digging a fallout shelter large enough to fit a dj booth and dancefloor for 1000 with adequate bar space (sorry no barstools standing room only) The walls will be poured concrete with lead barriers (for the gamma and beta rays) and finally 3 inch thick steel (why not if im going all out) just gotta work on the self contained ventilation system and liquor order.

That is a good idea. I wanted be telling people though because your friends will become your enemies trying to steal your space when the bomb drops .. Like the twilight zone

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Originally posted by kostaP

Ill see you guys in a few weeks.

After the scare that notallthere has just instilled in me I am going into my backyard and digging a fallout shelter large enough to fit a dj booth and dancefloor for 1000 with adequate bar space (sorry no barstools standing room only) The walls will be poured concrete with lead barriers (for the gamma and beta rays) and finally 3 inch thick steel (why not if im going all out) just gotta work on the self contained ventilation system and liquor order.

nothing like taking a joke a littttttttttle too far there bud :tongue:

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Originally posted by riggitytiggity

nothing like taking a joke a littttttttttle too far there bud :tongue:

Taking it too far would be if I were digging right now but im not....



























I took a break for some Iced tea Im too sweaty.:tank: Ill be safe...will you???

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Really now.....Why a Fallout Shelter???

Interesting graphic, no? Did you know that during the 1950's during the height of the cold war that over 100,000 AMERICANS built their own BOMB SHELTERS? Many people THESE DAYS are concerned about terrorist threats and the availability of nuclear material on the black market, or maybe the still-viable threat of first strike by Russia or China, or a third world attempt to start Armageddon. Any student of prophecy or terrorist activity will tell you that the threat of nuclear detonation within the boundaries of the United States is a very real possibility in the next few years. While the watchdogs of public safety work their tails off trying to stay ahead of all threats- real or imaginary- someone, somewhere is going to actually accomplish their goal of terrorizing the populace with a nuke in the future. What can YOU do to prepare your family for this fearful action?



That's right...the old staple of the fifties and sixties Cold War era...the time has come to bring back the basement or backyard shelter, right to your neighborhood. Even now, FEMA has many plans available to you, just for the cost of a stamp. Some plans have even been digitized and can be downloaded over the interent.. Go to THIS PAGE to DOWNLOAD several ADOBE ACROBAT digitized FEMA plans of Build Your Own FALLOUT SHELTERS plans. The actual cost of building the shelter, using those inexpensive plans, will be a little more then it used to cost in the sixties.....inflation sucks, right? There are many things to be remembered, however, if you REALLY want to build a fallout shelter. Details to consider like actual radiation exposure, claustraphobia, amount of damage, blast waves, food and water, sanitation, and fresh air ALL must be considered in the ACTUAL USE of a fallout shelter.

Where to build one in or around your home is fairly simple, once you understand a few basics of what makes nuclear explosions and nuclear war "a bad thing".



First, you need to figure out if you are near a likely target of a massive first strike. Most targets of this nature are going to be sources of threat to the attacker, such as military bases, missile silos, large population areas, shipyards, large civil airports, hi-tech industrial regions (such as Silicon Valley), energy areas (electricity producing dams, fuel tank farms, oil refineries), large regional transportation hubs (large airports, train switching yards, truck depots, shipyards and loading docks, cargo storage facilities), and anything that might be associated with these. Terrorist threats would almost certainly be in extremely populated areas like New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles. If your home is located near any of these possible targets, consider moving farther into the suburbs, or into rural areas within commuting distance of your workplace. Also, consider a small rural property for a small vacation cottage or mobile home, if you still want to stay close to the city for employment reasons. A few acres in a rural area can also act as a retreat or stronghold in case of such an attack. This property would be best used for possible gardening, a small home or trailer to rent for income purposes for your family, or maybe just a place to take the kids camping on weekends.

Once you have an idea of possible targets in your area, get a map (preferably a topographic map from the US Geological Survey) and calculate your general bearing from the selected target area. The idea is to figure out exactly where in your yard or home basement to put your planned fallout shelter. If your home is north of a military base, then you want to use the southern wall of your basment or the yard by the north facing side of your house to put your fallout shelter. The idea is to get as much mass, such as soil piled against the outside basement wall of your home, as possible between you and the possible detonation and its aftereffects.


Any gives off radiation during the explosion, as well as severe destructive power by the blast wave (causing winds up to 1000 mph nearest ground zero). A ground burst detonation is one in which any part of the fireball touches the ground, and these are the most problematic. A ground burst will raise soil, building materials, and anything in the area up into the mushroom cloud, as the heat from the explosion rises and cool air rushes in from around the base of the cloud to fill the void, therefore bringing in even more material to be rained downwind all over the area as highly radioactive fallout.The more mass you have between you and the detonation, the less of a problem you will have with direct radioactivity. There are three main radioactive particles you need to be concerned about. Alpha particles can be stopped by one inch of air or a sheet of paper. Beta particles are halted by 10 feet of air or heavy clothing. The bad particles, Gamma, are slowed down by a half mile of air or 2 1/2 feet of earth. Gamma particles are responsible for the great majority of illness associated with nuclear explosions. During the explosion, radioactive particles are caused by the great quantities of earth and other debris that are sucked up into the nuclear cloud. These particles are condensed from the gases caused by the explosion, and settle into the dust and dirt that falls back to earth as "fallout". On the way down, and after they reach the ground, the radioactive particles exude invisible Gamma rays, like x-rays, into the surrounding area. Too much direct contact with Gamma rays can kill or injure, and cause lifelong health problems like cancer. Gamma particles give off most of their radiation quickly and during the first few hours and days after an attack, they should be avoided as much as possible.

As mentioned above, mass makes a difference as to how much sheilding you may get from gamma rays. Most fallout shelters have a masonry area covered at least by some earth to help slow down the path of gamma rays. Whether your fallout shelter is in your basment, or buried in the back yard, consider the following before you build.

"Concrete, bricks, earth and sand are some of the materials that are dense or heavy enough to provide fallout protection. For comparitive purposes, 4 inches of concrete would provide the same shielding density as:

5 to 6 inches of bricks

6 inches or sand or gravel or 7 inches or earth (may be packed into bags, boxes, cartons for easier handling)

8 inches of hollow concrete blocks (six inches if filled with sand)

10 inches of water

14 inches of books or magazines

18 inches of wood


community, personal, permanent, expediant, multipurpose, hidden from all, above ground, remote retreat


basement, backyard, rural land


planned, emergency, after detonation, local community shelters


bricks, morter, sand, wood, air filter, air pump, rebar, cement


do it yourself, contractors, prefab,


before, during, after construction


store food storage, extra tools, camping equipment, water supply, a quiet reading room, playhouse for the kids, photo darkroom, etc


food, water, cots, reading material, communication hardware, cleaning supplies, extra clothing, medical supplies, bottled air, oxygen in tanks, alternative energy sources, self-protection gear


sources for food storage information, and purchase


for all possible events that might happen

There you go all you paranoid people

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Originally posted by barbiegirl

i think it's pretty scary what is going on .... you never know when a bomb is just going to drop !!!

i got an e-mail alert from cnn though - it says the terrorist threat warning has been lowered.

i bet because our defenses are down they are coming for us now !!!

Bombs dont just magically appear. Look at the distance need to be traveled to hit continental us. It would show up on radar hours before anything would hit.

Also, just because the threat warning has been lowered doesnt mean that our defenses are lowered. It just means the the possibility or probability of a terrorist attack is not as high. For example christmas time is higher alert than say mid february.

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I'm not trying to freak anyone out but I believe soon


You'll; hear the evacuation siren in the distance people running not knowing where they are running too. The look of fear and hope lost on everyone's faces. You'll feel it to in the pit of your stomach the feeling of all hope lost. Smoke in the air smoke in your lungs. Fear but anger will be in everyone's mind that these jealous runts are ending are short life on earth., Then you look up and you see me,notallthere wearing a sand monkey's skull on my head and a jacket made to there skin stabbing them with my weapons made of there own bones ,,jabbing them in the chest and breaking threw there rib cage!!! , A new underground society will form of the crazy ones like myself. CHAOS ANARCHY will be our government. Run to the hills or stay and fight.

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Originally posted by notallthere

CHAOS ANARCHY will be our government. Run to the hills or stay and fight.

Yeah.............let's all start singing.................just substitute USA for UK

Right! now ha, ha

I am an anti-Christ

I am an anarchist,

don't know what I want

but I know how to get it.

I wanna destroy the passer by

'cos I wanna be anarchy,

Ho dogs body

Anarchy for the UK

It's coming sometime and maybe

I give a wrong time stop a traffic line.

Your future dream is a shopping scheme

cause I wanna be anarchy,

It's in the city

How many ways to get what you want

I use the best I use the rest

I use the enemy.

I use anarchy

'cause I wanna be anarchy,

Its the only way to be

Is this the MPLA

or is this the UDA

or is this the IRA

I thought it was the UK

or just another country

another council tenancy.

I wanna be an anarchist

(oh what a name)

And l wanna be an anarchist

(I get pissed destroy)

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Originally posted by ou812

Yeah.............let's all start singing.................just substitute USA for UK

Right! now ha, ha

I am an anti-Christ

I am an anarchist,

don't know what I want

but I know how to get it.

I wanna destroy the passer by

'cos I wanna be anarchy,

Ho dogs body

Anarchy for the UK

It's coming sometime and maybe

I give a wrong time stop a traffic line.

Your future dream is a shopping scheme

cause I wanna be anarchy,

It's in the city

How many ways to get what you want

I use the best I use the rest

I use the enemy.

I use anarchy

'cause I wanna be anarchy,

Its the only way to be

Is this the MPLA

or is this the UDA

or is this the IRA

I thought it was the UK

or just another country

another council tenancy.

I wanna be an anarchist

(oh what a name)

And l wanna be an anarchist

(I get pissed destroy)

I gotta admit man your fucking funny ;)

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Originally posted by kostaP

Bombs dont just magically appear. Look at the distance need to be traveled to hit continental us. It would show up on radar hours before anything would hit.

Also, just because the threat warning has been lowered doesnt mean that our defenses are lowered. It just means the the possibility or probability of a terrorist attack is not as high. For example christmas time is higher alert than say mid february.

kosta can i come to your shelter so i won't get scared anymore ??

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Originally posted by barbiegirl

kosta can i come to your shelter so i won't get scared anymore ??

Sure no prob. We'll party while the rest of em die. They all laughed now, but when the shit hits the fan its vip pass and front of line priveledge cards only.

Dont worry babrie you got a spot reserved.

Are your body measurments proportionate to barbies if you were to be a life size scale model???

If so, nevermind.

Kosta P.

BomB Scare Extraordinaire / Fallout Specialist.

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Originally posted by kostaP

Sure no prob. We'll party while the rest of em die. They all laughed now, but when the shit hits the fan its vip pass and front of line priveledge cards only. Dont worry babrie you got a spot reserved.

Are your body measurments proportionate to barbies if you were to be a life size scale model???

i'm not nearly as stacked as BARBIE .... but i make up for it in other ways !!!

thanks for the VIP - the first siren i hear i'll be there !!!

maybe i can build a shelter too and we can have one big BOMB PARTY ???

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I don't think the Middle East has the technology to launch a continental ballistic missile. They might be able to send one a few 1000 miles or so but to send one around the globe is way out of their reach. Besides they couldn't even hit Israel with their scuds. Most of them were off target and weak. The Chinese are technologically superior but are infantile in their attempts to be a global army powerhouse. They just completed their first around the globe naval trip to show that they can operate away from home. We do that in our sleep. A Russian sub sank last year. The lack of funds caused an inexperienced crew and a severely dilapidated sub. Remember politics is about gains not losses. Fighting us is just not good business. Scaring us is more effective, and that's what they will do. But the thousands we lost on 9-11 don’t match the death toll they felt in Afghanistan. The message we sent to other countries is you may get a few of us but then you have to deal with us. Who wants that? We are definitely into some shit and it will get worse before it gets better, but if you don't think we have a plan for that you need to look around and realize how this country came to be the global force it is today. We are a capitalistic society and we do good business.

My 2 cents

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Originally posted by kostaP


How many times do I have to tell you if youre going to use info from Newsweek you have to quote it and mention the authors name.:laugh:

J/k that was very well put.

Actually I read the Star Ledger front to back. There is some weird shit that goes on around us. Some guy burned his house down because his girlfriend broke up with him. He then ran out side and poured a beer on his head. Talk about loosing it.

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Originally posted by 12inch

Actually I read the Star Ledger front to back. There is some weird shit that goes on around us. Some guy burned his house down because his girlfriend broke up with him. He then ran out side and poured a beer on his head. Talk about loosing it.

Was she in it??

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Originally posted by jp18

Was she in it??

no he first drove over her house and hit her car with his car, he left the scene, went back to his house (apt) and set the place on fire. This happened in S.Amboy. You could be next to the guy in Blockbuster and never know what kind of freaks live next to you.


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