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how old is too old to ...................

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Originally posted by xrapturex

I dont really think that there is a cut off when someone should move out of their parents house. As long as you have a job and shit...its all good. It wouldnt bother me if a guy I met lived home still....

I think it also depends on the relationship you have with your parents.... For everybody it's different... I mean, but being like 35 and liven home......dunno about that....lol

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Originally posted by cynstam21

word...and nothing beats moms cookin'!!!!!

Dinner tonite consisted of stuffed peppers, chicken w gravey, spinach and garlic, stuffing, corn on the cob, and tomatoe and cucumber salad....My ass aint going nowhere but the gym:D

Little frustrated that poppa mooch, eats like he has two assholes, cause now I have nothing to bring to work tomorow:mad:

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Originally posted by xrapturex

I dont really think that there is a cut off when someone should move out of their parents house. As long as you have a job and shit...its all good. It wouldnt bother me if a guy I met lived home still....

does that mean I'm in there I live at home. hahahhha just playing

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This is a very interesting topic I'd like to comment on:

recently 60 Minutes did a segment on young and NOT so young men from Italy who still live at home with thier parents. These men averaged in age from 22 - right up into thier early 60's. They have a name for these men in Italian called "Memone" prounounced: May-Mone-ney...now these "Memone" were not at all cheapskates or freeloaders but rather most were successful males who had normal social lives, dated women in plenty but preffered to stay at home with Mama...alot had theyre own apartments in the house (usually on another floor) but ate dinner nightly with thier parents and spent time with them socially as well. A large portion provided financial help to thier households and some completely ran the affairs and up keep of the familys finances (especially in the case where the father had passed away and just the mother was left to take care of). The host of the interview, Lesley Stahl spoke in length with some of the mens girlfriends about what they thought about dating these "Memone", most if not all were very proud of these men and it didnt seem to bother them that they lived at home. Most of the women also said they found this trait desirable in a potential husband. The fact that he was so loyal to his family and provided for them only enhanced thier status in the italian social scene - all in all; at the end of the segment an update showed that several of the men had married thier girlfriends...and you know what they did (hehe), they moved the new wives right into the house together with Mama. One big happy family...There are alot of italians on clubplanet and Im sure you all know what I mean when I talk about italian culture. Mama never wants her son to leave and there will allways be a place for him at home both at the dinner table and in her heart. With rents the way they are many guys find it convenient to live home. Throughout my life Ive had pleny of times where I had my own crib, or lived with a woman or lived far away in another city...now at 40 Im proud to say Im happy that I have my small apartment here in my mothers multi-dwelling home and I am more than happy to look out and care for her as lately she has been very ill having a recent operation. As long as a person contributes and isnt a fuckin sponge and helps his or her family I see NOTHING wrong with staying home - you only have 1 set of parents, love them while theyre around. And GOD BLESS ITALIAN MOTHERS EVERYWHERE....peace all, greg

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well id say stay at home as lonmg as you can

look at it this way while all you guys and gals sleep in this weekend and now that its getting cold out. i will be cleaning out my furnace and gettng the heat going right then putting a new roof on my garage and finding time to cut the grass.

i still wouldnt trade it for the world. Its nice when you meet someone and can have them over and snuggle and dont have to worry about mom and pop getting pissed.

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I moved out of my house when I was 15 years old and I could NEVER live with them again. My time with them was up and this little catapillar had to move on and turn into a butterfly.

For those who Can LIve with their parents - go for it but as for me - I had to get out of the house. Afterall 6 brothers and sisters dont let you have any privacy that you need/want.

Now I live with a roomate and shes bad enough. Next time...ALONE.....ALONE.....ALONE... :mad:

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I live at home and I have it so good. My Mommie rules, I love seeing my family when I get home. I am going to hate coming home to an empty apt, when I move out. But, it depends on who you ask how old is old. My friend moved out and is now 37 and home cuz her parentsd are sick so......... every situation is different.

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I believe what Greg says :-)....as long as the person isnt a sponge there isnt any reason why they need to leave soon. I am Italian, I have a lot of respect for a man who would live home to take care of his family. But if he was 40 and just living at home for the free food and a donation, than thats different. I cant stand a man who is a grubber....that must be the worst trait in a man. (or a woman to for that matter).

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The way both my father and I see it, is that Im 26yrs old, I went away to school, lived on my own, paid for (or am paying off college), worked fulltime while I went school..But still aquired some bills...Basically, me living at home for free is SUPPOSED to be their way of helping me pay off my college bills...


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Originally posted by jp18

Dinner tonite consisted of stuffed peppers, chicken w gravey, spinach and garlic, stuffing, corn on the cob, and tomatoe and cucumber salad....My ass aint going nowhere but the gym:D

Little frustrated that poppa mooch, eats like he has two assholes, cause now I have nothing to bring to work tomorow:mad:

Hehhhhhhhhh hum mister My mom is the best cook ever......... I swear ever ever ever. Ever since our trip to Italy. Joe has been over every night to eat my moms cooking............. Damn Good

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Originally posted by xrapturex

I believe what Greg says :-)....as long as the person isnt a sponge there isnt any reason why they need to leave soon. I am Italian, I have a lot of respect for a man who would live home to take care of his family. But if he was 40 and just living at home for the free food and a donation, than thats different. I cant stand a man who is a grubber....that must be the worst trait in a man. (or a woman to for that matter).

WERD............................ :aright:

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