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Heart Attack...


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I just got off the phone with the dmv, the linden & denville courts, and the police department...

apparently, one of our finest youths over at the dmv FUCKED UP my records... and had me suspended without cause...

so i had no idea... UNTIL...

I get pulled over last night... (i go out one fucking night in the last 2 months, and i fucking get pulled over 300ft from my house... i hate this town...)

So the cop gives me the usual battery of questions... figuring i must have been doing something wrong to come home at 3am on a tuesday night...(wed. morning...)...

have you been drinking? 'no... and i'll take a test if you like...' (as i hadn't even had 1 sip all night...)

how is your liscense? any points? 'horrible...'

is it suspended? 'no, but it'll probably be suspended next week at my hearing...' (officer laughs...)

(officer goes to the car... writes tickets... comes back)

as you know... you're liscense IS suspended...

'uhhh... no its not... i have a hearing next week to determine that... '

well, the computer says it is...

(back/forth ensues...)

well... i'm supposed to take your car, and bring you down to the station... but you live up at the corner... why don't you just go home, and don't drive anymore... 'uhh.... ok... thanks very much, officer...' (wow... there IS one whos not a dick...)

so anyway... i go home and forget about it...

(lol, slept through wed...)

wakeup this morning... make the afore mentioned phonecalls...

and our dmv's employee of the month tells me i got a notice for suspension and didn't reply... which doesn't make any sense, because i've gotten a lot of them, and replied to all of them to ask for a hearing...

so whatever... we go back and forth, blah blah blah, the suspension stands and i have court next week, i can fix it all then...

i hang up... throw some things... cool off... and go to the filecabinet that has formed my dmv records... i go through all my papers.. and i have a fucking letter from them saying they got the letter on the date she mentioned...

so i call back up.. ask for the same person... and she gets on the phone and says "ohhhh... i was just looking through your records... turns out you're not suspended... i'm getting rid of it now..."

this is the same woman, who was basically yelling at me 10 minutes ago telling me to take it up with the judge next week... the same woman whos stupidity could have had me arrested last night, and my car impounded... nice...

so suspension is lifted... they're sending me a letter saying that, so i can bring that to court next week for the ticket i got last night, saying i was driving without a liscense... (BIG BIG BIG penalty involved with that one if i was guilty...)

and i still have my court date next week, to find out if my liscense WILL be suspended... the running total of my suspension days is 510.. lmao.... So i guess its time to get a lawyer or something and try and get that knocked down, or something...

and everyone laughed when i said god hated me... oh, the name of the girl who f'ed everything up at the dmv was "ANGEL"... tell me thats not god's way of telling me he hates me...

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Originally posted by nycmuzik2000

Jesus christ....How many tickets have you gotten?

i lost count... but i have 30-something points on my liscense...

theres like a page of violations... i've seen the list... lol....

i guess it all comes down to next week.... we'll see what happens... atleast i already know the procedure for driving without a liscense... lol...

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How does you breaking the law have to do with God hating you?


When I was your age, I built up 12 points or so before I woke the fuck up...I was one point away from being suspended...I paid surcharges for years after my stupidity...we've all fucked up in some way...some more than others...but no matter what, you should blame yourself and your wetness behind the ears that may finally be drying up...maybe...

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Originally posted by phatman

How does you breaking the law have to do with God hating you?


When I was your age, I built up 12 points or so before I woke the fuck up...I was one point away from being suspended...I paid surcharges for years after my stupidity...we've all fucked up in some way...some more than others...but no matter what, you should blame yourself and your wetness behind the ears that may finally be drying up...maybe...

uuhhh chief... reread the post.. apparently you missed the part about almost being arrested and having the car impounded cause of a clerical error by miss "angel"...

My liscense is in full working order as of 10-something this morning... because i'm not currently suspended... come next week... THEN, and only then, will it be my own fault. :D

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oh yeah, i forgot i posted this on cp... so the do-gooders are coming out of the woodwork...

let me clarify:

what further proves god's hatred for me is that a clerk named "angel" fucked up my records making me suspended when i'm not...

i take full responsibility for my points and the action that may or may not be taken against me in a week because of my "wet ears" or my failure to head it when god barks orders at me...

you're not going to see a thread from me in a week saying "omg... i can't understand how i got suspended..."

but until next week (at minimum), i have the right to drive...

you see... its a funny thing in this country... we actually allow the accused to go to court and get HEARD on their crimes, instead of just yanking their liscense and not telling them about it... ;)

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Originally posted by joeg

uuhhh chief... reread the post.. apparently you missed the part about almost being arrested and having the car impounded cause of a clerical error by miss "angel"...

My liscense is in full working order as of 10-something this morning... because i'm not currently suspended... come next week... THEN, and only then, will it be my own fault. :D

uuhhh junior...i read the post more than once before responding...fact is, you did NOT get arrested or have the car impounded...you DID get the matter cleared up this morning...so one could say those are actually blessings but your optimistic view turns them into hatred?...come on joe, you can do better than that...and eventually, that whole god hates me trip will fade...you have to learn how to Not take things so personal...there'll be times when you get lucky and get cursed...either way, it has nothing to do with who you are...and in this case, 30 points is not a matter of luck or hatred...it is a matter of you acting foolishly...plain and simple...

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Originally posted by joeg

i take full responsibility for my points and the action that may or may not be taken against me in a week because of my "wet ears" or my failure to head it when god barks orders at me...

whatever... bottom line is its cleared up after hours on the phone this morning because some tool can't handle their crappy-paying government job...

the truth of the matter is i don't believe in god or religion, and its just a long-running joke... but no one can ever just take a joke... they have to disect everything and add their much-experienced 2cents into it...

do i really think the person on the other end of the phone is an "angel"? obviously not... its just a joke... infact, i've dealt with her a few months ago when i had some other business with the dmv... so its not like she appeared out of nowhere for this incident....

i just thought it was a funny coincedance that could be made into a joke to try and put some laughs into a bad situation... but apparently i'm wrong... there will be no laughs...

-A very stoic, joeg.

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