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Can you help me become a machine?

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Here's what I'm looking for:


(Just a computer that processes

calculated reactions to a situation)


(Just R.A.M to fill..

that I can easily update)


(So that it won't hurt when

i hit the floor)


(Except those pleasure devices I can

plug in to give the ladies pleasure)


So what is the best place to

Find hard wear that can accommodate

my transformation)


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i can make you heartless if thats what you really want. its pretty easy too, only works if you dont have a conscience though. damn, i wish i could build a robot, one of those ass kicking robots that gets girls with big tits to talk to you like traci bingham from robot wars, but not like crappy dikes like that blonde from junkward wars, i hate her accent. domo...domo....

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Originally posted by joeg

i stopped caring when i hit rock bottom... but i'm pretty sure you've been there and back... so maybe thats just some whacko trait of mine... not everyone can do that i guess...

I hear ya Joey..

But last time I hit rock bottom'

my shit broke..

and not even all the kings scientist

and all the kings women

call help put mugbot

back together again.

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Bicentennial Man


Editorial Reviews


Bicentennial Man was stung at the 1999 box office, due no doubt in part to poor timing during a backlash against Robin Williams and his treacly performances in two other, then-recent releases, Jakob the Liar and Patch Adams. But this near-approximation of a science fiction epic, based on works by Isaac Asimov and directed, with uncharacteristic seriousness of purpose, by Chris Columbus (Mrs. Doubtfire), is much better than one would have known from the knee-jerk negativity and box-office indifference.

Williams plays Andrew, a robot programmed for domestic chores and sold to an upper-middle-class family, the Martins, in the year 2005. The family patriarch (Sam Neill) recognizes and encourages Andrew's uncommon characteristics, particularly his artistic streak, sensitivity to beauty, humor, and independence of spirit. In so doing, he sets Williams's tin man on a two-century journey to become more human than most human beings.

As adapted by screenwriter Nicholas Kazan, the movie's scale is novelistic, though Columbus isn't the man to embrace with Spielbergian confidence its sweeping possibilities. Instead, the Home Alone director shakes off his familiar tendencies to pander and matures, finally, as a captivating storyteller. But what really makes this film matter is its undercurrent of deep yearning, the passion of Andrew as a convert to the human race and his willingness to sacrifice all to give and take love. Williams rises to an atypical challenge here as a futuristic Everyman, relying, perhaps for the first time, on his considerable iconic value to make the point that becoming human means becoming more like Robin Williams. Nothing wrong with that.

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Once and for all: here is the list:

Originally posted by mugwump

(Just a computer that processes

calculated reactions to a situation)

Learn pattern classification:


(Just R.A.M to fill..

that I can easily update)

Try hitachi:


(So that it won't hurt when

i hit the floor)

try xanex. it is a barbituate that slows the nervous system.

This purty picture right here is what you'll look and feel like:



Try 802.11b Wireless LAN. It will change your life, I swear.

(Except those pleasure devices I can

plug in to give the ladies pleasure)

Buy a vibrator: pick up a pocket rocket from www.toysinbabeland.com but don't use the same vibe on different women. its impolite and kind of gross.


Again, try that xanex. Or valium. You'll end up a toothless hooker in tulsa, oklahoma giving head in bathroom stalls for your candy. or you could end up governer of florida. either way, you're pretty much screwed.



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Originally posted by dialectics

Once and for all: here is the list:

try xanex. it is a barbituate that slows the nervous system.

Or valium. You'll end up a toothless hooker in tulsa, oklahoma giving head in bathroom stalls for your candy. or you could end up governer of florida. either way, you're pretty much screwed.




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