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Do men have. . .


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Originally posted by fierydesire

. . . a clue????:confused:

...these days...no...as much as i know about women, relationships, and life in general...i find myself befuddled when it comes to women these days...especially the ones currently in my life...

*remind me to keep a dictionary and thesaurus by my desk at work*

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Originally posted by tastyt

Z, I'm shocked that you even had to ask this question!

I know I know..but um something has been bothering me and shit I thought the person who I'm thinking of would get it, but god damnit nope . . . do I have to put it out there more:rolleyes: sheesh...get a clue....
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Originally posted by tastyt

Z, I'm shocked that you even had to ask this question!

...fuckin women...jumping at a chance to bash us...

i should clarify..the reason i am befuddled is by the sheer moronic behavior of intelligent women that i know towards relationships...i know three...count 'em...three women that are currently in relationships where they are being abused, neglected or in the least not having their love reciprocated...yet they insist on staying in the relationship and bitching about it to everyone BUT their boyfriend...

gimme a break...i'm confused because you women have no fuckin idea what you want...and most of you are some of the biggest hypocrites i have ever met...


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Originally posted by fierydesire

I know I know..but um something has been bothering me and shit I thought the person who I'm thinking of would get it, but god damnit nope . . . do I have to put it out there more:rolleyes: sheesh...get a clue....

...remember what we said last night...a woman CAN be aggressive...if it means that much - tell the person straight up...

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Actually, we are for the most part, very easy to figure out. We don't require a lot of maintenance... just some affection, attention, let us know that we're special to you, and that we're on your mind. The rest, is pretty much gravy. Seriously, there's not much more to it, yet there are plenty out there who succeed in mucking even that up.

There it is in black and white fellas... now you have NO EXCUSE!!!

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Originally posted by tastyt

Actually, we are for the most part, very easy to figure out. We don't require a lot of maintenance... just some affection, attention, let us know that we're special to you, and that we're on your mind. The rest, is pretty much gravy. Seriously, there's not much more to it, yet there are plenty out there who succeed in mucking even that up.

There it is in black and white fellas... now you have NO EXCUSE!!!

one word


...clearly that is only representative of a minority of women...that's the ideal...and i would say that your statement should apply to both men and women...but reality dictates otherwise...:(

...bitterly confused in nj...

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Actually, I shouldn't say that we're easy to figure out, the people who are easy to figure out are boring as fuck. It's more like, it's relatively easy to keep us happy.


As for the bitter confusion :( ... here's a hug for Pooh Bear... :isok:

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Originally posted by tastyt

Actually, we are for the most part, very easy to figure out. We don't require a lot of maintenance... just some affection, attention, let us know that we're special to you, and that we're on your mind. The rest, is pretty much gravy. Seriously, there's not much more to it, yet there are plenty out there who succeed in mucking even that up.

There it is in black and white fellas... now you have NO EXCUSE!!!



The minute a man does everything a woman SAYS she wants SHE no longer wants HIM ......

Sorry TastyT, but you just describes someone's pet (dog/cat).

I have NEVER..... EVER meet anyone who truly lives up to this example...... Not even myself...

and I'm the last fuckin' boyscout.... when it comes to men!

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Originally posted by b-side



The minute a man does everything a woman SAYS she wants SHE no longer wants HIM ......

Sorry TastyT, but you just describes someone's pet (dog/cat).

I have NEVER..... EVER meet anyone who truly lives up to this example...... Not even myself...

and I'm the last fuckin' boyscout.... when it comes to men!

It's not bullshit... maybe I should have added that the spark's gotta be there too??? You can treat someone like gold, but if it's not there, it's just not there...

Either way, it's hard enough to find someone who lives up to such simple expectations in the first place... :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by tastyt

Either way, it's hard enough to find someone who lives up to such simple expectations in the first place... :rolleyes:

...now who sounds bitter?...


right back at you...i'm not so much bitter as disappointed...and i could extend this to most humans i know as well...

i used to say, the truths to life are simple but humans find ways to complicate them...

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Originally posted by b-side



The minute a man does everything a woman SAYS she wants SHE no longer wants HIM ......

Sorry TastyT, but you just describes someone's pet (dog/cat).

I have NEVER..... EVER meet anyone who truly lives up to this example...... Not even myself...

and I'm the last fuckin' boyscout.... when it comes to men!

I kind of agree with him tasty b/c most women do drop those guys who do everything for them. claiming that he is too nice or they are bored with him....yea there has to be sparks but it doesn't always work out like that.

tasty, the word maintenance makes me laugh cause that is not how we should describe ourselves ya know. I mean it also isnt as clear as black and white IMO. there is always that shade of grey

phattie that is the ideal... I mean its hard to reach that pt. Oh and if only it were that easy to be aggressive:(

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That's the thing- I never said a guy has to do EVERYTHING for a woman. All I said was:

just some affection, attention, let us know that we're special to you, and that we're on your mind

Is that really so much to ask for??? :confused:

BTW Phattie, when did I ever give the impression that I'm anything *but* bitter and jaded? Or, shall we say- fucked for life?

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Originally posted by cintron

I am the living embodiment of these statements.

Don't even get me started on bitterness about not being understood, being taken for granted, and being ripped apart for someone else's pleasure.

I will fucking level this city and all in it if i hear one more word of injustice about "men being stupid.""

...not that i give much of a shit about this city anyhow.



:laugh: :laugh: sorry to laugh babe, but such hostility such anger...chill out and smoke a phattie :smoke:;)

I never said that men were stupid, just saying do they have a clue. just as it goes for women. When things are right in front of their/our face why is it sometimes its hard to see it. ya know? thats all:(

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Male / Female.....

You have to find that other shoe, and see if it fits.... then see how long you can walk together before you get tired.....

:rolleyes: Far too often the best person for you is of the opposite of what you THINK you want.

TastyT ... I still believe it CAN be that simple, but far too often it's not... So I just stick to my guns and continue my life and see what fate has in-store....

LOVE is like DEATH...... You can run from it..... or run too it..... When it's your time, it's your time...... but in the meantime

ENJOY whatever ya' got !

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The problem i see is that there are no set rules between men and women...people go into relationships based on preconcieved notions and expectations set in stone...and may the good lord forbid that one of those individuals in the relationship makes a human mistake and is unable at that particular moment to rub their significants ego the right way.

In no way do I promote the sucessful remedy for a working relationship.....but I feel strongly that it only takes an open mind, patience, and the ability to see when its time to move the fuck on.


though....I could be wrong.

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Originally posted by fierydesire

are ya sure? :rolleyes: cause some of the things you write are purely....bla:tongue:

point me to what things i write about *the game* that are wrong. give me an example!

i´m not talking about my attitude towards women, cause that´s a very different topic which everyone has to discover for himself to see what works best for him and gets him what he WANTS, i´m just sharing what works for me... and there is nothing hypothetical in there as it is mostly knowledge out of psychology and REAL LIFE experiences.

comparing to the MAJORITY of guys, i would say i have a MAJOR clue

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